domingo, noviembre 14, 2021

Grinding your brain (2011)

Split - Gurglectomy & Desvirginizagore & Inhumation - Grinding your brain (2011)

01 - Gurglectomy - The tentacled throat 02:08 
02 - Gurglectomy - Carving on placenta 02:02 
03 - Gurglectomy - A rapist tale 02:39 
04 - Gurglectomy - Throne of the parasite 02:38 
05 - Desvirginizagore - Orgasmo sexual, pus sangriento necrovaginal 03:55 
06 - Desvirginizagore - Enfermo cazador 04:39 
07 - Desvirginizagore - Abominable traficante de órganos 05:33 
08 - Inhumation - Environmental schizoid depradation 01:10 
09 - Inhumation - Men's destructive nature 01:35 
10 - Inhumation - Dioxin engendration in P.C.B. pyrolisis 02:06 
11 - Inhumation - Crucificados pelo sistema (versión de Ratos de Porão) 01:16 
12 - Inhumation - Extinction (Outro) 04:12 


Edita Venal producciones CP03

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