
Mostrando las entradas con la etiqueta Anal Fistfuckers. Mostrar todas las entradas
Mostrando las entradas con la etiqueta Anal Fistfuckers. Mostrar todas las entradas

9 de enero de 2025

Anal Fistfuckers - Scat porn maniacs (2014)

Anal Fistfuckers - Scat porn maniacs (2014)

01 - Dead, red & brown (Snuff tape 3 O.S.T.) 01:05
02 - Tatort toilette 00:41
03 - Scat porn maniacs 01:42
04 - Scat hurricane 01:10
05 - Creatures from the anus 01:15
06 - Scat attack 01:46
07 - Scathunter 02:28
08 - Sommer, sonne, kaviar 01:17
09 - Chicharrón de cerdo con caca de perro excitado (versión de Gonorrea) 02:11
10 - Scat of the dead 01:23
11 - Toilet diary 01:09
12 - Human toilet 01:08
13 - Brazilian scat girls 01:32
14 - Scat incest - Der familienschiss 01:00
15 - Die $tuhl gäng 01:21
16 - No scat, no glory 03:56
17 - Syphilis kings club (versión de Erotic Gore Cunt) 02:14
18 - Possessed by scat 01:34
19 - Toilet beauties 04:54

Splatter zombie records edita

15 de septiembre de 2024

 Split -Pigtails & Anal Fistfuckers & Rektal Fetus & Gonorrea (2014)

Split -Pigtails & Anal Fistfuckers & Rektal Fetus & Gonorrea (2014)

Pigtails - Puta

01 - Pigtails - Puta (Bitch, whore, cunt, slut, zorra, golfa, perra, piruja) 3:05
02 - Pigtails - No butt... no fuck!!! 2:11
03 - Pigtails - Eatcumplas 2:07
04 - Pigtails - Less age more money 2:39
05 - Pigtails - Smells like teen pussy 2:44
06 - Pigtails - The fattier whore the smeller holes 2:23
07 - Pigtails - Whore-rrible (w)hor(e)desof whore-rrible whores 1:27

Anal Fistfuckers - Estilo mojón, putón!! 

08 - Anal Fistfuckers - Scat junkies 1:15
09 - Anal Fistfuckers - Endstation babyschiss 0:50
10 - Anal Fistfuckers - Anal autopsy 1:28
11 - Anal Fistfuckers - Is trape at first the sate song 1:46
12 - Anal Fistfuckers - Toilet revolution / Song 1:07
13 - Anal Fistfuckers - Das tierbordell von niedermobic 1:20
14 - Anal Fistfuckers - Cunt flesh filet 2:22

Rektal Fetus

 15 - Rektal Fetus - Die verhurte krankenschwester Pt.2 2:00
16 - Rektal Fetus - Getto scat patrol 1:20
17 - Rektal Fetus - Juicy cunts need some pumps 1:07
18 - Rektal Fetus - Menstrual tampon fater 1:28
19 - Rektal Fetus - Mama milf milf attack 1:17
20 - Rektal Fetus - Squirting babes maniacs 1:26
21 - Rektal Fetus - Die verhurt krankenschwester 0:26

Gonorrea - Snuff porn gore 

22 - Gonorrea - Chilaquiles en salsa menstrual 2 1:12
23 - Gonorrea - Payaso de rodeo 3:22
24 - Gonorrea - Pig cock 1:32
25 - Gonorrea - Rebeld cocks 0:26
26 - Gonorrea - Un viaje hacia la verga 1:42
27 - Gonorrea - Vaginita vaporub 2:14

Split -Pigtails & Anal Fistfuckers & Rektal Fetus & Gonorrea (2014)

Split -Pigtails & Anal Fistfuckers & Rektal Fetus & Gonorrea (2014)

Split -Pigtails & Anal Fistfuckers & Rektal Fetus & Gonorrea (2014)

Split -Pigtails & Anal Fistfuckers & Rektal Fetus & Gonorrea (2014)

Split -Pigtails & Anal Fistfuckers & Rektal Fetus & Gonorrea (2014)

27 de marzo de 2023

Insufferable noise (2015)

Compilado - Insufferable noise (2015)

Compilado - Insufferable noise (2015)

