
Mostrando las entradas con la etiqueta Steven Seagal. Mostrar todas las entradas
Mostrando las entradas con la etiqueta Steven Seagal. Mostrar todas las entradas

11 de marzo de 2025

Nazi die anti-fascist collection (2019)

Compilado - Nazi die anti-fascist collection (2019)

Compilado - Nazi die anti-fascist collection (2019)

01 - Steven Seagal - Autodestrucción 00:31
02 - Atrofia Cerebral - Ignorancia generatriz 00:21
03 - Vitimas do Crack - 14 tracks contra os merdas dos fascistas 01:15
04 - Ruidosa Inconformidad - 22 tracks de caótico noisecore 03:02
05 - Grinder Flesh - Pena capital 01:10
06 - Grinder Flesh - Progreso contaminante 01:05
07 - D.O.M. - Abaixo a ditadura militar - Discurso magighella 06:58
08 - Šarlah - Ja nisam broj 01:29
09 - Šarlah - Idiot 03:06
10 - SpermaNoise - All the fascists are bastards and deserve you to piss in their graves 01:47
11 - Deus Fez Merda - Fardados 01:27
12 - Deus Fez Merda - Imundos 00:44
13 - Zuada da Mizera - Emboscada 00:45
14 - Zuada da Mizera - Idolatria 00:43
15 - Zuada da Mizera - Morte 00:18
16 - Zuada da Mizera - My Way 00:40
17 - Zuada da Mizera - Dor 00:07
18 - Zuada da Mizera - Trabalhar 00:41
19 - God Pussy - Despreparo (Exército do povo-burguês) 01:00
20 - Setembro Negro - Aliança do mal (Feliciano e katia abreu) 01:45
21 - Setembro Negro - Bolsonaro 01:44
22 - Setembro Negro - Decretados por lei 01:40
23 - Setembro Negro - Guamá chainsaw massacre 01:50
24 - Tumba - Bozo's fail 1 02:28
25 - Tumba - Bozo's fail 2 04:52
26 - Tumba - Bozo's fail 3 02:42
27 - Tumba - Santa_Marielle 03:43
28 - Mayhem Is Dead - An ignorant 03:05
29 - Insane Human Mind - Amputation of purpose 03:06
30 - XGRIFOX - Cabeza de jarra 00:59
31 - XGRIFOX - Politicos corruptos 00:55
32 - XGRIFOX - Beers And burritos 00:41
33 - Desconforto Desalento - Desconforto desalento V 07:31
34 - Extreme Encephalopathic Noise - Faça Você Mesmo ou Morra! 01:24
35 - Extreme Encephalopathic Noise - Ni skin ni nunka 00:13
36 - HYBRIDUM - O verme vencedor 03:50
37 - Changoz! - Esmagando cabeças de carecas 02:46
38 - My War Crimes - Bored democracy 01:08
39 - My War Crimes - Jesus made me an idiot 01:14
40 - Contraponto - Desespero 02:32
41 - Contraponto - Meritocracia 01:16
42 - Contraponto - Guerra inútil 02:13
43 - Vou Fazer Cocô - Bolsonazi fuck'off 00:35
44 - Vou Fazer Cocô - De Chernobyl a Fukushima 00:43
45 - Vou Fazer Cocô - Neonazi de merda 00:43
46 - Vou Fazer Cocô - Sociedade no Brasil 00:39
47 - Kathreptis - Interruption of temperance 01:50
48 - Disgötö - Disgötö 01:01
49 - Disgötö - Especismo 01:08
50 - Disgötö - Estado 00:53
51 - Disgötö - Violência da policia 01:09
52 - ELITISTDEATH - Depopulation 05:31
53 - Te Amo Porra! - Me recuso transar com pessoas fascistas 00:31
54 - Censorshit - 53 Ronaldinho campeonato brasileiro 98 02:54
55 - HIPNOISE - Dois lados da mesma insanidade - lado a 10:00
56 - Xorume - This is a new shit 01:34

