
Mostrando las entradas con la etiqueta Gorenoise. Mostrar todas las entradas
Mostrando las entradas con la etiqueta Gorenoise. Mostrar todas las entradas


Extremo traumatismo maxilo facial (2025)

Split - Extremo traumatismo maxilo facial (2025)

01 - Frogpussy - Receta médica 00:36
02 - Frogpussy - Scroto MC Bolas 02:10
03 - Frogpussy - Blood and gums 00:31
04 - Rhabydosarcoma - 4 traxx of audible violence 04:11
05 - Purulent Discharge - Extremo traumatismo maxilo facial 00:18
06 - Purulent Discharge - Excesiva hemorragia cerebral 00:13
07 - Purulent Discharge - Destrucción facial 00:16
08 - Purulent Discharge - Recostrucción facial 00:17

Frogpussy, México
Purulent Discharge, Argentina
Rhabdomysarcoma, Reino Unido

xGxOxRxE productions edita


Komodonesia - Continente oscuro (2025)

Split - Hallucinogenics Extreme Anxiety & Komodonesia - Continente oscuro (2025)

01 - Hallucinogenics Extreme Anxiety - Crushed BY AN ELEPHANT 01:11
02 - Komodonesia - Gangrene overdose 01:13
03 - Hallucinogenics Extreme Anxiety - Ahorcado con un pedazo de cable y descuartizado con un arcode sierra 02:16
04 - Komodonesia - Epitaph of infection 01:06
05 - Hallucinogenics Extreme Anxiety - Parasitic infestation caused by fly larvae in body tissues causing cutaneous myiasis 01:49
06 - Komodonesia - Necrotic bacterial slaughter 01:06
07 - Hallucinogenics Extreme Anxiety - Arthropleura 01:34
08 - Komodonesia - Septic shock symphony 01:28
09 - Hallucinogenics Extreme Anxiety - Varanus komodonesis 00:26


Degradación de la mente humana (2024)

Split - Don't Exist Salvation & Hallucinogenics Extreme Anxiety - Degradación de la mente humana (2024)

01 -  Don't Exist Salvation - The doomed immortalized 01:39
02 -  Don't Exist Salvation - Immortal noise 01:16
03 -  Don't Exist Salvation - Ritual supremo divino de c12h16n2 02:25

04 - Hallucinogenics Extrem Anxiety - Disfigured and tortured with a thermofusion machine 00:32
05 - Hallucinogenics Extrem Anxiety - Esquizofrenia paranoide 01:22
06 - Hallucinogenics Extrem Anxiety - Reventado alevosamente con 87 golpes consecutivos con un caño de 2º de epoxi 01:19

Don't Exist Salvation, México
Hallucinogenics Extreme Anxiety, Argentina


Chamaleonidae furcifer pardalis (2024)

Split - Hallucinogenics Extreme Anxiety & Larva - Chamaleonidae furcifer pardalis (2024)

Split - Hallucinogenics Extreme Anxiety & Larva - Chamaleonidae furcifer pardalis (2024)

01 - Larva - Untitled 01:00
02 - Larva - Phymaturus roigorum 01:06
03 - Larva - Phylloptera ovalifolia 00:16

04 - Hallucinogenics Extreme Anxiety - Descuartizado y disuelto en tanques con ácidos 00:24
05 - Hallucinogenics Extreme Anxiety - Hiperhidrosis corporal 00:20
06 - Hallucinogenics Extreme Anxiety - Hydrododynastes gigas haltung 00:19

Degradación de la mente humana (2024)


Split - Hallucinogenics Extreme Anxiety & Don't Exist Salvation - Degradación de la mente humana (2024)

Split - Hallucinogenics Extreme Anxiety & Don't Exist Salvation - Degradación de la mente humana (2024)

01 - Don't Exist Salvation - The doomed immortalized 01:39
03 - Don't Exist Salvation - Ritual supremo divino de c12h16n2 02:25
02 - Don't Exist Salvation - Immortal noise 01:16

