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Mostrando las entradas con la etiqueta Bahía. Mostrar todas las entradas

30 de abril de 2024

Mystifier - Göetia (1993)

Mystifier - Göetia (1993)

Mystifier - Göetia (1993)

01 - Aleister Crowley & ordo templi orientis 08:03
02 - An elizabethan devil worshipper's prayer book 06:08
03 - The sign of the unholy cross 07:00
04 - Caerimonia sanguilentu (Göetia) 05:38
05 - Beelzebuth 03:39
06 - The realm of antichristus 05:12
07 - The true story about the Doctor Faust's pact with Mephistopheles 06:18
08 - Cursed excruciation / The sinuous serpent of genesis (Leviathan) 08:24
09 - The baphometic goat of knights templar in the 12th century 05:40

29 de junio de 2021

Mystifier - Protogoni mavri magiki dynasteia (2019)

01 - Protogoni mavri magiki dynasteia 04:34  
02 - Weighing heart ceremony 05:04  
03 - Witching lycanthropic moon 05:26
04 - Akhenaton (Son mighty sun) 04:47  
05 - Six towers of belial's path 04:14  
06 - Demoler las torres del cielo (en nombre del diablo) 04:11  
07 - Soultrap sorcery of vengeance 05:25  
08 - (Introcucione d'la melodia mortuoria) thanatopraxy 06:13  
09 - Al nakba (666 days of war) 05:03  
10 - Chiesa dei bambini molestati 05:02  


Mystifier - Profanus (2001)

01 - Unspeakable dementia (utter nonsense) 03:49
02 - Dare to face the beast 03:23
03 - Supreme power of suffering 02:14
04 - Born from mens' dreams 03:38
05 - Superstitious predictions of misfortune 03:33
06 - Je$$us immolation 03:08
07 - Beyond the rivers of hades 03:00
08 - Thus demystifier spoke 02:56
09 - Free spirit flight 03:47
10 - Celebrate the antichristian millenium 03:08
11 - Sowing the evil in our hearts 03:42
12 - Hangman's noose (ending mortal existence) 03:21
13 - Atheistic prelude to immortality 03:42

Mystifier - The world is so good that who made it doesn't live here (1996)

01 - Give the human devil his due 05:32
02 - A chant to the goddess of love - venus 05:56
03 - The death of an immortal (according to the astral light) 06:02
04 - Idolatry 05:19
05 - The barbarian duelling with the wise 04:52
06 - Moonick (Why does it never rain on the moon?) 08:46

Mystifier - Göetia (1993)

01 - Aleister Crowley & ordo templi orientis 08:03
02 - An elizabethan devil worshipper's prayer book 06:08
03 - The sign of the unholy cross 07:00
04 - Caerimonia sanguilentu (Göetia) 05:38
05 - Beelzebuth 03:39
06 - The realm of antichristus 05:12
07 - The true story about the doctor Faust's pact with Mephistopheles 06:18
08 - Cursed excruciation / The sinuous serpent of genesis (Leviathan) 08:24
09 - The baphometic goat of knights templar in the 12th century 05:40


Mystifier - Wicca (1992)

01 - The witch voisin recites our gloat (intro) 00:45
02 - Osculum obscenum 07:22
03 - Tormentum aeternu 04:12
04 - Cursed excruciation 04:01
05 - Defloration (the antichrist lives) 01:37
06 - (Invocacione) the almighty satanas 05:03
07 - The dark kingdom (T.E.A.R.) 06:30
08 - An elizabethan devil-worshipper's prayer-book 05:57
9 - Hyoscyamus niger 04:50
10 - Mystifier (satan's messengers) 03:24
11 - Our gloat (outro) 00:57  


28 de mayo de 2020

A fome é a forma mais brutal de violência (2019)

Split - Pure Noise & Desconforto Desalento - A fome é a forma mais brutal de violência (2019)

01 - Pure Noise - Vivendo sem esperança de dias melhores... (48 pistas) 12:18
02 - Desconforto Desalento - I 09:14