22 de febrero de 2021

Baby Basher - Bound for torture beaten into submission (2010)

Baby Basher - Bound for torture beaten into submission (2010)

Baby Basher - Bound for torture beaten into submission (2010)

01 - StillBorn stew
02 - Catheric hacked from the veins of humanity
03 - Consuming vaginal excrments
04 - Maxi pad milkshake
05 - Baby batter splatter
06 - Bound for torture,beaten into submission
07 - Get an abortion
08 - Pre-teen sex queen
09 - Money shot madness
10 - Haemotodipsomaniac sensations
11 - Kill your baby (versión de Chaos UK)
12 - Two black eyes are better than one
13 - Bashing female babies
14 - Juan campos gay
15 - We don't like your shitty band either

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