Mostrando las entradas con la etiqueta Goregrind. Mostrar todas las entradas
Mostrando las entradas con la etiqueta Goregrind. Mostrar todas las entradas


Horda Cannibal agradece (2024)

Horda Cannibal agradece (2024)

Horda Cannibal agradece (2024)

Este cierre de año la cochinada de puso intensa!!! Agradecemos a tod@s los que nos apoyaron y pudieron hacer de estos eventos algo inolvidable !!! 👍💀🤟
Si estuviste en algún evento y nos tomaste foto y/o video o tuviste la desgracia de tomarte fotos con nuestros apestosos cuerpos etiquetarnos y/o compártelas inbox para conocer quienes son ustedes L@S APESTAD@S!!!
@fans@fans destacados


Moe Tomogui (2024)

Split - Septic Karnage & Waifu Smashed & Dismembered - Moe Tomogui (2024)

01 - Dismembered - Necrophilic 02:30
02 - Dismembered - Diarrhea dystopia (invitado Septic Karnage) 01:03
03 - Waifu Smashed - Bloodthirsty schistosophrenic yandere 01:45
04 - Waifu Smashed - 妻が粉砕 02:11
05 - Septic Karnage - Weebs back to bree! 01:06
06 - Septic Karnage - Kpoper bitch drowned by my dick 01:43


Gonorrea records edita

Septic Karnage, San Fernando del Valle de Catamarca, Argentina
Waifu Smashed, Argentina, República Checa, Indonesia
Dismembered, Estados Unidos, Phoenix, Arizona


Vomitandobarulho (2018)

Split - Vomitando barulho extremo (2018) Split - Vomitandobarulho (2018)  01 - Brutal Noise - Time Has Come 02 - Brutal Noise - Respilando Cuelpos Mueltos  03 - Brutal Noise - Overweight Nation  04 - Brutal Noise- All U Need Is Lube  05 - Brutal Noise - Fuck Life  06 - Brutal Noise - Pussycos  07 - Brutal Noise - Mierda Que Da Sed El Grindcore  08 - Brutal Noise - Fuck Your Folk Fest  09 - Brutal Noise - Molotov Rain  10 - Brutal Noise - Grandon Peludo   11 - Dead Cops - Intro  12 - Dead Cops - Barulho Violento De Merda  13 - Dead Cops - Dahmer  14 - Dead Cops - Dead Cops  15 - Dead Cops - Deformed By Technology  16 - Dead Cops - Destruição  17 - Dead Cops - Foda-se O Que Você Acha  18 - Dead Cops - Grind The Nazi Scum  19 - Dead Cops - Hey Archagathus  20 - Dead Cops - At War With War  21 - Dead Cops - O Cheiro Da Morte 22 - Dead Cops - Rua Macabra  23 - Dead Cops - Stoned  24 - Dead Cops - Superestimado   25 - Desgraceria - Elegance of Life (versión de Rot)  26 - Desgraceria - Armas  27 - Desgraceria - Burro é Você  28 - Desgraceria - Chuta a Cabeça do Nazi  29 - Desgraceria - Deixe Seus Amigos Próximo de Você e os Inimigos Mais Próximos Ainda 30 - Desgraceria - A Existencia  31 - Desgraceria - Infancia  32 - Desgraceria - Moleque Assassino  33 - Desgraceria - O ódio nos Une  34 - Desgraceria - Raça Odiável  35 - Desgraceria - Siga o Senso Comun e Seja um Idiota   36 - Piggy - Dick for Tits + Panocha Jugosa  37 - Piggy - Forro Pegao  38 - Piggy - Milkao Attack  39 - Piggy - Modo Hostil  40 - Piggy - Nosferatu´s Puke  41 - Piggy - Vitor es Amor e CIDE (Feat Vitor Desgraceria) Live Santiago Summer DeathGrind Fest 2018  42 - Piggy - Viva el Cabrito   Olivia records edita También nombrado Vomitandobarulho

01 - bRuTaL nOisE - Time has come
02 - bRuTaL nOisE - Respilando cuelpos mueltos 
03 - bRuTaL nOisE - Overweight nation 
04 - bRuTaL nOisE- All u need is lube 
05 - bRuTaL nOisE - Fuck life 
06 - bRuTaL nOisE - Pussycos 
07 - bRuTaL nOisE - Mierda que da sed el grindcore 
08 - bRuTaL nOisE - Fuck your folk fest 
09 - bRuTaL nOisE - Molotov rain 
10 - bRuTaL nOisE - Grandon peludo 

