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Agathocles - Grind is protest (2011)

Agathocles - Grind is protest (2011)    Grind is not a popularity show, for pathetic posing pricks which think snuff, sexism and homophobia are so fucking cool Grind is protest

Agathocles - Grind is protest (2011)

Grind is not a popularity show, for pathetic posing pricks which think snuff, sexism and homophobia are so fucking cool Grind is protest


Agathocles - Grind is protest (2011)

Agathocles - Grind is protest (2011)

Agathocles - Grind is protest (2011)

Grind is not a popularity show, for pathetic posing pricks which think snuff, sexism and homophobia are so fucking cool
Grind is protest

Grind no es un espectáculo de popularidad, para idiotas que posan patéticamente y piensan que el snuff, el sexismo y la homofobia son jodidamente geniales
Grind es protesta.