Mostrando las entradas con la etiqueta EduardoXFeinman. Mostrar todas las entradas
Mostrando las entradas con la etiqueta EduardoXFeinman. Mostrar todas las entradas

29 de mayo de 2022

One man grind vol 2 (2020)

Compilado - One man grind vol 2 (2020)

Compilado - One man grind vol 2 (2020)
01 - YXXAN - Crucifix grinder 01:48
02 - Beaver Fever - Haemorrhagic poison 01:08
03 - Fakus The hairy arabic cucumber - ayman odeh 01:02
04 - Kim Karkrashian - Scum wars 01:01
05 - Cacaorcass - Much of the chocolate you buy still starts with child labor 01:15
06 - Tra Le Fauci - Capitan bones 01:03
07 - Skinstripper - Rats in a maze 01:30
08 - Pigskinner - Modern slavery 02:37
09 - PWXXA - Aku abbadon aku 01:32
10 - LÏXØ - Gilteco Gil 01:20
11 - Bitten By A Cobra - Throwing the first stone 00:33
12 - EduardoXFeinman- Constant fear 00:35
13 - Skam - Shit out of luck 02:41
14 - Shitload - The scar 01:48
15 - Helvetes Jävla Skit - Signalfel för helvete 00:46
16 - System Destroyer - Inheriting the decomposition 02:51
17 - Corrodent - Entertain the masses 00:56
18 - Slund - Slund state of mind 01:58
19 - Screaming Sea - Ukulele song 01:08
20 - Delicious Rotten Liver - Pee(p)show 02:00
21 - Absurd - Irreversible decline 00:42
22 - Bigfin - Magnapinna talismani 02:07
23 - Atomization - World obliteration 03:55
24 - Varkolak - Pilin' up the pigs 00:54
25 - Bombsack - Mijne bubbel 00:28
26 - The Symbolist - Theme for a global disevangelization 02:34