
Mostrando las entradas con la etiqueta Terrorizer. Mostrar todas las entradas
Mostrando las entradas con la etiqueta Terrorizer. Mostrar todas las entradas

24 de noviembre de 2024

12 de octubre de 2024

Terrorizer - Hordes of zombies (2012)

Terrorizer - Hordes of zombies (2012)

Terrorizer - Hordes of zombies (2012)

01 - Intro 01:52  
02 - Hordes of zombies 03:28
03 - Ignorance and apathy 02:10
04 - Subterfuge 01:59
05 - Evolving Era 03:24
06 - Radiation syndrome 02:07
07 - Flesh to dust 02:19
08 - Generation chaos 02:09
09 - Broken mirrors 03:08
10 - Prospect of oblivion 03:25
11 - Malevolent ghosts 03:00
12 - Forward to annihilation 02:01
13 - State of mind 03:18
14 - A dying breed 03:47


Terrorizer - Darker days ahead (2006)

Terrorizer - Darker days ahead (2006)

Terrorizer - Darker days ahead (2006)

01 - Inevitable (intro) 01:03
02 - Darker days ahead 03:46
03 - Crematorium 03:54
04 - Fallout 03:48
05 - Doomed forever 03:23
60 - Mayhem 03:57
07 - Blind army 03:06
08 - Nightmare 03:42
09 - Legacy of brutality 02:25
10 - Dead shall rise v.06 03:32
11 - Victim of greed 04:11
12 - Ghost train (outro) 02:35


8 de septiembre de 2024

Mejores discos de grindcore

Siege - Drop dead (1984)

Siege - Drop dead (1984)

Lärm - Straight on view (1986)

Lärm - Straight on view (1986)

Napalm Death - Scum (1987)

Napalm Death - Scum (1987)

Sore Throat - Death to capitalist hardcore (1987)

Sore Throat - Death to capitalist hardcore (1987)

Carcass - Reek of putrefaction (1988)

Carcass - Reek of putrefaction (1988)

Carcass - Symphonies of sickness (1989)

Carcass - Symphonies of sickness (1989)

Napalm Death - From enslavement to obliteration (1988)

Napalm Death - From enslavement to obliteration (1988)

Napalm Death - Mentally murdered (1989)

Napalm Death - Mentally murdered (1989)

O.L.D - Old Lady Drivers (1988)

O.L.D. - Old Lady Drivers (1988)

Extreme Noise Terror - A holocaust in your head (1989)

Extreme Noise Terror - A holocaust in your head (1989)

Extreme Noise Terror - Peel sessions (1987)

Repulsion - Horrified (1989)

Repulsion - Horrified (1989)

Terrorizer - World downfall (1989)

Terrorizer - World downfall (1989)

26 de enero de 2024

Diez discos de grindcore

Repulsion - Horrified (1989)

Repulsion - Horrified (1989)

Siege - Drop dead (1984)

Siege - Drop dead (1984)

Carcass -  Reek of putrefaction (1988)

Carcass -  Reek of putrefaction (1988)

Extreme Noise Terror - A holocaust in your head (1989)

Extreme Noise Terror - A holocaust in your head (1989)

Lärm - Straight on view (1986)

Lärm - Straight on view (1986)

Napalm Death - From enslavement to obliteration (1988)

Napalm Death - From enslavement to obliteration (1988)

Napalm Death - Scum (1987)

Napalm Death - Scum (1987)

O.L.D - Old lady drivers (1988)

O.L.D - Old lady drivers (1988)

Sore Throat - Death to capitalist hardcore (1987)

Sore Throat - Death to capitalist hardcore (1987)

Terrorizer - World downfall (1989)

Diez mejores discos de grindcore

21 de mayo de 2023

Terrorizer - Caustic attack (2018)

Terrorizer - Caustic attack (2018)

Terrorizer - Caustic attack (2018)

01 - Turbulence 01:58
02 - Invasion 01:56
03 - Conflict and Despair 02:04
04 - Devastate 03:09
05 - Crisis 04:13
06 - Infiltration 04:57
07 - The Downtrodden 04:11
08 - Trench of Corruption 04:14
09 - Sharp Knives 03:04
10 - Failed Assassin 03:16
11 - Caustic Attack 01:00
12 - Poison Gas Tsunami 01:12
13 - Terror Cycles 03:46
14 - Wasteland 04:42


Pete Sandoval batería
Sam Molina bajo, voz
Lee Harrison guitarra

27 de septiembre de 2022

In grind we crust (2012)

Compilado - In grind we crust (2012)

Compilado - In grind we crust (2012)

También llamado I.G.W.C. 
01 - Acephalix - Bastard
02 - Uncurbed- Blockhead
03 - Code Orange Kids - Flowermouth
04 - Deviated Instinct - Return of frost
05 - Disfear- Phantom
06 - Doom - Love song
07 - Endless Grinning Skulls - Caught you
08 - Extinction of Mankind - Paranoid delusions
09 - Flokons Givres - Pu rien a boire 150 $
10 - Gaza - The truth weighs nothing
11 - Invertex Pussyfix - Piece of uterus
12 - Martyrdod - Overkom er radsla
13 - No Comment - Dead stare for life
14 - Power From Hell - Bestial times
15 - Speedwolf - I am the demon
16 - Terrorizer - Hordes of zombies
17 - The Secret - Agnus dei
18 - Tragedy - Wail of sirens
19 - Warcollapse - Crust as fuck existence

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