Disco I 

001 - Agathocles - BUNKA BUNKA BLUES
003 - Festering Drippage - Putrid Prostitution
004 - Festering Drippage - Menstrualbation
005 - Selaphiel - NIHILISMO HUMANO
006 - Cannibe - Intestinal Ischemia And Infarction
007 - Cannibe - Brutal Asesinato (la Empalaron Con una Escoba)
008 - Vaginal Cadaver - Gail Swallows And Your Girlfriend Should Too
009 - Vaginal Cadaver - It's No Secret That Your Girlfriend Is A Slut
010 - Vaginal Cadaver - Good Whore
011 - Vaginal Cadaver - Money Talks
012 - Porky Vagina - Mökry Pszestempcy
013 - Porky Vagina - Penisüwki
014 - Porky Vagina - TŻej Mlekö
015 - Porky Vagina - Piggy Is My Friend (Sonseed Cover)
016 - Porky Vagina - AIDS In Space (Motorhead Cover)
017 - Bonde do Noisecore - Os Inimigos Estão Dentro da Família
018 - Bonde do Noisecore - Garrafa de Cerveja no Anus
019 - Bonde do Noisecore - Memórias Desgraçadas
020 - Bonde do Noisecore - O Baile Funk Dos Inferno
021 - Bonde do Noisecore - Pai Bebado
022 - Bonde do Noisecore - Delicious Face Style (Anal Cunt Cover)
023 - Anal Fistfuckers - Kot Für Die Welt
024 - Anal Fistfuckers - Gehirnschwund Im Muttermund
025 - Anal Fistfuckers - Endstation Babyschiss
026 - Anal Fistfuckers - Raped At The First Date
027 - Anal Fistfuckers - Liebling, Ich Habe Die Kinder Gefickt 
028 - Spinal Cord Ejaculation - Sucking Wands (сосание волшебных палочек)
029 - Spinal Cord Ejaculation - Fucked With Frozen Cum (выебан замороженой кончёй)
030 - Spinal Cord Ejaculation - Eating Shit And Fucking Kids In the Ass (жрать говно и ебать детей в жопу)
031 - Spinal Cord Ejaculation - A Sea Of Dicks In Your Ass (море хуёв в твоей жопе)
032 - Spinal Cord Ejaculation - Radio Shit (Anal Cunt Cover)
033 - 50gore - The Formal Operation Of The Extremities
034 - 50gore - Slow Heart Failure
035 - 50gore - Brutal Gore
036 - Anus Tumor - Kriegsleid
037 - Anus Tumor - Metastasen=Menschheit
038 - Anus Tumor - Analphabetic Hymenity (Cock And Ball Torture Cover)
039 - Anus Tumor - Schönheitswahn
040 - Anus Tumor - United In Gore
041 - Anus Tumor - Filthchain (Sore Throat Cover)
042 - Anus Tumor - Tier
043 - Anus Tumor - Steriles Glas
044 - Anus Tumor - Living And Killing In Our Society
045 - Sagrado - Anal Cremation
046 - Sagrado - Mass Delayer
047 - Sagrado - Mouth Menstration
048 - Sagrado - Pentagram Tattooed Pussy
049 - Sagrado - Teen Priest Homosexual
050 - Cordyceps - Slamolution
051 - Cordyceps - Greedy Starbucks Bitch
052 - Remnants Of Tortured - Anal Torture's Clinic
053 - Remnants Of Tortured - Concluded Dismemberment
054 - Remnants Of Tortured - Fetuses Flammables
055 - Remnants Of Tortured - Sadistic Whore - Anal Haemorrhage
056 - Remnants Of Tortured - The Torzo
057 - Cerebral Torture - PROMO 2013
058 - Sigmoidectomy - A Massacre Into The Christian Church
059 - Sigmoidectomy - Bloodsplattered Satisfaction

