
Mostrando las entradas con la etiqueta Incorruptible Project. Mostrar todas las entradas
Mostrando las entradas con la etiqueta Incorruptible Project. Mostrar todas las entradas

5 de noviembre de 2023

Agathocles & Incorruptible Project - Digiphobia (2023)

Split - Agathocles & Incorruptible Project - Digiphobia (2023)

Split - Agathocles & Incorruptible Project - Digiphobia (2023)

01 - Agathocles - Ulkopuolinen (versión de Kuolema) 00:26
02 - Agathocles - Opgefokt 00:48
03 - Agathocles - Go fucking nihilist 01:08
04 - Agathocles - No use .... hatred 01:01
05 - Agathocles - Gorgonized dorks 01:43
06 - Agathocles - Burocracy versus efficiency 00:38
07 - Agathocles - Commence to mince 00:37
08 - Agathocles - And the loser is 00:42
09 - Agathocles - Grind Is protest 00:43
10 - Agathocles - Demons in my head 00:27

11 - Incorruptible Project - Destroy zuckerbergizm 00:41
12 - Incorruptible Project - InSHITagram sucks 01:03
13 - Incorruptible Project - Smash your fucking smart phone 00:28
14 - Incorruptible Project - Social media theatre 00:27
15 - Incorruptible Project - I have digiphobia 00:24
16 - Incorruptible Project - Rage against social media millionaires 00:52
17 - Incorruptible Project - Internet is a drug 00:28
18 - Incorruptible Project - Fuck tiktok 00:31
19 - Incorruptible Project - Fascistbook 00:40
20 - Incorruptible Project - Proud not being on social media 00:45