

Bokrug - Pantheon of abominations (2018)

Bokrug - Pantheon of abominations (2018)

Bokrug - Pantheon of abominations (2018)

01 -  Pantheon of abominations 01:49 instrumental
02 -  Gods fighting each other 01:47
03 -  Burial mounds 01:59
04 -  La esclava de Ybyr 01:52
05 -  El arcón de las pestes 02:08
06 -  The beasts of Kuulbaj 01:48
07 -  Mesmeric experiments 01:50
08 -  Visnahí 02:03
09 -  The forgotten pharaoh 01:55
10 -  Apijia 01:40 instrumental
11 -  The foundation of Amgymar 02:26
12 -  Capiangos 01:46
13 -  Strange fossils 01:45
14 -  Geometría imposible 01:49
15 -  The fourth eye 02:52
16 -  Mangled dehumanization (versión de Master) 02:31


 Producción independiente gestionada con el apoyo de Disembodied Records, Total noise recods, Euronymous Distro, Grinder Cirujano records y Fear Brutal Records

3 comentarios:

  1. https://mega.nz/#!TWgFRASK!rWEjcZd-A4pzId0xlYFIqzeFuucwt7Zkm_IdR6jGw1U

  2. https://grindercirujanorecords.bandcamp.com/album/bokrug-pantheon-of-abominations

  3. https://www.mediafire.com/file/03bmlht8au5r3y2/Bokrug-Pantheon_of_Abominations_%28VBR%29.zip/file
