
Cock And Ball Torture & Libido Airbag (2000)

Split - Cock And Ball Torture & Libido Airbag ‎- Zoophilia / Rosebud rhapsody (2000)


01 - Cock And Ball Torture - Tapir tits 2:05
02 - Cock And Ball Torture - Scato scampi 2:15
03 - Cock And Ball Torture - Pingurine 1:53
04 - Cock And Ball Torture - Dingo dong 2:16

Rosebud rhapsody

05 - Libido Airbag - Rosebud rhapsody 2:26
06 - Libido Airbag - Weedwhore 2:53
07 - Libido Airbag - Legalize necrophilia on psylocybin 2:39

2 comentarios:

  1. http://www.mediafire.com/download/2ki377iwkzgixhk/Libido+Airbag+5+Rosebud+rhapsody+%282000%29+por+gusano666.rar

    37 MB

    320 Kbps

  2. http://www.mediafire.com/file/2ki377iwkzgixhk/Libido_Airbag_5_Rosebud_rhapsody_%25282000%2529_por_gusano666.rar/file
