Agathocles - How much blood do you need, yet?!?
Kolik krve
ještě potřebujete?!? (1997)
01 - Thy kingdom won't come
02 - A for arrogance
03 - Lay off me
04 - Sheep (poemaa) / Systemphobic
05 - Mutilated regurgitator
06 - Sentimental hypocrisy
07 - Kill your idols
08 - Age of the mutants
09 - Criminalisation of strange behaviour
10 - Birds (poema) / Agarchy
11 - Thy kingdom won't come
12 - A for arrogance
13 - Lay off me
14 - Sheep (poema) / Systemphobic
15 - Mutilated regurgitator
16 - Sentimental hypocrisy
17 - Trust? Not me!
18 - Life control
19 - Age of the mutants
20 - Labelisation
21 - Didn't ask
22 - A start at least
23 - Squeeze anton
24 - Insufferable being
25 - Teachers
26 - Get off your ass
27 - Bigheaded bastards
28 - Consuming endoderme pus
29 - Theatric symbolisation of life
30 - Is it really mine?
31 - Criminalisation of strange behaviour
32 - Birds (poema) / Agarchy
33 - Thy kingdom won't come
34 - A for arrogance
35 - Lay off me
36 - Sheep (poema) / Systemphobic
37 - Kill your idols
38 - Life control
39 - Labelisation
40 - Didn't ask
41 - A start at least
42 - Squeeze Anton
43 - Is it really mine?
01-08 Horní pěna u jindřichova hradce grabados en vivo noviembre 1, 1996
09-30 Uherské hradiště" grabados en vivo noviembre 2, 1996
31-43 Praha grabados en vivo noviembre 3, 1996
Insane society records edita
Obscene productions coedita