
Mostrando las entradas con la etiqueta 3:15 AM. Mostrar todas las entradas
Mostrando las entradas con la etiqueta 3:15 AM. Mostrar todas las entradas

23 de marzo de 2014

Psychotic hunger and schizophrenic thirst (2007)

Split - 3:15 A.M. & Social Shit & Cativeiro - Psychotic hunger and schizophrenic thirst - 3 way (2007)

Split - 3:15 A.M. & Social Shit & Cativeiro - Psychotic hunger and schizophrenic thirst - 3 way (2007)

3:15 AM

01 - Apocalyptic storm of hate
02 - Massacre sf soul
03 - Increasingly disillusioned
04 - Bitewounds
05 - Final bloodbath (versión de Mortician)
06 - Final exit (versión de Fade To Noise)

Social Shit

07 - C.H.O.L.A.
08 - Splatered fuck bitch
09 - Tortured and mashed
10 - Grinder kaos


11 - Fear of the non-enchantment
12 - Ill, morbid and extremly submitted
13 - Perpetuou agitation of a swollen chicken arm
14 - Host of the progressive mental disfunctions
15 - Seriously disturbed by alcoholic cataclysm
16 - Una distribución de muertos (Dead spread)