04 - Hallucinogenics Extreme Anxiety - Disfigured and tortured with a thermofusion machine 00:32
05 - Hallucinogenics Extreme Anxiety - Esquizofrenia paranoide 01:22
06 - Hallucinogenics Extreme Anxiety - Reventado alevosamente con 87 golpes consecutivos con un caño de 2ºde epoxi 01:19


Don't Exist Salvation, México, Nayarit
Hallucinogenics Extrem Anxiety, Argentina, Chubut, Comodoro Rivadavia


4 ways /// Carcasses decomposes (2024)

Split - 4 ways /// Carcasses decomposes (2024)

Split - 4 ways /// Carcasses decomposes (2024)

01 - Cxtxdx - Decomposing carcass floating in the river 02:19
02 - Hallucinogenics Extreme Anxiety - Telmatobius albiventris globulosus 01:33
03 - Miocarditis Crónica Dilatada Terminal - AUUCH 02:09
04 - KxFxWxH Necrosis - Aguas negras 01:18



Multiple herbal blends for smoking (2024)

Split - Hallucinogenics Extrem Anxiety & Malevolent Pescetarian - Multiple herbal blends for smoking (2024)  1

Split - Hallucinogenics Extrem Anxiety & Malevolent Pescetarian - Multiple herbal blends for smoking (2024)

Hallucinogenics Extrem Anxiety, Argentina
Malevolent Pescetarian, Canadá

Lanzamiento septiembre 15, 2024


Clitogusano Espermátide - Bombas, drogas y anorexia (2009)

Clitogusano Espermátide - Bombas, drogas y anorexia (2009)

01 - Viaje al infierno
02 - Las aventuras del parásito anal
03 - La prostituta del cráneo abollado
04 - Bombas, drogas y anorexia!!
05 - Olor a muerto
06 - Se la chupan bastante bien (death orgasm0)
07 - Tu pequeña hermanita haciendo gargaras con mi semen
08 - Musica de sanación y meditación
09 - Pija Magnvm, devorivm chotvm
10 - Clit cannibal (versión de Libido Airbag)
11 - La vida es bella...y linda (ok,no)
12 - Hace rato que la raza humana se hundió en la mismísima mierda

Pus producciones edita

Torn flesh records edita

Último trabajo larga duracion de Clitogusano Espermatide.
Cybergrind pútrido, corrupto y asqueroso salido del ano del mismo diablo.Temas como"Olor a muerto" o "La prostituta del craneo abollado" te haran mover la cabeza casi hipnoticamente debido a su alto contenido no apto para menores y su groove idiotizador.

La podredumbre y la enfermedad de "Viaje al infierno" y del mismo "Bombas, drogas y Anorexia" podrian compararse al ruido castañante de los dientes de una colegiala inocente mientras el kioskero introduce su miembro (sin consentimiento) dentro de su orificio anal.

Un Álbum imperdible si te gusta la cybermierda, el ruido a maquinas mal aceitadas y la demencia senil. Aprobado por Pedobear y la International goremafia.

Degradación de la mente humana (2024)

Split - Don't Exist Salvation & Hallucinogenics Extrem Anxiety - Degradación de la mente humana (2024)

01 - Don't Exist Salvation - The doomed immortalized 01:39
02 - Don't Exist Salvation - Immortal noise 01:16
03 - Don't Exist Salvation - Ritual supremo divino de c12h16n2 02:25

04 - Hallucinogenics Extrem Anxiety - Disfigured and tortured with a thermofusion machine 00:32
05 - Hallucinogenics Extrem Anxiety - Esquizofrenia paranoide 01:22
06 - Hallucinogenics Extrem Anxiety - Reventado alevosamente con 87 golpes consecutivos con un caño de 2ºde epoxi 01:19


Don't Exist Salvation, México
Hallucinogenics Extrem Anxiety, Argentina

Tapa sin censura en el archivo de descarga

Lanzamiento agosto 15 2024


Ulceropulcopronecrobiovulpectomy - BizarreBondageLatexFetish (2019)

