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29 de septiembre de 2024

Dreaming in red, dreaming In death - Tributo a Dismember (2024)

Tributo - Dreaming in red, dreaming In death - Tributo a Dismember (2024)

Tributo - Dreaming in red, dreaming In death - Tributo a Dismember (2024)

01 - Carnal Tomb - Dismembered
02 - Centinex - Crime divine
03 - Deathgoat - Skin her alive
04 - Desecresy - As the coins upon your eyes
05 - Haemorrhage - Deathevocation
06 - Inner Darkness - Dark depths
07 - Kazjurol - Massive killing capacity
08 - Masacre - Soon to be dead
09 - Necrogore - The god that never was
10 - Nominon - I wish you hell
11 - Purtenance - Bleed For me
12 - Reborn in Blasphemy - On frozen fields
13 - Sinister - Dreaming In Red
14 - Sorcery - Misanthropic
15 - Toxaemia - I saw them die
16 - Valgrind - And so is life
17 - Wombbath - Override of the overture
18 - Soulrot - Casket garden

Nos complace anunciar el lanzamiento de “Dreaming In Red, Dreaming In Death”, álbum tributo a DISMEMBER, una de las bandas más icónicas del Death Metal sueco, el cual verá la luz en noviembre de 2024. Este homenaje ha sido autorizado por la propia banda y por su sello discográfico Nuclear Blast, lo que garantiza un proyecto 100% digno del legado de DISMEMBER.

El disco será editado en formato CD a través del sello discográfico Base Record Production, dirigido por Gaspar del Valle, y ha sido el resultado de un arduo trabajo de organización liderado por Eto de Grinding Your Guts ‘zine, quien ha reunido a una selección de bandas de primer nivel del panorama del Death Metal mundial para versionar los clásicos inmortales de DISMEMBER.

El proceso de mezcla y mastering de los temas ha estado en manos de Rubén Rodríguez en sus NeburZone Estudios, quien ha sabido capturar la brutalidad y esencia de cada interpretación, logrando una cohesión sonora que se mantiene fiel al legado de DISMEMBER.

La portada, una obra impactante y visceral, ha sido realizada por el reconocido artista Raúlo Cáceres, mientras que el texto interior que acompaña al CD ha sido escrito por el influyente autor y periodista del Metal Arcadio Rodríguez, agregando un toque literario que enriquece aún más esta edición. 
Este tributo cuenta con la participación de bandas de varios rincones del mundo, todas unidas por su respeto y admiración hacia DISMEMBER.

A continuación, el setlist completo con las bandas y sus respectivos países: 

01. CARNAL TOMB (Alemania) – Dismembered
02. CENTINEX (Suecia) – Crime Divine
03. DEATHGOAT (Finlandia) – Skin Her Alive
04. DESECRESY (Finlandia) – As The Coins Upon Your Eyes
05. HAEMORRHAGE (España) – Deathevocation
06. INNER DARKNESS (España) – Dark Depths
07. KAZJUROL (Suecia) – Massive Killing Capacity
08. MASACRE (Colombia) – Soon To Be Dead
09. NECROGORE (Italia) – The God That Never Was
10. NOMINON (Suecia) – I Wish You Hell
11. PURTENANCE (Finlandia) – Bleed For Me
12. REBORN IN BLASPHEMY (España) – On Frozen Fields
13. SINISTER (Países Bajos) – Dreaming In Red
14. SORCERY (Suecia) – Misanthropic
15. TOXAEMIA (Suecia) – I Saw Them Die
16. VALGRIND (Italia) – And So Is Life
17. WOMBBATH (Suecia) – Override Of The Overture
18. SOULROT (Chile) – Casket Garden

Con este álbum se busca no solo rendir tributo a la carrera de DISMEMBER, sino también celebrar el legado duradero que la banda ha dejado en el Death Metal mundial. Cada banda participante aporta su propia visión y estilo, manteniendo el espíritu devastador y melódico que definió a DISMEMBER desde sus inicios.

Muy pronto se presentarán vídeos con adelantos de las versiones de las bandas, para así ofrecer una primera mirada al impresionante trabajo que se ha realizado en este tributo. ¡Manteneos atento a las novedades, porque este tributo será una pieza imprescindible para cualquier fan del Death Metal! 
Este CD tributo no es solo un homenaje: es un testimonio de cómo DISMEMBER ha inspirado a bandas de todos los rincones del mundo, uniendo generaciones bajo la bandera del Death Metal sueco más puro.