Disco II

061 - Feto In Fetus - Countless Victims
062 - Feto In Fetus - Dissonance
063 - Feto In Fetus - Sea Of Deception
064 - Feto In Fetus - Violation Of Dignity
065 - Decay (Swe) - Midnight Burial - Rot And Ruin
066 - Somnambular Dance - The Cats
067 - Somnambular Dance - ...И я ослеп
068 - Somnambular Dance - Всадник
069 - Radiation Alpha - I.P.Y.F.
070 - Sulphur Seas - Mers de Soufre
071 - Defibrillator - Eating The Rotten Arm Of A Desomorphine Addict
072 - Pulmonary Fibrosis - Sub Cutaneon Rectalism Goulashing
073 - Pulmonary Fibrosis - Acutteness on Pulmonary Chronic Infect
074 - Anal Tetris - Palec w dupie
075 - Anal Tetris - Pechowy Srakostop
076 - Anal Tetris - Przedszkolaczek-001
077 - Anal Tetris - Szlafrok
078 - Anal Tetris - Hurt (Johnny Cash Cover)
079 - VHS - Weight Reduction Through Terror
080 - VHS - Choke On It
081 - VHS - Radioactive Rat Attack
082 - VHS - Best Chilli In Texas
083 - VHS - When Sleeping Bag Meets Tree
084 - VHS - There Shall Be Nights of Terror
085 - Mugre - Infección Eterna
086 - Mugre - Morbobsesión
087 - Mugre - Peritonitis
088 - Mugre - Repugnantemente Asqueroso
089 - Mugre - Nauseabundo Fetiche
090 - Zoebeast - Wako Invasion
091 - Zoebeast - Vegetable Hymn
092 - Zoebeast - Who's The First To Leave China Behind
093 - Semeffo - Itzel Y Su Mascota (Adicción Huevera)
094 - Semeffo - Alicia En El Pais De Las Parafilias
095 - Semeffo - Bailando Sobre Mierda
096 - Semeffo - Cadaver Mosqueado 2.0 (Feat. Alexx Gama from Hallux Valgus)
097 - Semeffo - Dos Niñas De Cuatro Años De Edad Experimentando Coprofilia Obligadas Por Su Padre Que Tiene Cuarenta Años Y Quedo Loco Por Haber Violado El 098 - Semeffo - Los Fajes De Culivert 2.0 (Feat. Mai Grave Grinder from Japan)
099 - Semeffo - The Violation Of Anna Sophia Robb (TxPxF Cover)
100 - Vaginal Opening - Terminator Vagina
101 - Vaginal Opening - Vagina Function
102 - Vaginal Opening - Invisible Blood And The Tsunami
103 - Vaginal Opening - Vaginal Opening
104 - Vaginal Opening - Fibrofolliculomas, Trichodiscomas and Acrochordons
105 - Vaginal Opening - Vaginal Yeast Infection
106 - Vaginal Opening - Vagina Wicked
107 - Vaginal Opening - Decortication
108 - Vaginal Opening - Vagina Passion
109 - Vaginal Opening - Vagina Hock
110 - Vaginal Opening - Trumpet Vagina Of The Plump Bastard
111 - Vaginal Opening - Stressful Vagina And The Cheating Cruise
112 - Vaginal Opening - Dissonant Vagina
113 - Vaginal Opening - Vagina Relief
114 - Vaginal Opening - Breathing Vagina And The Knocker
115 - Vaginal Opening - Vaginal Engine
116 - Vaginal Opening - Vaginal Of The Painful Grease
117 - Gonorrea - Porn About Human Garbage
118 - Gonorrhea - Inmensa Necesidad Pelvica por Fornicar Hembras
119 - Gonorrea - Smegma Dance
120 - Gonorrea - Paraphiliacs Lover
121 - Gonorrea - Infame Cannibalocopromutilacion por Anorgasmia