Ulceropulcopronecrobiovulpectomy - Bizarrebondagelatexfetish (2019)

Ulceropulcopronecrobiovulpectomy - BizarreBondageLatexFetish (2019)

01 - Violaciónamacetónhidrosefalicoenlafuentedelosdeseos 00:22
02 - Chemofilicoesquizfrenicoexitadodesmadroso (pinche morrillo) 00:13
03 - Craniocoprophagiaencefalitisdegenerativaabortivadiarrehicaprimerageneración 00:29
04 - Pedosenlasrodillasdeunmuerto 00:35
05 - Ecxitanteejecuciónaraterohijodeputacondenadoalsufrimientoeternoytorturasodomizadallevadaacaboporunarameraleprosa 00:32
06 - Enanoaxilismoexcrementuomeningocloriandrusipectomiaencinepolislacapitaldelcine 00:24
07 - Smoking the good shit of the neighboorhood in a bong of putrid cut pieces of human body 01:10
08 - Cuando solo pensabas que ivamos a ver netflix pobre inocente 01:40
09 - Caldodiarrehicopulativopeddorreico 01:08
10 - LaCumbiaenamoradadeulceropulcopronecrobiovulpectomy 01:16
11 - Mecojoatupezbetacontangasudadadespuesdeiralgymmelacomoconmariscoycapsuenlanocheconluneallenameconbiertoellobo 01:31



Compilado - 2 seconds compilation II (2024)

Compilado - 2 seconds compilation II (2024)

Compilado - 2 seconds compilation II (2024)

01 - XalgunaenfermedadmuygraveX - Nunca fuimos una amenaza 00:02
02 - Anal Tits - 20 get rich and die buying 00:02
03 - Sad Tortoise - 2 seg 00:02
04 - Lux Inferior - Turbonazgul deathwish (Julia Channel Mix) 00:02
05 - Terbeschikkingstelling - Redemption song 00:02
06 - Vitimas do Crack - 2 Tracks 00:02
07 - RDKPL - 240229_02 00:02
08 - Anal Mostarda - Untitled#1 00:02
10 - Unholy Semen - Nailed to a goat 00:02
11 - Bukowski - Freaky de mierda 00:01
12 - Autofelacion - 2 segundos de masacre 00:02
13 - Suicidal Decibels - N sei 00:02
14 - {AN} EeL - Tooth sect 00:02
15 - Tá Em Shock? - Ilvminista idioticvs 00:02
16 - Atomic Industrial Diamond Band - Breaking the moon 00:02
17 - Woman's Semen - Curte os brinde mesmo quando está malaike 00:02
18 - D - S - T - Sinto saudades do mc zoi de gato sempre que jogo Mario Kart 00:02
19 - 780ajz - 53_mL 00:02
20 - Drochills - Ugly love 00:02
21 - Obscure Heaven - Ectoplasm 00:02
22 - Troço - Sofrer 00:01
23 - Räncör - Olavo 00:01
24 - 3XH - Untitled 00:02


Incurable infection & brain pathology (2024)

Split - Dont Exist Salvation & DisaConCriptococosis & XxRayxX - Incurable infection & brain pathology (2024)

Split - Dont Exist Salvation & DisaConCriptococosis & XxRayxX - Incurable infection & brain pathology (2024)

Dont Exist Salvation

01 - Crushing of the brain on itself 00:00
02 - The brain palpitates beyond the skull 01:54
03 - forced lobotomization due to chronic, progressive and fatal disease 04:32


04 - INTRO 07:20
05 - Lerezoalavirgencitaporesasnalguitas 07:49
06 - FunkyTown gore 08:35
07 - EnMcDonaldsCocinanFetos 10:56
08 - Memeoydijoqueerasquirt 12:01


09 - All song untitled - 12:28


Indonesian gorenoise vol2 (2024)

Compilado - Indonesian gorenoise vol2 (2024)