11 - Dead Cops - Intro 
12 - Dead Cops - Barulho violento de merda 
13 - Dead Cops - Dahmer 
14 - Dead Cops - Dead cops 
15 - Dead Cops - Deformed by technology 
16 - Dead Cops - Destruição 
17 - Dead Cops - Foda-se o que você acha 
18 - Dead Cops - Grind the nazi scum 
19 - Dead Cops - Hey Archagathus 
20 - Dead Cops - At war with war 
21 - Dead Cops - O cheiro da morte
22 - Dead Cops - Rua macabra 
23 - Dead Cops - Stoned 
24 - Dead Cops - Superestimado 

25 - Desgraceria - Elegance of life (versión de Rot) 
26 - Desgraceria - Armas 
27 - Desgraceria - Burro é você 
28 - Desgraceria - Chuta a cabeça do nazi 
29 - Desgraceria - Deixe seus amigos próximo de você e os inimigos mais próximos ainda
30 - Desgraceria - A existencia 
31 - Desgraceria - Infancia 
32 - Desgraceria - Moleque assassino 
33 - Desgraceria - O ódio nos une 
34 - Desgraceria - Raça odiável 
35 - Desgraceria - Siga o senso comun e seja um idiota 

36 - Piggy - Dick for tits + panocha jugosa 
37 - Piggy - Forro pegao 
38 - Piggy - Milkao attack 
39 - Piggy - Modo hostil 
40 - Piggy - Nosferatu´s puke 
41 - Piggy - Vitor es Amor e CIDE (invitado Vitor Desgraceria, en vivo en Santiago summer deathgrind fest 2018) 
42 - Piggy - Viva el cabrito

bRuTaL nOisE, Argentina
Desgraceria, Brasil
Piggy, Chile
Dead Cops, Brasil

Olivia records edita
También nombrado Vomitando barulho extremo
Año de edición varía

Lesbian Tribbing Squirt - Squirt development clinic princesses (2024)

Lesbian Tribbing Squirt - Squirt development clinic princesses (2024)

Lesbian Tribbing Squirt - Squirt development clinic princesses (2024)

01 - Tear off my tights and squirt and climax with wet fingering 01:53
02 - Even when I faint, I squirt 01:59
03 - Armpit mania squirting lesbians 01:42
04 - Secretary squirts as soon as she's excited 01:45
05 - I feel my nipples so much that the tide is leaking out 01:24
06 - I left squirt in my pussy until morning 02:07
07 - Obscene woman with beautiful butts squirting 02:08
08 - First vaginal cum shot sex since the ban is lifted 01:48
09 - Massive squirt on my boobs with intense titties 01:37
10 - Even though I was stabbed in the back, I had so much fellatio 02:23
11 - I can't stop my continuous vaginal discharge overflowing with squirt 01:31
12 - I'll help you have the best masturbation 01:33
13 - Private teacher shows her pussy and scatters squirting tides 2 01:40
14 - Vaginal hole pistonman juice dildo action 01:37
15 - Girl in uniform who drowns in squirt 01:24
16 - Immediate tidal gal obsession 01:47
17 - Girl in uniform who drowns in squirt 01:43
18 - Student girl live mass squirting 02:08
19 - Black x white gal carnivous lesbian fuck 01:43



Brain tumors and elevated intracranial pressure to overexposure to ionizing radiation (2014)

 Split - Cannibe, Anastomosis Umbilical, Pyemesis, Putrefuck, Wormclogged Blisters - Brain tumors and elevated intracranial pressure to overexposure to ionizing radiation (2014)

Split - Cannibe, Anastomosis Umbilical, Pyemesis, Putrefuck, Wormclogged Blisters - Brain tumors and elevated intracranial pressure to overexposure to ionizing radiation (2014)


1 - Tuco Ramírez en Casteddu     1:51
2 - Patología cerebral     1:04
3 - Cirugía digestiva     0:38
4 - Tío Fester es marica     1:12
5 - Infección bacteriana     1:29
6 - Noche de las muertes por cirrosis     1:51
7 - El estudio de su ano con una ametralladora     1:31
8 - Intumescencia     1:39

Anastomosis Umbilical

9 - El placer de cagar     1:14
10 - Semen y excrementos chorrean por tu boca     0:35
11 - Las hemorroides no me dejan cagar     0:07
12 - Descomposición tóxica estomacal     0:40
13 - Ardiente temper tura rectal (Violenta diarrea)     0:21
14 - Esquistosoma parasitando el recto     0:52
15 - Anastomosis Umbilical - Urogia (Lluvia dorada)     2:06