Disco III

123 - DEMENTED RETARDED - Depilace Těla Mačetou
124 - DEMENTED RETARDED - Přitlučený Hřebem
126 - DEMENTED RETARDED - Ser Na Komerční Svět
127 - DEMENTED RETARDED - Sběratel Nočních Běsů
128 - DEMENTED RETARDED - Trauma Z Dětství Se Vrací
129 - Анальные Дети - Закрытое Анальное Общество
130 - Анальные Дети - Когда Ничего Не Помогло, Самое Время Взглянуть В Сторону Кала
131 - Анальные Дети - Анальный Напильник
132 - Анальные Дети - Однаждый Кал Хотел Пройти Мой Кишечник, Но Я Ему Не Разрешил, Он Ведет Себя Как Говно
133 - Анальные Дети - Доктор Любит Вино,Осень И Рассматривать Коллекцию Высушенной Крайней Плоти В Своём Альбоме
134 - Анальные Дети - Выпал Снег И Выпала Прямая Кишка
135 - Анальные Дети - Я Люблю Тебя В Прямую Кишку
136 - Анальные Дети - Анальный Шёпот (George Michael - Careless Whisper Cover)
137 - Chaotic Innards - Headache 138 - Chaotic Innards - Conflict
139 - Chaotic Innards - Sick Thoat 140 - xAxMx - Police
141 - xAxMx - Еби-Систему 142 - xAxMx - You Suffer (Napalm Death Cover)
143 - xAxMx -Dead (Napalm Death Cover)
145 - Junkie Warrior - COQUETEL DE TARJA PRETA
146 - Junkie Warrior - PAI DE FAMILHA
147 - Junkie Warrior - CANAEL ANTIFIGADO
148 - Junkie Warrior - PASTOR - LANÇA PERFUME
149 - Potato Hate Explosion - Turn Up and Do What Thou Will
150 - Potato Hate Explosion - We're Leaving Town Tonight
151 - Deep Fried Embryo - Rotted Mess
152 - Deep Fried Embryo - Pantless Pat
153 - Deep Fried Embryo - Dr. Yellow
154 - Deep Fried Embryo - Shit And Noise
155 - Gorgonized Dorks - Plutocrats Ground Into Dogfood
156 - Shitnoise Bastards - Environmental Damage
157 - Shitnoise Bastards - Industrial Murders
158 - Shitnoise Bastards - Sympathy Money
159 - Shitnoise Bastards - Сhemical In The Foetus
160 - Shitnoise Bastards - The Polluting Factory
161 - Shitnoise Bastards - Industrial Chemical Disasters
162 - Epidemia Anal - If I Were Your Father Gave You To A Pedophile
163 - Epidemia Anal - Je suis Charlie Is A Jewish Bussiness
164 - Epidemia Anal - Legalize Crack
165 - Epidemia Anal - Você Fuma Tanta Maconha que Bob Marley Vai Enfia O Pau No Seu Pulmão
166 - Epidemia Anal - Goleiro Bruno é Inocente !!! Prendam os Cachorros!
167 - Eternal Noise Holocaust - Some Songs
168 - Kömeliixö - Delírios de Buiú Muito Doido De Cola (Pt. 1 e 2)
169 - Failure - Untitled
170 - Hatevomit - Necröpervertör
171 - Straight Hate - Fuck Off
172 - Straight Hate - The Downfall Of Authority
173 - Baixo Calão - Foda-Se Religião
174 - Baixo Calão - Do Descaso
175 - Baixo Calão - Do Carcoma
176 - Baixo Calão - Da Lucidez farpada
177 - Baixo Calão - Caos Confesso
178 - Baixo Calão - No Future
179 - Baixo Calão - Resto do Resto
180 - Cephalophore - Ziz
181 - Cephalophore - Behemoth
182 - Cephalophore - Lotan
183 - Anal Flamethrower - Knife Throatfuck (Instrumental Version)
184 - На 100 Процентов Отмудоханная Бабуля - ILoveJews
185 - На 100 Процентов Отмудоханная Бабуля - Rap Is A Faggot Pt3
186 - На 100 Процентов Отмудоханная Бабуля - Your Cock Dressed Me
187 - На 100 Процентов Отмудоханная Бабуля - Crying Leads To Suicide
188 - Пердящие Валенки - Запах пердятины
189 - Пердящие Валенки - Подшкурочные спазмы
190 - Пердящие Валенки - Элегантное попёрдывание в ладоши
191 - Пердящие Валенки - Хроники обрыганизма
192 - Пердящие Валенки - Анальное озалупливание
193 - Пердящие Валенки - Жри мой выпердыш!
194 - Porreria - DC ou Marvel É Para Viadinhos, Eu Gosto De Faustão Looney Tunes
195 - Porreria - Forças Armadas Do Trafico Brasileiro
196 - Porreria - Futebol De Homem E Futebol De Varzea
197 - Porreria - Deus Não Existe Se Não Já Teria Me Matado
198 - Porreria - Escove Seu Cu Antes De Dormir
199 - Porreria - haha futibil
200 - Porreria - A Morena Me Deixou Porque Eu Não Sei Beijar E Minha Língua É Muito Grande E Quase Matou Ela Engasgada
201 - Porreria - Cometa Suicídio De Uma Maneira Saudável
202 - Porreria - Corta Esse Cabelo David Luiz
203 - Porreria - Cthulhu Should Rise
204 - Porreria - Musicas Com Mensagens Motivacionais
205 - Porreria - Me Mata Deus I
206 - Porreria - Maconhossaurorrex
207 - Porreria - Bonde Da Coprofilia
208 - Porreria - Esterilização Escrotal Com Peixeiras Para Fabricação De Ovos De Páscoa No Natal
209 - Porreria - Eu Não Aguento Mais Viver Nesse Mundo
210 - Porreria - Eu Faço Pigsqueal Pelo Meu Cu
211 - Porreria - Eu Mijava Sim (Eu pixava Sim Carnaval re-edit)
212 - Porreria - Essa Musica É Tao Intelectual Que Ninguem Entendeu
213 - Porreria - Dilma No XVideos 

