domingo, junio 02, 2013

Pad Mosh - The PowerStation 2.0 (2013)

01 - The Powerstation 2.0
02 - Blue Robot (Megaman 2)
03 - Bloodsail (World Of Warcraft)
04 - Yie Ar Kung Fu
05 - Disturbing Sounds ( - )
06 - Wilderness (Golden Axe)
07 - Metal Mario
08 - Frog's Story (Chrono Trigger)
09 - Frogbanger
10 - Nü - Trash Metal Turtles (TMNT The Hyperstone Heist Part I)
11 - Mortal A - B - A - C - A - B - B (Blood Mode)
11 - Tetris
12 - Dragon Mosh
14 - Enrage Pasman Mosh (Bonus Track)

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