16 - Tired of living     1:08
17 - No great cause     1:02
18 - Consumption of elite     1:05
19 - The great depression trend     1:05
20 - Mass mutant migration     1:20
21 - Obliteration of values     0:58


22 - Introduction     1:19
23 - Exhumed & putrefucked     1:14
24 - Anal extraction of the pineal gland     0:35
25 - Testicles turned inside out     0:34
26 - Fuck humanity     0:12
27 - Fetus choked with his own umbilical cord     0:30
28 - Prefrontal lobotomy in retarded infants     0:51
29 - Twisted faces of torture     0:51
30 - Auto fellatio with broken neck     0:56
31 - Gynecologist's perversities     1:00
32 - The art of recollecting exploded brain remnants     0:27

Wormclogged Blisters

33 - Untitled     0:32
34 - Untitled     0:43
35 - Untitled     0:52
36 - Untitled     0:47
37 - Untitled     1:07
38 - Untitled     1:08
39 - Untitled     1:09
40 - Untitled     1:11
41 - Untitled     1:20

En Argentina edita Grinder cirujano records
En España edita Emocaust records

Split - Cannibe, Anastomosis Umbilical, Pyemesis, Putrefuck, Wormclogged Blisters - Brain tumors and elevated intracranial pressure to overexposure to ionizing radiation (2014)


Catasexual Urge Motivation - The encyclopedia of serial murders (1996)

 Catasexual Urge Motivation - The encyclopedia of serial murders (1996)

Catasexual Urge Motivation - The encyclopedia of serial murders (1996)

01 - Mutilation, rape and serial murder as modern metaphor 02:45
02 - Supraliminal PSYCHOSADISTIC motivation 02:56
03 - Bleeding for Spermqueen 04:32
04 - Hate from the womb 02:28
05 - I Have a good knife for penetration 01:14
06 - Philosophical diary of a habitual murderer 03:12
07 - Joy to the kill... be my victim 01:32
08 - King of the degenerates in the end of the century 00:43
09 - Multiple parasexuality disorder 03:20
10 - Mass murder, the only way to become god 02:27
11 - Homicidal patterns: Disorganized / Organized 03:05
12 - Murder Is art, accepted by many artists 02:08
13 - The man who aimed at maximum murder to the greatest pleasure 01:21
14 - Murder is better than birth 02:29
15 - He shot her down and ate her flesh, and then he said: excuse me for living, but i prefer to be eaten rather than to eat 03:06
16 - What was the spark that touched off a murder 02:53
17 - I am as beautiful as I have killed 03:36
18 - I'll confess everything that i have ever killed five people and one was a little girl 03:27
19 - Defiling the grave (versión de Impetigo) 02:34
20 - Declaration of a serial killer... mental terrorism 03:14
21 - Campaign for legalize murder 02:52
22 - Vivid stains in hematomania's delirium 04:22


CD doble de las leyendas japonesas del cyber gore Catasexual Urge Motivation, incluye la reimpresión de la edición original y una versión completamente remasterizada de su álbum de culto The encyclopedia of Serial Murders.

Double-disc CD of Japanese Cyber Gore legends Catasexual Urge Motivation , featuring both the re-press of original pressing and a fully remastered version of their cult album The Encyclopedia of Serial Murders.

Bizarre leprous production edita

Catasexual Urge Motivation - The encyclopedia of serial murders (1996)

Catasexual Urge Motivation - The encyclopedia of serial murders (1996)

Catasexual Urge Motivation - The encyclopedia of serial murders (1996)

Catasexual Urge Motivation - The encyclopedia of serial murders (1996)



Chamaleonidae furcifer pardalis (2024)

Split - Hallucinogenics Extreme Anxiety & Larva - Chamaleonidae furcifer pardalis (2024)

Split - Hallucinogenics Extreme Anxiety & Larva - Chamaleonidae furcifer pardalis (2024)

01 - Larva - Untitled 01:00
02 - Larva - Phymaturus roigorum 01:06
03 - Larva - Phylloptera ovalifolia 00:16

04 - Hallucinogenics Extreme Anxiety - Descuartizado y disuelto en tanques con ácidos 00:24
05 - Hallucinogenics Extreme Anxiety - Hiperhidrosis corporal 00:20
06 - Hallucinogenics Extreme Anxiety - Hydrododynastes gigas haltung 00:19

Degradación de la mente humana (2024)


Split - Hallucinogenics Extreme Anxiety & Don't Exist Salvation - Degradación de la mente humana (2024)

