
Mostrando las entradas con la etiqueta Holocausto Canibal. Mostrar todas las entradas
Mostrando las entradas con la etiqueta Holocausto Canibal. Mostrar todas las entradas


Holocausto Canibal - Crueza ferina (2022)

Holocausto Canibal - Crueza ferina (2022)

Holocausto Canibal - Crueza ferina (2022)

01 - Ad bizarrem morem 02:42 instrumental
02 - Êxodo mortuoso 02:13
03 - Epicédio MADRIGAZ 01:27
04 - Sinaxe do sepúlcro tafófobo 02:23
05 - Ancestrais ritos hipóxicos 00:57
06 - Apresto executório 01:11
07 - Aniquilação suídea 03:10
08 - Ávida tragação 01:26
09 - Congregação da flama felídea 01:25
10 - Psicótico interlúdio 02:00 instrumental
11 - Anátemas nefandos 00:38
12 - Esquartejado em segundos 00:25
13 - Prenúncios da vingança cavicórnea 01:21
14 - Suprema dominância taurina 01:35
15 - Campas do negro breu 03:14
16 - Girândolas da agonia profunda 01:14
17 - Miasmas onanizantes 00:51
18 - Quérulo dos finados 01:49
19 - Sortilégio da perversão 03:30



Tribute to Blood (2014)

Tribute to Blood (2020)

Tribute to Blood (2014)

01 - Anal Grind -  Holy rot 01:43
02 - Anal Grind -  Inflame 01:16
03 - Anatomy -  Amputation 01:26
04 - Bomberos -  Unholy god 00:59
05 - Bowel Stew -  Profanity 01:01
06 - Cannibe -  Wings of declaration 00:36
07 - Degenerhate -  Cannibal ritual 02:02
08 - Depression -  Dogmatized 02:13
09 - Depression -  Down to the swamp 01:20
10 - Discharge By Death -  Anthen of scorn 01:50
11 - Ebanath -  Penalty 01:38
12 - Epicrise -  Retrogression 01:13
13 - Exegutor -  Wage of war 01:28
14 - Grind Division -  Positional warfare 02:22
15 - Holy Cost -  Separation 01:55
16 - Lividity -  Roman whores 01:31
17 - Lividity -  Wie krieger sterben 03:44
18 - Mastic Scum -  Fleshconsumer 01:05
19 - Mixomatosis -  Dogmatized 02:45
20 - Magistral Flatulences -  Poison of soul 02:12
21 - Necrocannibalistic Vomitorium -  Perishment in utter ecstasy 01:34
22 - Nepente -  The chainsaw massacre 02:49
23 - Olocausto -  Insomnia 01:46
24 - Parricide -  Cannibal ritual 01:37
25 - Pene* -  Toothache 01:14
26 - Rancid Flesh -  Skate is great 00:32
27 - Seeking Obscure -  The greed 02:50
28 - Septory -  Punishment 02:52
29 - Slaughterhouse -  Linear logical intelligence 01:01
30 - Snuff -  Wage war 01:39
31 - Spermblood Shit -  Economic cancer 00:53
32 - Stickoxydal -  Derangement 02:34
33 - Tiran -  Jesus never lives 01:20
34 - Twisted Truth -  Unholy god 01:25
35 - Virulent Blessing -  Texas chainsaw massacre 03:34
36 - Ancient Necropsy -  Naked frost 01:20
37 - Holocausto Canibal -  Euthanastic inclination 01:48
38 - Pulmonary Fibrosis -  Evil saints 01:21


Box sided DIE (2019)

Box sided DIE es un cubo de metal negro de 183 centímetros en cada lado acolchado con espuma acústica.
Es una escultura minimalista, un proyecto artístico de  João Onofre, quien invita a bandas de metal brutal a tocar dentro a voluntad, encerrada, hasta escasear el oxígeno.
Holocausto Canibal, de Portugal,  fue una de las bandas invitadas, así como Konkhra, Avulsed, Unfathomable Ruination, o Gorod entre otras.


Xxxapada na tromba festival (2020)

Xxxapada 2020 - Line up announcement

You asked for a new edition of the festival, so here we are! It’s our immense pleasure to bring to you the following bands for the 2020 edition! We ask you, our dear friends, to please welcome Malevolent Creation, Unfathomable Ruination, Spasm, Holocausto Canibal, Rectal Smegma, Cytotoxin, Nashgul, Serrabulho, Acranius, ANALEPSY, Raw Decimating Brutality, Kadaverficker, Twitch Of The Death Nerve, PaRtY-CaNnOn, Bleeding Display, Byonoisegenerator, MDMA BDM, Disturbance Project, Diaroe and Cronaxia.

As of today, we will start to accept pre-reservations for the two-day tickets for next year. The first 50 will be available in a special early bird promotion of just 40 euro! After that, the ticket price for the pre-sale will be of 45€ until January! For more information regarding the tickets, send us an email to: xxxapada.fest@gmail.com

Thank you to everyone who has shown interest and have helped us to get further and further with our small festival, you are the reason we are still here! Soon we shall have a few more special surprises for you all!

With lots of love, your very own Xxxapada crew <3 p="">

Artwork by Pedro Sena - Lordigan and poster by Logotomy Designs