Compilado - Indonesian gorenoise vol2 (2024)

01 - MxGxNx - Untitled 00:59
02 - MxGxNx - Aborted Fetuses Marinating In Formaldehyde 00:37

03 - Grinderuwo - Lalapan Usus 01:31
04 - Grinderuwo - Sirup Getih 00:36

05 - Membabi Brutal - Erotic Ancient Culture 00:16
06 - Membabi Brutal - Fantasi Binal Disintelektual 00:14

07 - Gastroesophageoneurocardiolaryngopulmonogastrohepatoneurodermatotracheobronchocolitis - Untitled 00:53
08 - Gastroesophageoneurocardiolaryngopulmonogastrohepatoneurodermatotracheobronchocolitis - Untitled 00:39

09 - Chronic Traumatic Encephalopathy - Untitled 1 00:30
10 - Chronic Traumatic Encephalopathy - Untitled 2 00:16

11 - Blenncardichromodacryexgenitohaemgene - Untitled 1 00:18
12 - Blenncardichromodacryexgenitohaemgene - Untitled 2 00:35

13 - Disposed Human Remains - Untitled 01:00
14 - Disposed Human Remains - Untitled 01:00

15 - Medical Teratocarcinoma Anus - Acrokeratoelastoidosis Punctate Palmoplantar Keratoderma 00:28
16 - Medical Teratocarcinoma Anus - Epididimitis Prostatitis 00:20

17 - Pneumonium Bronchiectopsy - Untitled 00:21
18 - Pneumonium Bronchiectopsy - Untitled 00:14

19 - Tobaya - Post-Operative Pain 00:57
20 - Tobaya - Melanocytic Lesions Without Specified Classifications 00:53

21 - Mucopolysaccharidosis - Untitled 1 02:08
22 - Mucopolysaccharidosis - Untitled 2 02:14

23 - Bombinatoridae - Track About Being Frog 1 00:23
24 - Bombinatoridae - Track About Being Frog 2 00:25

25 - Necrophilectovomit - Flying With Blood Eagle Wings 00:24
26 - Necrophilectovomit - Make Medieval Tortures Great Again 00:23

27 - Porphyromonas Gingivalis - Untitled 1 00:34
28 - Porphyromonas Gingivalis - Untitled 2 00:40

29 - MxYxDxExPxRxExSxSxIxOxN - Methanobacterium Abscess Drainage 00:22
30 - MxYxDxExPxRxExSxSxIxOxN - Surgical Removal of Diphyllobothrium Tapeworms 00:38

31 - Agalmatophilia Mannequin - Potongan Tubuh 3 02:12
32 - Agalmatophilia Mannequin - Potongan Tubuh 4 01:38

33 - SxGxIx - Untitled 00:11
34 - SxGxIx - Untitled 00:12

35 - Severe Postpartum Hemorrhage By Uterine Artery Embolization - Temporal Dynamics 01:32
36 - Severe Postpartum Hemorrhage By Uterine Artery Embolization - Birth Pains 02:17

37 - Tumpukan Bangkai - Hilang Akal Menjilat Pekat 00:51
38 - Tumpukan Bangkai - Daging Busuk 01:15

39 - Unidentified Disease - Bone Skewer 00:51
40 - Unidentified Disease - Body Parts Rejection 01:19

41 - UglyXOgre - trakk 1 00:32
42 - UglyXOgre - trakk 2 00:27

43 - Komodonesia - Rickettsia Rickettsii 01:49
44 - Komodonesia - Bacterium Corynebacterium Diphtheria 01:31

45 - Putitosurumu - Ngising Darah 00:18
46 - Putitosurumu - Parasite Inside The Anus 00:25

47 - SVLFVR KVFVR - Mutilated Waifu (2 traxxx) 00:48

48 - Vomiting Takoyaki - Untittled Gorebage 1 00:50
49 - Vomiting Takoyaki - Untittled Gorebage 3 00:54

50 - The Great Sasuke - The Great Sasuke Gonna Destroy your Christmas Trees 00:44