Split - Hallucinogenics Extreme Anxiety & Don't Exist Salvation - Degradación de la mente humana (2024)

01 - Don't Exist Salvation - The doomed immortalized 01:39
03 - Don't Exist Salvation - Ritual supremo divino de c12h16n2 02:25
02 - Don't Exist Salvation - Immortal noise 01:16

04 - Hallucinogenics Extreme Anxiety - Disfigured and tortured with a thermofusion machine 00:32
05 - Hallucinogenics Extreme Anxiety - Esquizofrenia paranoide 01:22
06 - Hallucinogenics Extreme Anxiety - Reventado alevosamente con 87 golpes consecutivos con un caño de 2ºde epoxi 01:19


Don't Exist Salvation, México, Nayarit
Hallucinogenics Extrem Anxiety, Argentina, Chubut, Comodoro Rivadavia


Gore - Consumed by slow decay (1995)

Gore - Consumed by slow decay (1995)

01 - Fetus jejunii 03:23
02 - Incomplete evacuation 00:29
03 - Hysterical extraction of facial tissue 00:48
04 - Intestinal pestilence 02:47
05 - Dissimultated incubation and maximum infection 01:19
06 - Phlatulent manifestation of alcaligenes faecalis 00:53
07 - Exposed guts 01:21
08 - Syndrome of intensive regurgitation 00:13
09 - Attenuated mutant worms 01:15
10 - Inquisitive corporeal recremation 00:16
11 - Unfinished radiation 03:22
12 - Frenetic fetishism for human pieces in decompsition 01:36
13 - Human limbs mutilated 00:13
14 - Circle of suffocation 01:39
15 - Cannibal zoophilism with extreme sexual aberration 03:19
16 - Consummated cancer 00:35



Compilado - Sewer noises: Vol 1 (2023)

Compilado - Sewer noises: Vol 1 (2023)

Compilado - Sewer noises: Vol 1 (2023)

01 - Rotten Bukkake - Jailbait 01:47
02 - Rotten Bukkake - Repulsion 01:17
03 - Rotten Bukkake - Eyes of the cyclops (versión de Guttural Slug) 02:41

04 - Porno Kult - It wasn't a good day for anyone 01:59
05 - Porno Kult - Who doesn't 01:26

06 - RDKPL - 230305_01 02:40
07 - SpecImEn - Temps médical 04:18

08 - Explosión A Cuerpo Completo - Microwavable dick 01:08
09 - Explosión A Cuerpo Completo - Bien mirado un vómito es un cóctel 01:27

10 - Renal Hydronephrosis - Death, mental Terror 01:38
11 - Renal Hydronephrosis - Phasers 9000x 01:09
12 - Renal Hydronephrosis - Subsequent necrosis of fetal tissuehypertensive hemorrhage in the brainstemulcerative colitisscrotal lymphedema esophagogastroduodenoscopy cordylobia anthropophaga pumped into renal cavity in mass quantities 00:52

13 - Deception of Humanity - grind Idols! 01:49
14 - Deception of Humanity - Ronald Reagan loves fur-cons 01:04
15 - Deception of Humanity - Va faire la vaisselle (versión de  Gronibard) 01:40

16 - Cadaver Pouch Conveyor - Blood grinder 00:46
17 - Cadaver Pouch Conveyor - BB368R 00:18
18 - Cadaver Pouch Conveyor - Methicillinresistant staphylococcus aureus 00:37

19 - Forensick - Alien sex 02:20
20 - Forensick - Slaugtherhouse 02:08

21 - Blenncardichromodacryexgenitohaemgene - Untitled 1 00:30
22 - Blenncardichromodacryexgenitohaemgene - Untitled 2 00:47

23 - Satanic Urethra - Anal fisher 01:16
24 - Red Hills - Conionthinae rhaphidophoridae 08:03

25 - Ni Una Menos - Si Freddie Mercury estuviera vivo seria feminista (y seguiria teniendo sida) 01:12
26 - Ni Una Menos - La única vez que un hombre te toco fue para abusar de ti 00:21

27 - DxHxNx - The black lagoon 03:28
28 - DxHxNx - Crawling up from the depths 03:09

