Smallpox Aroma - Collection of vivisection (2017)
01 - Infectious introligomeganephronic renal hypoplasia
02 - Suppurative scrotum steak served with phlegm sauce and cream of leucorrhoea
03 - Amputate, infest, bathe in perchloric acid and slowly excoriate
04 - Stench of melting rectums in the land of faecesliquid devourers
05 - Purulentsplattered enterorrhexis requiring intestinal dismemberment
06 - Bloated corpse's smegmamingled excrescence riddled hernia
07 - Gangreneimprosive infected infant necrolaparotomy
08 - A plenty of mushy rotten millipede found during the proctological examination
09 - Fecalfilling an abdominal cavity by choleraic extrauterine fetus
10 - Viscerate the moribund human and sell the gut to the entrails fetishist
11 - The granulations of postmastoidectoutromy cavity
12 - The torturous harmonious shriek of fetuses from the quadruplet infected pregnancy
13 - Lapping the pig menstrual fluid with the appreciative mood
14 - Hysterectomy and phlebotomization with the staphylococcal procedure
15 - Stick the head in the diarrhoeal rectum in the purpose of consuming liquid faeces
16 - Congenital acute systemic arterial infarction
17 - Urinary malfunction caused by malformed urethral herpeszoster and genital diphtherial
18 - Multiple root avulsions of genital plexus
19 - Xanougathogranulomatous chocolatecystitis
20 - Carcinosarcoma fermented in scrotal cyst
21 - Herniation of nucleus pulposus into the spongiosa abcesses caused by necroschistosomiasis japonicumansonaematobium
22 - S.L.M. : systemicrobial lupusarcomata mucoserythematosus
23 - Nekrowasaki disease with entrails complications before age 0
24 - 2 coprological bitches do the faecal copulation in the morgue
25 - Operating room pervaded with carbonized corpses powder
26 - An insane surgeon forgot his cock in the patient's lung
27 - Tetanic vagina excretes the rancid amniotic chunks
28 - Tetanic vagina excretes the rancid amniotic chunks
29 - Cerebrospinal fluid replaced with bacterial semen
30 - Pleuritic hemophlegm drenched epitherial tissue of the unverifiable cadaver
31 - Anatomizing laboratory celebration : corporal glue consumption party
32 - Putrid stercoraceous cerebromeningitis
33 - The scalpels are broken by sadistic nymphotomy
34 - Ophthalmectomy and cephalotrypesis
35 - Carcinosarcocarcinosarcocarcinosarcocarcinosarcocarcinosarcoma
36 - Sweet tasted lymphorrhagia
37 - Intraperitoneal hyperemesis vomit clot anatomy
38 - Lymphangiorchiencephalomatous prosopothoracopagus
39 - New copropathological theory discovered: postmortal scoracratia
40 - Involvement of poisonous coprophagia causes severe gastric perforation
41 - Embalmed in saprogenous rheum
42 - The pulpy fat from abdominocentesis satisfying the pathologist's thirst
43 - Zymophytefilled abysmal mortuary
44 - Nephrostomy that found the untreatable nephropyosis: deep in the yellow creamy nephric tissue
45 - Omphlorrhea: natural lymphatic extraction of the body
46 - The scythe panhysterosalpingo-oophorectomy
47 - The graceful occurrence of widespread monstriparity
48 - Molecular-pathological lochial pus identification
49 - Insalubrious pus bonum et laudabile
50 - Carbonized cervical vertebrae
51 - The abnormal conversion of fibrinogen by the unimmunization of the enzyme thrombin
52 - A digested perocephalus is found during the hystereurysis
53 - Pathologically gased with pyopneumopericardium
54 - Hospital basement abound with mushy carcasses
55 - Poisonous uropleuroclysis (injecting pleura with toxic urine)
56 - Cadaveric juice dripping, anatomists consuming
57 - Morgue floor splattered with intestinal tapeworms
58 - Parasitic ingestion of overgrown dermoid cyst
59 - Domination of bacteria resulted from excessive pyorrhea
60 - Liquefying malformed spleen in teratism
61 - Nostalgic recollection of urethrorectal explosion
62 - Inverted intra-abdominal surgery
63 - Enjoyment of sucking foul fluid from abscess cavity
64 - Eversion of colon, emission of fecal odour
65 - The entomopathological method (dissecting applying insects)
66 - The stench of the morgue full of pus-vomiting cadavers
67 - Warm swamp of rejectamenta resulted from vertical dissection method
68 - Sipping the acidulous unidentified liquid leaking from the bodybag
69 - Disgusting hallucination of a bloodred enormous swollen corpse clung to the wall
70 - The squishing sound of prolapsed rhombencephalon

7 Sep 2018 - Yokohama - Yokohama Extreme Vol.16 @ El Puente
8 Sep 2018 - Tokyo - Total Grind Devastation @ Nishiogikubo FLAT
9 Sep 2018 - Saitama - Kawagoe Extreme Vol.3 @ Kawagoe Studio i.M.O.
See you in Sep, Japanese grind maniacs!!!
Placeres repulsivos hacia Japón 2018
7 Sep 2018 - Yokohama - Yokohama Extreme Vol.16 @ El Puente
8 de septiembre de 2018-Tokio - total devastación @ @ nishiogikubo
9 SEP 2018-Saitama - kawagoe extreme vol. 3 @ kawagoe studio i.m.o.
Nos vemos en SEP, maníacos japoneses!!!
Smallpox Aroma - Collection of vivisection (2018)
Smallpox Aroma - Repulsive pleasures (2018)
Girls Next Gore presents
“Total Grind Devastation”
@西荻窪(Nishi Ogikubo)FLAT
ADV ¥1400 + Drink¥600
Door ¥1900 + Drink¥600
Open 16:30 Start 17:00
Smallpox Aroma(Thailand)
Crash Syndrom
Girls Next Gore
grind core band, Smallpox Aroma from.Thailand will do a Japanese tour!
We will support their tours!
タイのグラインドコアバンド、Smallpox Aromaがジャパンツアーを行います!