
Mostrando las entradas con la etiqueta Waifu Smashed. Mostrar todas las entradas
Mostrando las entradas con la etiqueta Waifu Smashed. Mostrar todas las entradas

11 de enero de 2025

Waifu Smashed - Monstrous turbid perversity (2025)

Waifu Smashed - Monstrous turbid perversity (2025)

Waifu Smashed - Monstrous turbid perversity (2025)

01 - Nigger-kun pass the weed uwu 02:03  
02 - Average kaede to suzu enjoyer 01:37  
03 - Mahou shoujo madoka magica it's a 10/10 02:41  


Waifu Smashed - Monstrous turbid perversity (2025)

10 de enero de 2025

Waifu Smashed - Visceral hentaitomy (2024)

Waifu Smashed  - Visceral hentaitomy (2025)

Waifu Smashed  - Visceral hentaitomy (2024)

01 - The isekai anime genre is pure crap for retards 01:06
02 - Ejaculating on my waifu's dakimakura 01:41
03 - Doki doki genocide club 02:09
04 - I'll torture you forcing to watch Niji's cringe vtubers 02:07
05 - Ero-guro is pure edgy bullshit 01:29
06 - Visceral hentaitomy (inv Diego de Septic Karnage) 02:02
07 - In my refrigerator you will find extremities of my self-proclaimed asian wife 01:50
08 - Wtf is "having sex"? that anime I didn't see it 01:16
09 - Cum tribute to Sakura Miko (I love you so much Mikochi) (inv  Xenpai de Guttural Senpaitomy) 02:10
10 - Horimiya it's absolute peak cinema 02:07
11 - Hentailation from tentacles to a loli by defleshment (inv Diego de Septic Karnage pista adicional)  03:29

Waifu Smashed  - Visceral hentaitomy (2025)

19 de diciembre de 2024

Moe Tomogui (2024)

Split - Septic Karnage & Waifu Smashed & Dismembered - Moe Tomogui (2024)

01 - Dismembered - Necrophilic 02:30
02 - Dismembered - Diarrhea dystopia (invitado Septic Karnage) 01:03
03 - Waifu Smashed - Bloodthirsty schistosophrenic yandere 01:45
04 - Waifu Smashed - 妻が粉砕 02:11
05 - Septic Karnage - Weebs back to bree! 01:06
06 - Septic Karnage - Kpoper bitch drowned by my dick 01:43


Gonorrea records edita

Septic Karnage, San Fernando del Valle de Catamarca, Argentina
Waifu Smashed, Argentina, República Checa, Indonesia
Dismembered, Estados Unidos, Phoenix, Arizona

9 de noviembre de 2024

Waifu Smashed - Visceral hentaitomy (2024)

Waifu Smashed - Visceral hentaitomy (2024)

Waifu Smashed - Visceral hentaitomy (2024)

01 - The isekai anime genre is pure crap for retards 01:06
02 - Ejaculating on my waifu's dakimakura 01:41
03 - Doki Doki genocide club 02:09
04 - I'll torture you forcing to watch niji's cringe vtubers 02:07
05 - Ero-guro is pure edgy bullshit 01:29
06 - Visceral hentaitomy (invitado Diego de Septic Karnage) 02:02
07 - In My refrigerator you will find extremities of my self-proclaimed asian wife 01:50
08 - Wtf Is "having sex"? That anime i didn't see it 01:16
09 - Cum tribute to Sakura Miko (I love you so much mikochi) (invitado Xenpai de Guttural Senpaitomy) 02:10
10 - Horimiya it's absolute peak cinema 02:07
11 - Hentailation de tentacles to a loli by defleshment (invitado Diego de Septic Karnage) [Bonus Track] 03:29

9 de octubre de 2024

Septic Karnage & Dismembered & Waifu Smashed - Moe tomogui (2024)

Split - Septic Karnage & Dismembered & Waifu Smashed - Moe tomogui (2024)

01 - Dismembered - Necrophilic 02:30
02 - Dismembered - Diarrhea Dystopia (inv. Septic Karnage) 01:03

03 - Waifu Smashed - Bloodthirsty schistosophrenic yandere 01:45
04 - Waifu Smashed - 妻が粉砕 02:11

05 - Septic Karnage - Weebs back to bree! 01:06
06 - Septic Karnage - Kpoper bitch drowned by ny dick 01:43


21 de agosto de 2021

Waifu Smashed - Retaining a visceral sick mentality (2021)

Waifu Smashed - Retaining a visceral sick mentality (2021)

01 - Serial maid homicide 01:58
02 - Brutality Tsundere evisceration 01:47
03 - Chlamydia infection transmitted by Asuka 02:36