29 - Ephemeral Matter - Gaze 05:51
30 - Stainless Words - The room number two 05:53
31 - BondageBoy - Stuck in silience 02:52
32 - Bestial Pokemonophile - Dead pokemon don't say no 01:14
33 - Duress To Be Dung - Intentional tissue malformation 02:20
34 - Puerco Maldito Nahual - Nasty pussy lover 01:24
35 - Cymothoa Exigua - The salt on face 01:00
36 - Hypersensitivity Pneumonitis - Atasiasis malformation 01:07
37 - Lymphangioleiomyomatosis Multifocal Lymphangioendotheliomatosis - Mamozawtrepaliantorwaniezjecpuzgdaraniawalteromectomy 01:43
38 - Pervasive Developmental Disorder Not Otherwise Specifed - the mental sickness intensivity 03:13
39 - Decayed Secretion Of Clit From Gagged Sluts - acting like a bastard to innocent flesh 01:59
40 - Pigeonoise - Inconceivable hatred of the simple behavior of low-intelligent minds corrupted by social evolution 03:01
41 - UltraBit - Irrevisibility 05:04
42 - 86/621 - Dowody empiryczne 03:34
43 - Paweł Gigant - 011001100110000111000101100000100111001101111010011110010111011101100101011100111100010110000010011011110111011101100001011011100110100101100101011110100110111001100001011000110111101011 03:41
44 - Une Nuit De Larmes Rouges Et De Lèvres Gercées - Beaux yeux bleus morts 06:34
45 - Surreptitiously Vituperation - Surreptitiously vituperation 05:45
46 - Frenulum Anesthesia Ketamine Episiotomy - Another stranger becomes a victim 03:31
47 - Frenulum Anesthesia Ketamine Episiotomy - Orgasm toward agony 03:54

48 - Ear Blood Dripper - 24242536362793 01:29
49 - Ear Blood Dripper - 49252425624389 01:18

Participan de Argentina
Rotten Bukkake

Ni Una Menos

Putrefacto records edita


4 ways /// Carcasses decomposes (2024)

Split - 4 ways /// Carcasses decomposes (2024)

Split - 4 ways /// Carcasses decomposes (2024)

01 - Cxtxdx - Decomposing carcass floating in the river 02:19
02 - Hallucinogenics Extreme Anxiety - Telmatobius albiventris globulosus 01:33
03 - Miocarditis Crónica Dilatada Terminal - AUUCH 02:09
04 - KxFxWxH Necrosis - Aguas negras 01:18



Necropodridal Cadaveric & Sesos Triturados - Canibalismo masacre (2013)

Split - Necropodridal Cadaveric & Sesos Triturados - Canibalismo masacre (2013)

Split - Necropodridal Cadaveric & Sesos Triturados - Canibalismo masacre (2013)

01 - Necropodridal Cadaveric - Intro 00:23
02 - Necropodridal Cadaveric - Agenesia renal 00:26
03 - Necropodridal Cadaveric - Infestaciones vaginales por parásitos 00:54
04 - Necropodridal Cadaveric - Rancia disección abrupta 00:38
05 - Necropodridal Cadaveric - Aserramiento craneal 00:44
06 - Necropodridal Cadaveric - Cadáver fétido yaciendo descompuesto 00:51
07 - Necropodridal Cadaveric - Incultivable podredumbre 01:08
08 - Necropodridal Cadaveric - Derrame de líquido cadavérico 00:22
09 - Necropodridal Cadaveric - Hipertrofia glandular 00:27
10 - Necropodridal Cadaveric - Descomposición del tronco 00:21
11 - Necropodridal Cadaveric - Vulvovaginitis pustular infecciosa 01:00
12 - Necropodridal Cadaveric - Signos de deplorable supuración 00:22
13 - Necropodridal Cadaveric - Sustancias orgánicas en descomposición 01:13
14 - Necropodridal Cadaveric - Cuerpos mutilados parcialmente carbonizados 00:40
15 - Necropodridal Cadaveric - Viscosa cavidad torácica 01:25

16 - Sesos Triturados - Blood in the pudding 00:38
17 - Sesos Triturados - Dark forces 01:00
18 - Sesos Triturados - Fernando is dead 01:04
19 - Sesos Triturados - In the funeral 01:39
20 - Sesos Triturados - No scape 00:49
21 - Sesos Triturados - Over 01:11
22 - Sesos Triturados - Zombie attack 00:48

Grinder cirujano edita


Catasexual Urge Motivation - The encyclopedia of serial murders (1996)

Catasexual Urge Motivation - The encyclopedia of serial murders (1996)

Catasexual Urge Motivation - The encyclopedia of serial murders (1996)