Disco IV

215 - Decomposition Guts – Массовое расчленение цыган
216 - NekRock - I Have No Idea What Should I Name These Songs So I'm Just Going To Write Some NekRock Trivia
217 - NekRock - NekRock's Favourite Color Is Pink
218 - NekRock - NekRock's Favourite Song Of All Time Is All Along The Watchtower By Jimi Hendrix
219 - NekRock - NekRock's Favourite Video Game Of All Time Is Assassin's Creed IV
220 - NekRock - Alright, Enough Of This Shit
221 - NekRock - Kill Your Mother - Rape Your Dog (Dying Fetus Cover)
222 - NekRock - "male:shota" "male:crossdressing" "male:pegging"
223 - NekRock - http://pururin.com/gallery/18575/pregnant-belly-day-care-lady-shotapai.html
224 - NekRock - Fucking A Spinneret 225 - NekRock - Ничего Не Изменилось (PHARAOH Cover)
226 - Потс - Дом 2
227 - Потс - непорочные ищущие Б-га сердца
228 - Потс - санитары вновь скрутили буйного
229 - TETSURO - Acne
230 - TETSURO - China White
232 - TETSURO - Just pink
233 - TETSURO - Matricária discoídea
234 - TETSURO - My gymnastics
235 - Crowave - Intro - Transcending the Boundaries of Experimental Music I
236 - Crowave - Is Real
237 - Crowave - Smooth サンプルからのサンプル
238 - 愛-Sakura-愛 - 少女M♥anDance♀
239 - Dimitri Clorto - Pact
240 - Dimitri Clorto - BruitSing
241 - Leather Summerఁ - Смех сквозь зубы
242 - Leather Summerఁ - Тотальный кайф
243 - Leather Summerఁ - Wild desires after hell dive
244 - Leather Summerఁ - Выводы из ничего
245 - Leather Summerఁ - Высшая школа идиотизма
246 - Leather Summerఁ - Died in vain
247 - Leather Summerఁ - Knives and hammers
248 - Leather Summerఁ - Лес отрубленных рук
249 - Leather Summerఁ - Собачье дерьмо вместо мозгов
250 - Leather Summerఁ - Рваные раны
251 - Leather Summerఁ - Столкновение с ножом
252 - Leather Summerఁ - Less than nothing
253 - PORRÄLOKA - hora do toddynho
254 - PORRÄLOKA - o preço do doce anda meio salgado
255 - PORRÄLOKA - pseudo-malandragem
256 - PORRÄLOKA - ostentadores da miséria
257 - PORRÄLOKA - sangue de playboy vale mais no mercado negro
258 - PORRÄLOKA - yeah man, iemen
260 - VirusFeast - Frostbite Of The Cock
261 - VirusFeast - Slaughterhouse For The Homeless
265 - Reator04 - Animal Chernobyl Mutants Session
266 - Anhorrent Intent - Говно Застрявшее Под Ногтем
267 - Abhorrent Intent - Grustnyaffka ;(
268 - Shot Through The Hand With A Nail Gun - Sucide Is One Final Drug Mixdown
269 - Shot Through The Hand With A Nail Gun - The Oreos Are Gone Rerecorded
270 - Shot Through The Hand With A Nail Gun - Titties And Beer Song SlamaJama
271 - Neoadjuvant Chemotherapy - Syphilis Is Cool
272 - Neoadjuvant Chemotherapy - You Fucking Loser
273 - Neoadjuvant Chemotherapy - You Fucked Up Your Life, Asshole
274 - Neoadjuvant Chemotherapy - Gosha Zolotaryov
275 - Neoadjuvant Chemotherapy - Good Hipster - Dead Hipster
276 - Neoadjuvant Chemotherapy - Paedophilia Is My Life
277 - Neoadjuvant Chemotherapy - Untitled (Part 1)
285 - God Pussy - Esfaqueando Sua Face
286 - God Pussy - Se Alimentando Do Ódio
287 - 死者の餌 - Little redhead Alex Mae gets her pussy eaten
288 - Sigma Plateau - Untitled 01
289 - Sigma Plateau - Untitled
02 290 - Sigma Plateau - Untitled
03 291 - Sigma Plateau - Untitled 04

