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Mostrando las entradas con la etiqueta Stillbirth. Mostrar todas las entradas


European smokeout tour 2019

European smokeout tour 2019

Welcome to the ultimative European Smokeout Tour 2019!

Smashing tunes, groovy swings and a heavy party is awaiting you. An evening full of fun, violence, smoking, drinking, like it has to be!

We present you four slamming and brutal bands and you can be sure, that these guys will bring fire into the venue.

Sharing is caring, and the members of this package share the stage several times on one day. This will be an unique event and you can tell your grandchildren about it.

1. XavlegbmaofffassssitimiwoamndutroabcwapwaeiippohfffX from South Africa!
Listen: https://youtu.be/2GkeI8S7qB0
Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/artist/1eawNkjAXDg8ZbArWOKktY
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/AcidicLiquidExplosionSlammingGoreGrind/
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/xavlegband/

The south african groove machine is coming to europe and they are bringing a wide range of crazy, funky, groovy, slammy tunes with em. With members of Vulvodynia, Technopath, Stillbirth and Placenta Powerfist, this hypertrain is ready to deliver finest Death Metal to you guys. Don't miss this rare appearance when it's coming near your town. 


European smokeout tour 2019

Welcome to the ultimative European Smokeout Tour 2019!

Smashing tunes, groovy swings and a heavy party is awaiting you. An evening full of fun, violence, smoking, drinking, like it has to be!

We present you four slamming and brutal bands and you can be sure, that these guys will bring fire into the venue.

Sharing is caring, and the members of this package share the stage several times on one day. This will be an unique event and you can tell your grandchildren about it.

1. XavlegbmaofffassssitimiwoamndutroabcwapwaeiippohfffX from South Africa!

The south african groove machine is coming to europe and they are bringing a wide range of crazy, funky, groovy, slammy tunes with em. With members of Vulvodynia, Technopath, Stillbirth and Placenta Powerfist, this hypertrain is ready to deliver finest Death Metal to you guys. Don't miss this rare appearance when it's coming near your town.


2. Stillbirth from Germany!

We had a tsunami warning for this show and it's coming straight from Germany. Stillbirth will bring their Beachshorts and Surfboards with them and ride the Slamming Death Metal Wave with you guys. Go out and train hard, because you will run a lot in a neverending circle pit.


3. Placenta Powerfist from Germany!

If you are a powerlifter, than we got the right tunes for you. Placenta Powerfist delivers finest premium slam, which is so heavy that you can't resist and you need to smash into the moshpit. With a new CD in their luggage they will smash the stage into the ground. The slamhammers are waiting for you guys and you will love to swing them.


4. Obsolete Incarnation from Germany!

Brutal, fast, unmercyful. You don't need more words to describe Obsolete Incarnation. They are blasting like hell and you don't have any other choise than to join the pit. With a drummer like a maschine, brutal variouse vocals and top notch guitars these guys will bring some tears of joy into your eyes.



25th - Sept: Helvete - Oberhausen (Germany)

26th - Sept: MCP Apache - Charleroi (Belgium)

27th - Sept: La Scene Michelet - Nantes (France)

28th - Sept: The Black Heart - London (UK)

29th - Sept: The Rebellion - Manchester (UK)

30th - Sept: The Green Door Store - Brighton (UK)

01st - Oct: Bambi Galore - Hamburg (Germany)

02nd - Oct: RnP - Wiesloch (Germany)

03rd - Oct: Bandhaus - Leipzig (Germany)

04th - Oct: Eastend - Berlin (Germany)

05th - Oct: Sputnik Halle - Münster (Germany)

06th - Oct: Backstage - Munich (Germany)

07th - Oct: Viper Room - Vienna (Austria)

08th - Oct: Reitschule - Bern (Switzerland)

09th - Oct: Rocksound - Barcelona (Spain)

10th - Oct: Rockneat - Lyon (France)

11th - Oct: Gibus Live - Paris (France)

12th - Oct: Hal25 - Alkmaar (Netherlands)

13th - Oct: Baroeg - Rotterdam (Netherlands)


European Smokeout Tour Spotify Playlist: https://open.spotify.com/…/1qn29hz5m0gc3i6qnbf5syqcp/playli…


Unique Leader Records / LACERATED ENEMY records / Gm-It / Ormsby Guitars / 666strings / Rising Nemesis Records / Crowdkill Apparel / DPK Studios / SLAM WORLDWIDE

European smokeout tour 2019