
Mostrando las entradas con la etiqueta Deathrow. Mostrar todas las entradas
Mostrando las entradas con la etiqueta Deathrow. Mostrar todas las entradas


Anger Blast & Deathrow & Cannibe & Carnal Trash (2020)

Split - Anger Blast & Deathrow & Cannibe & Carnal Trash (2020)

Split - Anger Blast & Deathrow & Cannibe & Carnal Trash (2020)

01 - Anger Blast - Fe pedofilia
02 - Anger Blast - Glio-blast-oma
03 - Anger Blast - Mass murder
04 - Anger Blast - Viviendo como esclavos
05 - Deathrow - Death to elite of morality
06 - Deathrow - Desensitization is the best way to the mutilate humanity
07 - Deathrow - Predator of the weak devour of fear
08 - Deathrow - descenso a los más profundos abismos, el sendero más allá de la penumbra del  11
09 - Deathrow - Slaughterhouse (versión de  Mortician)
10 - Cannibe - Opera noise
11 - Cannibe - Aperitivos de cristo
12 - Cannibe - Depósito de terror
13 - Cannibe - Bisturi histérico
14 - Cannibe - Una extraña enfermedad
15 - Carnal Trash - Chlamydia trachomatis
16 - Carnal Trash - Brutal sexual intercourse
17 - Carnal Trash - Trichomonas vaginales
18 - Carnal Trash - Your fat ass on my fucking face
19 - Carnal Trash - Kill the slut


No-noise productions edita

Anger Blast, Colombia
Deathrow, Colombia
Cannibe, Italia
Carnal Trash, Argentina


Doomsday news 2 (1989)

Compilado Doomsday news 2 (1989)

Compilado Doomsday news 2 (1989)

The progressive side

A1 Coroner - Hate, fire, blood 1:18
A2 Watchtower - Dangerous toy 4:14
A3 Midas Touch - Aceldama-Terminal breath 4:06
A4 Deathrow - Machinery 7:01

The heavy side

B1 Mordred - The artist 4:17
B2 Rage - Mirror 6:22
B3 Vendetta - War 5:21
B4 Mania - Break out 4:32

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Discos de thrash poco valorados

Cyclone - Brutal destruction (1986)

 Deathrow - Deception ignored (1988)

 Deathwish - Demon preacher (1988)


Forced Entry - Uncertain future (1989)

 Holy Terror - Terror and submission (1987)

Hydra Vein - Rather death than false of faith (1988)

Paradox - Heresy (1989)

 Powermad - Absolute power (1989)

 Rigor Mortis - Rigor Mortis (1988)

 Sieges Even - Lifecycle (1988)

 Vendetta - Brain damage (1988)

 Viking - Man of straw (1989)

 Violent Force - Malevolent assault of tomorrow (1987)

 Virus - Lunacy (1989)

 Wargasm - Why play around (1988)