51 - ruptured Innard Diagnosis Of Meningococcal Buldozzer - Untitled 1 00:37
52 - ruptured Innard Diagnosis Of Meningococcal Buldozzer - Untitled 3 00:17

53 - Megaesofagus - Untittled Track 5 00:21
54 - Megaesofagus - Untittled Track 6 00:18

55 - Cutaneous Larva Migrans - Bulldozer Full Of Larvae 02:06


Blastocytosis - Lymphocytic choriomeningitis (2018)

Blastocytosis - Lymphocytic choriomeningitis (2018)

01 - Intro - Cryptosporidiosis 00:12
02 - Human granulocytic anaplasmosis 00:17
03 - Marburg hemorrhagic fever 00:18
04 - Sagaes Unposser 00:19
05 - Yersinia pseudotuberculosis infection 00:29
06 - Outro - Hortaea werneckii 00:05



6 ways to say oaaaaaaa (2024)

Split - 6 ways to say oaaaaaaa (2024)

Split - 6 ways to say oaaaaaaa (2024)

01 - PussPuke - Másnegroqueunfundillodechango 00:41
02 - PussPuke - StinkyPutridFoetu 00:30

03 - Enema Jizz - Exxxcessive amount of liquid for the enema 00:52
04 - Enema Jizz - Putrefactive liquid coming from the purulent anus of a corpse of a whore murdered for charging three hundred pesos for a blowjob 00:49

05 - Fetuses Enfisematoso - 20 Vomit sick tracks 04:44

07 - IXODIDA ORTO - OooooooaAAaa 00:15

09 - MxDxPxCxGx - Cadaveres Putrefactos 01:18
10 - MxDxPxCxGx - Cadaveres Putrefactos 2 00:38

11 - Modus - Infecci¢n bacteriana en quemadura de tercer grado 00:24


Carnal Trash​ - ​Vile uncontrolled trash compilation (2021)

Carnal Trash​ - ​Vile uncontrolled trash compilation (2021)

Carnal Trash​ - ​Vile uncontrolled trash compilation (2021)

01 - Paradise of rotten corpses 0:46
02 - I want to destroy your face 0:37
03 - Cut the head off 0:48
04 - Raging malevolence 0:50
05 - The meaning of self hatred 0:25
06 - Social enmity 0:47
07 - Carnal trash 1:05
08 - Human body mutilation 0:37
09 - Slaughter of whores 0:26
10 - Gore torment 0:23
11 - Obliteration 0:35
12 - Unleashed inside killer 0:12
13 - Blood in your mouth 0:27
14 - Body full of shit 0:35
15 - Vulva fermentation 0:56
16 - Facial disgust into excrements (versión de Autophagia) 1:00
17 - Kidnapped, raped and finally murdered 1:44
18 - Room full of blood and guts 0:36
19 - Sick minds 1:07
20 - Lethal open wounds 1:05
21 - Entering into oblivion (instrumental) 1:47
22 - Bitch got what she deserved 1:12
23 - Chopped to death 0:40
24 - Demo 1 0:53
25 - Demo 2 0:51
26 - Demo 3 1:05
27 - Demo 4 0:40
28 - Extreme torture procedure 0:41
29 - Kill your friends 1:05
30 - Mass suicide 1:20
31 - Psychological destruction 1:14
32 - Rapid decline (versión de Active Stenosis) 0:55
33 - Run away 0:30
34 - Vile mind controller 1:11
35 - Intro (Into the depths of torment) 0:40
36 - Destroy everything 0:35
37 - Putrified organs 0:28
38 - Fuck you and your stupid face 0:30
39 - Desperate need To Kill 0:52
40 - Self dismemberment (versión de Autophagia) 0:45
41 - Hung on the colon 1:06
42 - Purulent eruption in spetic gore 0:26
43 - The smell of burned corpses in a cellar during an injection of heroin 0:46
44 - Caught guts to proscribe on the asphalt blood 1:17
45 - The blown-up intestine with rectal allocation 0:44
46 - Submissive convulsion liquidized disgorgement 1:10
47 - Intro (mentis timore) 0:43
48 - Loss of composure 0:26
49 - Gore torment 0:22
50 - Body full of shit 0:38
51 - Severe head laceration 0:44
52 - Mankind extermination 0:19
53 - City of betrayers 0:34
54 - Obliteration 0:34
55 - Drowned in wax 0:42
56 - Genitalia impairment 0:48
57 - Knee deep in shit (versión de Extreme Noise Terror) 1:18
58 - Fuck society 1:12
59 - Irrational fear 0:12
60 - Intro (Lost in tenebris) 0:44
61 - Abhorrent rage 0:36
62 - Intro (Abyss carnage) 0:38
63 - Demised waste 0:26
64 - Infinite devastation 0:42
65 - Facial trauma 0:23
66 - Bacterial vaginosis 0:36
67 - Dysphoric disorder 0:41
68 - Sadistic mysoginistic killer 1:11

