domingo, octubre 27, 2019

Visceral Disgorge - Slithering evisceration (2019)

Visceral Disgorge - Slithering evisceration (2019)

Visceral Disgorge - Slithering evisceration (2019)

01 - Slithering evisceration 01:34
02 - Fucked into oblivion 03:45
03 - Architects of warping flesh 02:37
04 - Saprogenic deformation 03:12
05 - Absorbed by the swarm 03:19
06 - Siphoning cosmic sentience 03:13
07 - Necrotic biogenesis 03:02
08 - Spawn of putridity 02:49
09 - Transfixed in torture  07:25


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