Dont stop noise records


Black Metal, Experimental, Crust, Goregrind, Noise, Noisecore, Grindcore, Hardcore, Punk, Harsh Noise Wall, Powerviolence

3 de enero de 2025

Make noise not war compilation vol I (2023)

Compilado - Make noise not war compilation vol I (2023)

01 - Higher Walls - Turn it around 02:43
02 - Goblin Brain - His basement 01:12
03 - Rumor Kontrol - Derelict 00:47
04 - Avgrundsljud - Tenna flyr 01:01
05 - Angustia - Sometidos por el crimen 00:46
06 - Rüe - Coattails 01:56
07 - Dispara - El enemigo es otro/Extinción 01:27
08 - Useless Spaceship - Hillwalking with sluts 00:59
09 - Negative Human Grounds - Bud torment 00:41
10 - Chronic Violence - Pigs dont care 00:57
11 - Jesucristo Mentiroso - MegaFresa 01:03
12 - Fucked In The Head - Control 00:48
13 - Aftersundown - Against satisfaction 01:25
14 - false(-)negative - Властта 01:32
15 - Olum - Trial 01:30
16 - Pemberontak - Dominasi api 00:56
17 - Steven Seagal - A divine solution god given the schizophrenic mind 00:44
18 - Smrt Razuma - Lomite nam kosti 02:12
19 - Haramia - Fiú lesz vagy abortusz? 01:05
20 - Crush All Tyranny - Ácido 02:19
21 - Condicion Inhumana - Infortunio 01:37
22 - RÄV - Mt -  St -  Helens swamp beast 01:56
23 - Reaptile - Turncoats & Traitors 01:50
24 - Delayed Ejaculation - Psycho 01:30
25 - Necrosodomistical Slaughter - Naród idiotów 01:40
26 - Meatshield - Altered states of goresciousness 00:53
27 - Sickrecy - To tame a land 03:42
28 - Barren - Lorn 01:41
29 - Empty Skull - Gravy on the taters 01:49
30 - Inerte - El ataque del Pájarochivo 02:07
31 - Wardomized - Money isn't real 01:04
32 - СМОГ - Smog 01:23
33 - Troy Mcclure - Todo el día es una mierda hasta que te metes tres tronchos de hierba 01:19
34 - Eternal - Cuma bentar 00:56
35 - Political Defecation - Political defecation 00:29
36 - Regurgitasi - Ambitious dietary in ketogenics 00:37
37 - The Guilties - Doomsday 01:33
38 - So Close - Bad seed (pista adicional) 00:28

De Argentina participa Negative Human Grounds

5 de febrero de 2024

Make noise not war vol. I (2023)

Make noise not war compilation vol. I (2023)

Compilado - Make noise not war compilation vol. I (2023)