Disco V

293 - Krovavaya Soska - I Put Dead Frog In The Anus Of Matt Mansfield From Phyllomedusa
294 - Krovavaya Soska - Minions Are Faggots
295 - Krovavaya Soska - Holy Trinity Sucks Dick Of God Kuzya
296 - Syr-degrn - 1PERIODCH_-_1y_stikh-bokha
297 - Syr-degrn - 2UUUZZSHA_-_2y_stikh_bokha_yurayndu 298 - Аня Марутенко - Думайте что пишете!
298 - ?
299 - Vlad Shegal - Моцарт (А Фо Мин Cover)
300 - Vlad Shegal - Я трахнул дочь лучшего друга (на стихи Анонимуса )
301 - Vlad Shegal - Live March 12, 2015
302 - Клиника Насильственных Абортов - Untitled 1
303 - Клиника Насильственных Абортов - Untitled 2
304 - Клиника Насильственных Абортов - Untitled 3
305 - Клиника Насильственных Абортов - Untitled 4
306 - Клиника Насильственных Абортов - Untitled 5
308 - MC VAGINATOR - Все ебутся в навозе
309 - MC VAGINATOR - Ебля хрюшек-шлюшек (x BELCHING MC)
312 - Shine Lethargy - Geometric Conceptualism Insufferable Noise
002 - Humanoid Transmutation - Used Body Bags
060 - Fleshgrinder - Slowly We Rot (Obituary Cover)
122 - DEMENTED RETARDED - ŘešeniDekapitace
214 - Decomposition Guts – Людоед Антон кушает гондон
292 - Krovavaya Soska - Petroleum Is A Black Diarrhea Of Satan

1 de noviembre de 2022

PornGoreGrind worldwide compilation vol. 1 (2021)


Split - PornGoreGrind worldwide compilation vol. 1 (2021)

01 - Cerebral Enema - My anus is bleeding 02:23
02 - CockPit - RessaB 03:01
03 - Anal Fistfuckers - Scat confession 01:57
04 - Zuckuss - Climax reboner 01:40
05 - Oral Piss Olympics - Don Peejote 01:20
06 - Cocaine Traffic Through Corpses - Salvajismo narcoterrorista 03:31
07 - Hoggod - Night shift 01:23
08 - Cannibal Sex Party - Fat man on a bike 01:22
09 - Cum Book - MTSMMC 02:11
10 - Vaginal Cadaver - Sucking dick is her destiny 01:50
11 - Gonzo - How I milked your mother 01:25
12 - Anal Ulcer - Menstrually maimed and sexually slaughtered 01:33
13 - Puerco Maldito Nahual - Dick propelled pornocopter 00:43
14 - Front Porch Human BBQ - Fetal devourment 02:25
15 - Clit Stomp - Living And Dying in your own shit 00:54
16 - Võmbaleidur - The lucky one 03:20
17 - Tuberculoaliendofobia - Vaginal abductions offering 01:40
18 - Transorbital Piss Orgy - Motorboating mammeries of the multiverse 01:51
19 - XFungalXBloomX - Greed of carrion 00:58
20 - Lord Vag Scab - Needlez and gunz 01:46
21 - SpÖoÖoky Steve - Smegma genesis 01:02
22 - Hematoputrefaction Sexologicunt - Multiverse panspermia 02:11
23 - Jesusperm - Anal stigmata 01:19
24 - Varicocele - Aricular cumshot 00:28
25 - Loly In The Loo - Oh no my girlfriend pooping in the pants 00:42
26 - Vaginal Halitosis - Disgorge jungle puketronix 01:08
27 - Wormosis - Molesting dead cats with a cattle prod 01:01
28 - Gastrointestinal Candidiasis - Gynoerotic insertion stipulation 02:15
29 - No Fun - Kunai in the eye 00:50
30 - Diarherrasyphilismasturbation - Goregusting diarherra 00:32