
Mostrando las entradas con la etiqueta Anatomist. Mostrar todas las entradas
Mostrando las entradas con la etiqueta Anatomist. Mostrar todas las entradas

29 de junio de 2022

Anatomist - Neanderthal goregrind (2015)

Anatomist - Neanderthal goregrind (2015)

Anatomist - Neanderthal goregrind (2015)

01 - Intro 01:14
02 - Cro-magnon 02:28
03 - Norwalk agent 01:05
04 - Shakma 01:23
05 - Inherited carnage 01:23
06 - When faeces attack 01:53
07 - Groovy ape 01:38
08 - Neanderthal goregrind 02:07
09 - Cave mafia 01:51
10 - Purple dinosaur massacre 01:19
11 - Neolitic gangbang infographic 01:35
12 - Empresario de pompas fúnebres 03:24
13 - Stone thrower 01:04
14 - Troglodyte party 01:02
15 - Anatomist 01:23
16 - Alpha caveman 01:10
17 - Mammoth BBQ 01:21
18 - Casket garden (versión de Dismember) 03:38


Sebastián Caparrós voz, bajo
Cristian D'Alessandro guitarra, voz
Pimporello (In Fred Flintstone Suit) batería

Lanzamiento septiembre 27, 2015

Banda creada en 2003
La banda llama a su estilo goregrindcore

Troglodyte Art by: Gr Mateo
Recorded by Cristian D'Alessandro. 2004

Headsplitters of goregrind (2020)

Headsplitters of goregrind 8 split ways (2020)

Headsplitters of goregrind 8 split ways (2020)

01 - Anatomist - Norwalk age 01:05
02 - Anatomist - Shakma 01:23
03 - Anatomist - Neolitic gangbang infographic 01:35
04 - Anatomist - Troglodyte party 01:02
05 - Cuntspit - Ruined 00:58
06 - Cuntspit - Eight legged phobia 01:00
07 - Cuntspit - Drunk on cuntspit 01:05
08 - Cuntspit - Walls of her anus 00:51
09 - Intracrematory - Revenge lobotomy 01:31
10 - Intracrematory - Cardiac eruption 01:12
11 - Intracrematory - Afflictive Convulsion 01:36
12 - Intracrematory - Corrosive bile stew 01:38
13 - Angioplasty - Regurgitating molded ejaculate 01:10
14 - Angioplasty - Disemboweling obese beach waste 01:28
15 - Angioplasty - Whole body consumption 01:24
16 - Angioplasty - Eating cadaveric ass 01:13
17 - Ulcerated Cadaveric Decrepitation  - Eaten by cerebral maggots 01:24
18 - Ulcerated Cadaveric Decrepitation  - Necrobiological poliferation 01:36
19 - Ulcerated Cadaveric Decrepitation  - Abominable taxidermist 01:39
20 - Ulcerated Cadaveric Decrepitation  - Purulent secretion 01:04
21 - Larva - Pristidactylus achalensis 01:01
22 - Larva - Estomatitis 00:49
23 - Larva - Fiesta de gusanos en tu quloh 00:48
24 - Larva - Phymaturus roigorum 01:06
25 - Onistrige - Classical creampie 00:46
26 - Onistrige - Does my dick smell 01:19
27 - Onistrige - Toilet story4 arter story(doggrinder) 01:44
28 - Onistrige - Xvideo=oi-oi-ioi-io-io=oi 01:34
29 - Sangue Infetto - Bloody gore bag 01:36
30 - Sangue Infetto - Moist cunt of perversion 01:35
31 - Sangue Infetto - Gurgling decomposing ass 02:40
32 - Sangue Infetto - Body grinder 01:06