01 - Mutilation, rape and serial murder as modern metaphor 02:45
02 - Supraliminal PSYCHOSADISTIC motivation 02:56
03 - Bleeding for Spermqueen 04:32
04 - Hate from the womb 02:28
05 - I Have a good knife for penetration 01:14
06 - Philosophical diary of a habitual murderer 03:12
07 - Joy to the kill... be my victim 01:32
08 - King of the degenerates in the end of the century 00:43
09 - Multiple parasexuality disorder 03:20
10 - Mass murder, the only way to become god 02:27
11 - Homicidal patterns: Disorganized / Organized 03:05
12 - Murder Is art, accepted by many artists 02:08
13 - The man who aimed at maximum murder to the greatest pleasure 01:21
14 - Murder is better than birth 02:29
15 - He shot her down and ate her flesh, and then he said: excuse me for living, but i prefer to be eaten rather than to eat 03:06
16 - What was the spark that touched off a murder 02:53
17 - I am as beautiful as I have killed 03:36
18 - I'll confess everything that i have ever killed five people and one was a little girl 03:27
19 - Defiling the grave (versión de Impetigo) 02:34
20 - Declaration of a serial killer... mental terrorism 03:14
21 - Campaign for legalize murder 02:52
22 - Vivid stains in hematomania's delirium 04:22


CD doble de las leyendas japonesas del cyber gore Catasexual Urge Motivation, incluye la reimpresión de la edición original y una versión completamente remasterizada de su álbum de culto The encyclopedia of Serial Murders.

Double-disc CD of Japanese Cyber Gore legends Catasexual Urge Motivation , featuring both the re-press of original pressing and a fully remastered version of their cult album The Encyclopedia of Serial Murders.

Bizarre leprous production edita

Catasexual Urge Motivation - The encyclopedia of serial murders (1996)

Catasexual Urge Motivation - The encyclopedia of serial murders (1996)

Catasexual Urge Motivation - The encyclopedia of serial murders (1996)



Lipoma - Horrors of pathology (2022)

 Lipoma - Horrors of pathology (2022)

Lipoma - Horrors of pathology (2022)

01 - Surgery of the soul 02:41
02 - Demonic cult of disease 01:40
03 - Pain is purity 02:49
04 - Symphonies of syphilis 02:08
05 - The dark art of necropsy 03:23
06 - Cancer of unknown primary 01:18
07 - Coping with chronic illness 02:26
08 - The limits of mortality 02:10
09 - Lipoma of the brain 02:28
10 - Fecal occult blood 01:43
11 - Lipomatous tumors 01:34
12 - Medical inferno 02:06
13 - Dr. Sopotka professor of oncology 01:45
14 - Dissecting the dead 01:07
15 - Horrors of pathology 05:33



Sick musik to your guts vol 8 (2024)

Compilado - Sick musik to your guts vol 8  (2024)

