Mostrando las entradas con la etiqueta Ostrava. Mostrar todas las entradas
Mostrando las entradas con la etiqueta Ostrava. Mostrar todas las entradas

15 de marzo de 2021

Carnal Diafragma ‎- Space symphony around us (2006)

Carnal Diafragma ‎- Space symphony around us (2006)

Carnal Diafragma ‎- Space symphony around us (2006)

01 - Teletrambus 1:27
02 - The system of `pressure 2:09
03 - Cadmia fosilis 1:33
04 - Massive crisis 1:19
05 - Last days of our lives 1:02
06 - Sex appeal of female pheromones 1:48
07 - The flaming deceased 2:02
08 - Přepadení ve skříni 1:53
09 - Space symphony around us 2:00
10 - Unchallenged hate (versión de Napalm Death) 2:28
11 - Anomalous excrements 1:10
12 - TBC 1:25
13 - Malignant defecation (versión de Carcass) 2:07
14 - 30 Dkg točeného 1:58
15 - Human monster 3:44
16 - The art of nature 1:38
17 - Foggy visions 2:30


20 de agosto de 2019

Malignant Tumour - Dawn of a new age (2003)

Malignant Tumour - Dawn of a new age (2003)

 Malignant Tumour - Dawn of a new age (2003)

01 - Death is near/reign of hell 03:37
02 - Plastic existence 00:05
03 - Up your fucking arse 00:54
04 - Dawn of a new age 01:31
05 - Feel the cancer 00:44
06 - Nightmare reality 01:04
07 - Wounded 01:00
08 - Status quo 00:32
09 - Get to attack 02:07
10 - A boring drunken sod 01:16
11 - Nazis raus 01:18
12 - Nature´s warning for human extinciton 00:44
13 - Aalio alalyo oolio laikkyy 01:38
14 - Destroy 01:27
15 - Shit heil 00:25
16 - Behind the mirror 02:07
17 - Paskaa sistema 00:45
18 - Mediareality 00:47
19 - Punk to punx 01:38
20 - Everlasting penetration 01:41
21 - Temples of consumtion 01:06
22 - Wat je zegt dat ben je zelf 00:32
23 - Stop the mob 00:51
24 -  … And man made the end 00:49
25 - Mercenaries of war (versión de Uncurbed) 01:43
26 -  Katjusia 02:10