01 - Higher Walls - Turn it around 02:43
02 - Goblin Brain - His basement 01:12
03 - Rumor Kontrol - Derelict 00:47
04 - Avgrundsljud - Tenna flyr 01:01
05 - Angustia - Sometidos por el crimen 00:46
06 - Rüe - Coattails 01:56
07 - Dispara - El enemigo es otro/Extinción 01:27
08 - Useless Spaceship - Hillwalking with sluts 00:59
09 - Negative Human Grounds - Bud torment 00:41
10 - Chronic Violence - Pigs dont care 00:57
11 - Jesucristo Mentiroso - Megafresa 01:03
12 - Fucked In The Head - Control 00:48
13 - Aftersundown - Against satisfaction 01:25
14 - false(-)negative - Властта 01:32
15 - Olum - Trial 01:30
16 - Pemberontak - Dominasi api 00:56
17 - Steven Seagal - A divine solution god given the schizophrenic mind 00:44
18 - Smrt Razuma - Lomite nam kosti 02:12
19 - Haramia - Fiú lesz vagy abortusz? 01:05
20 - Crush All Tyranny - Ácido 02:19
21 - Condicion Inhumana - Infortunio 01:37
22 - RÄV - Mt -  St -  Helens swamp beast 01:56
23 - Reaptile - Turncoats & traitors 01:50
24 - Delayed Ejaculation - Psycho 01:30
25 - Necrosodomistical Slaughter - Naród idiotów 01:40
26 - Meatshield - Altered states of goresciousness 00:53
27 - Sickrecy - To tame a land 03:42
28 - Barren - Lorn 01:41
29 - Empty Skull - Gravy on the taters 01:49
30 - Inerte - El ataque del pájarochivo 02:07
31 - Wardomized - Money isn't real 01:04
32 - СМОГ - Smog 01:23
33 - Troy Mcclure - Todo el día es una mierda hasta que te metes tres tronchos de hierba 01:19
34 - Eternal - Cuma bentar 00:56
35 - Political Defecation - Political defecation 00:29
36 - Regurgitasi - Ambitious dietary in ketogenics 00:37
37 - The Guilties - Doomsday 01:33
38 - So Close - Bad seed (bonus track) 00:28

Participa Negative Human Grounds, Argentina

12 de julio de 2022

Steven Seagal - человеческая чума (2020)

Steven Seagal - человеческая чума (2020)

Steven Seagal - человеческая чума (2020)

01 - нет страны к власти 03:42
02 - зависимость / депрессия 03:54

13 de diciembre de 2021

War in your heads vol​​ I (2019)

 Compilado - War in your heads vol​​ I  (2019)

Compilado - War in your heads vol​​ I  (2019)

01 - HARKI - Deconstruuu 04:16
02 - XVII - III - MM - ابو علی حسین بن عبدالله بن سینا 10:56
03 - UBURGRUND - Despair as faith 05:28
04 - Obscure Heaven - Arabian spring 09:23
05 - Noise Jihad - Wonderful things 07:23
06 - DBMIVFV - Fuck your cop dad 00:37
07 - Makruh Pitch - In Your head 1 01:57
08 - Makruh Pitch - In your head 2 02:21
09 - iNtox-Z - Suboxonic madness 10:35
10 - Crepuscular Entity - What's In that treeline 09:08
11 - Yawm 'Arafah - Different views, one aim 06:31
12 - Трупнокалиберный Гноемёт - Железный занавес лопнул, повалились потроха тоталитаризма 01:03
13 - Белые Сны Уставших Богов - hj_12 05:01
14 - Jahiliyyah - هجرة‎ 02:13
15 - L'Audio-Terreur De Staline - Muammar Kaddafi 10:53
16 - Speculum - Grinding submission 03:16
17 - Bespoke Decay - VHS torture porn 06:19
18 - Dödens Väderstreck - Efter dödsögonblicket 07:20
19 - Nebulas Mœroris - War Is coming 08:55
20 - Extreme Kindness - Multidimensional worlds 08:08
21 - رام الله - Fire waltz 06:39
22 - Static Of Masses - June 3rd, 1928 06:49
23 - Infinexhuma - Sodomy of lamashtu 04:19
24 - Ia-HA-Crax - Absynth este 05:36
25 - Sirenomelia - Aspirating purely on flem 01:01
26 - Vitimas Do Crack - Anti-society 00:42
27 - Vitimas Do Crack - Selma anti-noise 00:45
28 - NoiseMeansNoise - Бронепоезд сошёл с рельсов 05:01
29 - Паста ГОИ - На намаз гудок зовет рабочих! 02:53
30 - Steven Seagal - Un temita para los pibes que les gusta tomar vino con rivotril 00:57
31 - Tugosral - [Srundel inside] 10:02
32 - Urinary Incontinence -الإسهال -  03:36
33 - Micke Larsson - Porn pt I 04:28
34 - ycck - Transmission 1 06:51
35 - SHITTUNE - Burj al arab 03:12