Insanity brutal art tapa

01 - The Chainsaw Gang (México) - Soul transmission phase (invitado  Sonny Trujillo) 03:56
02 - Hail Caligula (Chile) - Cult of defloration 03:25
03 - Quezon Memorial Hospital Crematorium (Filipinas) - Embalming unit 01:45
04 - Intestinal Rancid Flesh (México) - Cadaver dismemberment 02:08
05 - Pornthegore (Rumania) - Satan my vagina is ready 02:46
06 - Bandalismo (México) - Brainshit feat -  Fecalor 02:25
07 - Proriv Laina (Ucrania) - Bloody jacuzzi 01:51
08 - Pulmonary Fibrosis (Francia) - Regurgitated 00:31
09 - Rotten Cannibal (Chile) - Conjurando al demonio 03:55
10 - Disgoreanized (México) - Illusions of normality 03:46
11 - Cruciatus (Colombia) - Respeta la naturaleza 04:30
12 - Rotten Flesh (México) - Flagelación 04:14
13 - VulvaxXx (Colombia) - Coproputas 01:22
14 - Putrefaction Pestilence (México) - Fatal septicaemia following suprapubic cystostomy in a paraplegic patient: never do a cystostomy without prior urine culture and appropriate antibiogram! 10:16
15 - Infectious Algorithm (Argentina) - Hazardous guinea pig treatment (feat -  jorel hart, ex-cognitive) 02:54
16 - Naproxeno (México) - Anexado en cottolengo 02:03
17 - Abysmal Whore (Canadá) - Void of primordial darkness 05:47
18 - Coito (México) - La habitación más helada 02:40
19 - Rotten Bukkake (Argentina) - Yerminando los gunos 01:04
20 - Aydra (Italia) - Forever hide 04:49
21 - C.U.L.T.O. (Argentina) - Thanatos 05:19
22 - Cadaverniactomy (India) - Mutilation torture 03:27
23 - Disgustingly (México) - Putrid orthodox decays 02:14
24 - Angerstorm (Chile) - Mudras para asesinar 04:27
25 - PxUxS - Putrefied Ulcerous Sarcoma (Colombia) - Autoerotic anoxemia 02:49
26 - Hallucinogenics Extrem Anxiety (Argentina) - Aquarium delirium 01:54
27 - AxCxMxE (Colombia) - Consumido por el odio 01:42
28 - Hatred Cadaver (México) - Burial hymns 03:30
29 - Mugre (Venezuela) - Amibiasex 03:31
30 - Descend To Extirpation (México) - Chamber of bones 01:15
31 - Carnal Blasphemy (Colombia) - Pain industry 03:44
32 - Misanthropy Apotheosis (Grecia) - A human animal 06:25
33 - CFR (México) - The bullshit doctrine 03:27
34 - Rapewalker (Estados Unidos) - Cum dumpster fetus rental 03:53
35 - Void Corpses (México) - Cyberflesh 02:41
36 - Swinging Corpse (Thailand) - Hanging corpse 02:58
37 - Vril (Ecuador) - The secrets of the black sun 05:21
38 - Denial Of Existence (Colombia) - Manipulación 04:26
39 - Catalepsis (Filipinas) - Politicized infection 01:47
40 - Social Shit (Argentina) - Indómito 02:09
41 - Saprogenous (Estados Unidos) - Collapsed bowel orgasm 01:45
42 - Fat Daddy P0rn (México) - En plaza sésamo se hace pxix 02:03
43 - Pxrno kult (Colombia) - This is the one 01:15
44 - Pathogenic Virulence (Reino Unido) - A deity of engorged horror (invitado  Ángel Ochoa) 03:11
45 - Hiperemesis Cannabinoide (Belice / México) - Between crows and vomit 01:33
46 - Spirits Way (Polonia) - The dismemberent of christ 03:18
47 - Useless Spaceship (Reino Unido / Letonia) - Intergalactic transmission interrupted 01:01
48 - AxExM (Ecuador) - Deterioro g3nital por conductas s3xuales anormales 02:34
49 - Craniectomy (México) - Rotten 04:46
50 - Natal Cleft (Filipinas) - Deceit 06:08
51 - Symphonies of Sickness (Colombia) - Through the necroverse 04:04
52 - Coprophagia Social Club (México) - Scatolorgy 01:04
53 - Piggy (Chile) - Pichula & concha con olor a pichi 02:01
54 - Booze Serpent (Turquía) - Toxic brew 03:06
55 - Miembro Mutilado (Colombia) - Miembro mutilado 00:35
56 - Alldeath (Indonesia) - Aku adalah aku 05:01
57 - David X Gabriel (Emiratos Árabes Unidos) - Red heavy rain 04:43
58 - Corrosive Vomit (México) - A rotting earth 03:11
59 - Bowel Leakage (Bielorrusia) - Suppurated regurgitations 00:54
60 - Virulence (Argentina) - Virulence 03:36
61 - Anomia (Perú) - Sicario 01:12
62 - Binaash (Nepal) - Huribataas 02:30
63 - P3D1TVM (Venezuela / Cuba) - Cream Pie Squad (invitado  Adrian Monroy) 03:08
64 - Taphonomy (México) - Algor mortis 04:01
65 - Pinworm Infection (Filipinas) - The Sexorcism 03:33
66 - Gangrena (México) - The zombie chronicles 02:15
67 - Grave Of Souls (Argentina) - Antropofagia cadavérica 03:45
68 - Euphorbius (México) - Euphorbius 04:04
69 - Desperdicio (Perú) - Caída 01:44
70 - Saló (México) - Parafilias 02:25
71 - Worms (Chile) - Instinto asesino 01:08
72 - Autotomy (Estados Unidos / Reino Unido / Letonia) - Inguinal hernia 01:07
73 - SwampTales (Colombia) - I am death 03:54
74 - Repulsive Humanity (Chile) - Horrendous visceral deformity 04:05
75 - Anencefalia (México) - Anencefalia 02:43
76 - Tenggorokan (Indonesia) - Systematic destruction 04:31
77 - Displeasure (Argentina) - Montañas de la locura 02:21
78 - Machine Anatomy (Indonesia) - Skinned the neurocranium of hum(an)imal abusers ft -  doni herdaru 04:29
79 - Putrido (Chile) - Putrefacción cadavérica 01:08
80 - Anouk (Argentina) - Caos 04:34

De Argentina

Infectious Algorithm
Rotten Bukkake
Hallucinogenics Extrem Anxiety
Social Shit
Grave of Souls