We are pleased to announce the release of “Dreaming In Red, Dreaming In Death”, a tribute album to DISMEMBER, one of the most iconic Swedish Death Metal bands, set to be unveiled in November 2024. This tribute has been authorized by the band itself and by their record label Nuclear Blast, ensuring a project that is 100% worthy of DISMEMBER’s legacy.

The album will be released in CD format through the label Base Record Production, directed by Gaspar del Valle, and is the result of the hard organizational work led by Eto from Grinding Your Guts ‘zine, who has gathered a top-tier selection of Death Metal bands from around the world to cover the immortal classics of DISMEMBER.
The mixing and mastering process has been handled by Rubén Rodríguez at his NeburZone Studios, where he has masterfully captured the brutality and essence of each performance, achieving a sonic cohesion that stays true to DISMEMBER’s legacy.

The cover artwork, a visceral and striking piece, was created by the renowned artist Raúlo Cáceres, while the accompanying liner notes were written by the influential Metal journalist and author Arcadio Rodríguez, adding a literary touch that further enriches this edition.

This tribute features bands from various corners of the globe, all united by their respect and admiration for DISMEMBER.

Below is the full setlist with the bands and their respective countries:

01. CARNAL TOMB (Germany) – Dismembered
02. CENTINEX (Sweden) – Crime Divine
03. DEATHGOAT (Finland) – Skin Her Alive
04. DESECRESY (Finland) – As The Coins Upon Your Eyes
05. HAEMORRHAGE (Spain) – Deathevokation
06. INNER DARKNESS (Spain) – Dark Depths
07. KAZJUROL (Sweden) – Massive Killing Capacity
08. MASACRE (Colombia) – Soon To Be Dead
09. NECROGORE (Italy) – The God That Never Was
10. NOMINON (Sweden) – I Wish You Hell
11. PURTENANCE (Finland) – Bleed For Me
12. REBORN IN BLASPHEMY (Spain) – On Frozen Fields
13. SINISTER (Netherlands) – Dreaming In Red
14. SORCERY (Sweden) – Misanthropic
15. TOXAEMIA (Sweden) – I Saw Them Die
16. VALGRIND (Italy) – And So Is Life
17. WOMBBATH (Sweden) – Override Of The Overture
18. SOULROT (Chile) – Casket Garden

This album not only pays tribute to DISMEMBER’s career but also celebrates the lasting legacy that the band has left in the global Death Metal scene. Each participating band brings its own vision and style while keeping the devastating and melodic spirit that defined DISMEMBER from the very beginning.
Previews of the bands’ versions will soon be released, offering a first glimpse of the impressive work done for this tribute. Stay tuned for updates, because this tribute is set to be a must-have for any Death Metal fan!

This tribute CD is not just a homage; it is a testament to how DISMEMBER has inspired bands from all over the world, uniting generations under the banner of the purest Swedish Death Metal.

28 de marzo de 2020

Mejores discos oscuros del death metal

Mejores discos oscuros del death metal

Mejores discos oscuros del death metal

Mejores discos oscuros del death metal

Sorcery - Bloodchilling tales (1991)

Resurrection - Embalmed existence (1993)

Resurrection - Embalmed existence (1993)

Masacre - Reqviem (1991)

Masacre - Reqviem (1991)

Jumpin' Jesus - The art of crucifying (1991)

Jumpin' Jesus - The art of crucifying (1991)

Gutted - Bleed for us to live (1994)

Gutted - Bleed for us to live (1994)

Dark Heresy - Abstract principles taken to their logical extremes (1995)

Dark Heresy - Abstract principles taken to their logical extremes (1995)

17 de abril de 2018

Mejores discos de death metal sueco

Authorize - The source of dominion (1991)

Authorize - The source of dominion (1991)

Carbonized - For the security (1991)

Carbonized - For the security (1991)

Desultory - Into eternity (1993)

Desultory - Into eternity (1993)

Sorcery - Bloodchilling tales (1993)

Sorcery - Bloodchilling tales (1993)

Necrophobic - The nocturnal silence (1993)

Necrophobic - The nocturnal silence (1993)

Hypocrisy - Osculum obscenum (1993)

Hypocrisy - Osculum obscenum (1993)