Lymphatic sexual orgy records edita
La peste design tapa

01-07 del demo "Cut The Head Off", grabado, des-compuesto y mezclado en febrero de 2017
08-16 del demo "Obliteration", grabado, des-compuesto y mezclado en junio de 2015
17-21 del demo inédito 2016
22-34 del demo inédito 2015 - 2016
35-46 del split con Symptomatic Exhumed, grabado, des-compuesto y mezclado en 2017
47-61 del EP "GoreTorment", grabado, des-compuesto y mezclado en 2017
62-68 del split "Absolute Elimination Of The Mortal Race" con Endotaxemia. Grabado, des-compuesto y mezclado en 2017
Pistas 41-46 de Symptomatic Exhumed, realmente no deberían aparecer en esta compilación (sic)


Human Atrocity - Horrid events of malicious barbarities (2017)

Human Atrocity - Horrid events of malicious barbarities (2017)

Human Atrocity - Horrid events of malicious barbarities (2017)

01 - Tearing her precious face with a deep feeling of hatred
02 - Aggressively crushing the skull into cold cement
03 - A clear motivation to erase everything that breathes
04 - Disarray of human corruption
05 - Brutally torturing the body with badges of fury
06 - A lucid expression of hate
07 - Dismembered by a train
08 - Defleshed by flies (versión de ldohr)
09 - Sewing up the abdominal rupture for the successive acts of degradation (versión de ldoh)
10 - Massive weapons against the shit of mankind
11 - Ripping apart her genitals (invitado Alex Mamontov)
12 - Clinical hydropsies (invitado Skvm)
13 - The end of horrid barbarities
14 - Decimation of mortal lineage
15 - Fecalized facial turbulence
16 - Gently dismembering desolated artifacts

Lymphatic Sexual orgy records (México) edita


Viscoso - Mundo baboso (2022)

Viscoso - Mundo baboso (2022)

01 - Viscoso - Dororo 00:57
02 - Viscoso - Your Sock 00:41
03 - Viscoso - Intertrompetilla 00:41
04 - Viscoso - A Tu Hermana 00:37

Lanzamiento enero, 2022

Kloakfam edita


Osteocondrodisplasia - The grotesque art of limbs (2016)

Osteocondrodisplasia - The grotesque art of limbs (2016)

Osteocondrodisplasia - The grotesque art of limbs (2016)

01 - Intro of morgue
02 - Pile of rancid bodies and cremated ready to be examined
03 - Another body disfigured by unknown causes
04 - Oophorectomy
05 - Anatomy of an outraged body
06 - Complete dismemberment of a robust body
70 - The rotten body flesh of a car accident
08 - Brain infection by a strong tumour
09 - Colposcopic signs for detection of high-grade
10 - The dead don't speak (versión de P.O.T.S.O.T.C.D.A.T.M.I.C.F.A.C.I.C.S.P.I.A.C.O.O.P.O.T.B.B.D.)