Sick musik to your guts edita


Septic Karnage - Dehumanization decay (2024)

Septic Karnage - Dehumanization decay (2024)

Septic Karnage - Dehumanization decay (2024)

4th anniversary remastered edition

01 - Fat otaku abomination 03:12
02 - Ho-kago $lam Time! 02:13
03 - Mloodbath maid (invitado Potione & Kid Carrillo) 03:21
04 - Ingesting entrails of a tsundere 02:25
05 - Waifucide (invitado Yanderechainsawregurgitationfactory) 05:17
06 - A Violent Scene of Gore Hentai 02:13
07 - Ninja Gangbang (versión de Jig-Ai) 01:12

Pistas remasterizadas
Lanzamiento 12 de octubre de 2024


Violently Gutted Alive - Rectal bleeding pus discharge (2024)

Violently Gutted Alive - Rectal bleeding pus discharge (2024)

01 - Infected perianal 01:48
02 - Colitis ulcerativa 01:27
03 - Cannabis psychosis 02:24
04 - Prostatitis bacteriana crónica 01:34
05 - Candidiasis esofágica 00:40
06 - Pile of excrement 00:31
07 - Sickening human butchery 02:05
08 - Nauseous reeking pest 00:34
09 - Bronchopulmonary lophomonas 00:59
10 - Hematoquecia 01:06
11 - Feces ingested obsession 02:01
12 - Painful bowel discharge 02:15

Violently Gutted Alive - Rectal bleeding pus discharge (2024)


55 Gore - Demo 2009 (2009)

 55 Gore - Ingurgitating succulent chunks of regurgitated feces in deviated from ass to mouth game as degraded and drowning in slimy buckets of bukkake fluids (2009)

55 Gore - Ingurgitating succulent chunks of regurgitated feces in deviated from ass to mouth game as degraded and drowning in slimy buckets of bukkake fluids (2009)

01 - Disemboweled for disgusting sluggish and grinding sick gastric ulcer fucking purposes
02 - Chapter of hideous syphilic cockland filmings, part i - the cranium suffocating excitement
03 - Skull full of excrement consumed by cockroaches and maggots to devour all bacteric parasites
04 - . Ruthless analblasting gangbang amid most bizarre fetish for dislimbed cocksucking whore's child with a cock in her filthy mouth
05 - Essential gloryhole penis dissections while cumming on the face of stupid hooker with deflowered and shaved ugly pussy
06 - Infected and grilled human genitals stuffed with force to mouths of facialized grandmas tied on maniacly for dozens of sexual anomaly experimentals
07 - Choked on infected sloppy manure masses as sametime getting a huge cock crammed into the tightest asshole in its own offensive glory
08 - Pokerfacial (Versión de Lady Gaga)

Disco también conocido como Demo 2009

Nombre completo de de la banda:

Intracerebrally Consuming Cephalalgia Through The Cranium Macerating Debrisfucked Manure Ingested Remains Of The Mindfucked Cataplexic Wicked Mankind Whom Fistfucked The Progenies From The Deepest Depths Of The Analmaggot Raped Human Pieces Of Erotic Shitmasses Which Gave Birth To Worthless Eunuchs As Travesty For Cumstained Whorefaced Sluts Enslaved By This Stupid Society Full Of Fetal Garbages

También conocida como
55 Gore


Septic Karnage & Dismembered & Waifu Smashed - Moe tomogui (2024)

Split - Septic Karnage & Dismembered & Waifu Smashed - Moe tomogui (2024)

01 - Dismembered - Necrophilic 02:30
02 - Dismembered - Diarrhea Dystopia (inv. Septic Karnage) 01:03

03 - Waifu Smashed - Bloodthirsty schistosophrenic yandere 01:45
04 - Waifu Smashed - 妻が粉砕 02:11

05 - Septic Karnage - Weebs back to bree! 01:06
06 - Septic Karnage - Kpoper bitch drowned by ny dick 01:43



Vomitzilla & Poludaktuulia (2023)

Split - Vomitzilla & Poludaktuulia (2023)

01 - Poludaktuulia - riigikogu infotund 01:35
02 - Poludaktuulia - microwaved horse meat shoved up your asshole to the point it´s coming out of your throat and u don´t even understand if you´re vomiting or just a stupid commie socialist faggot midget fucker 01:21
03 - Vomitzilla-accidentally overdosed on Viagra causing my penis to explode 01:09
04 - Vomitzilla-grinded into burger meat 01:07
05 - Vomitzilla-Penis Muncher 01:16