martes, abril 07, 2015

Vincent Price - Witchcraft & magic - An adventure in demonology (1969)

A1 - Prologue
A2 - The Tale Of Master Seth
A3 - Hitler And Witchcraft
A4 - Witchcraft In History
A5 - Women As Witches
A6 - Witch Burning
A7 - Witch Tortures

B1 - Witch Tortures (Continued)
B2 - The World Of Spirits And Demons
B3 - Preparation For Magic
B4 - Instruments Of Magic
B5 - How To Invoke Spirits, Demons, Unseen Forces
B6 - The Magic Bloodstone
B7 - The Witches Cauldron
B8 - How To Communicate With The Spirits

C1 - How To Communicate With The Spirits (Continued)
C2 - Gerald Yorke And Necromancy
C3 - How To Make A Pact With The Devil
C4 - How To Become A Witch
C5 - Curses, Spells, Charms

D1 - Curses, Spells, Charms (Continued)
D2 - Potions
D3 - The Hand Of Glory
D4 - The Witches Sabbat
D5 - Witchcraft Today
D6 - Epilogue

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