
Mostrando las entradas con la etiqueta Torment. Mostrar todas las entradas
Mostrando las entradas con la etiqueta Torment. Mostrar todas las entradas

11 de julio de 2024

German thrash metal - The ultimate oldschool tracks (2014)

Compilado -  German thrash metal - The ultimate oldschool tracks (2014)

Compilado -  German thrash metal - The ultimate oldschool tracks (2014)

01 - Kreator - Riot of violence  04:54
02 - Destruction - Bestial invasion  04:38
03 - Tankard - The morning after  04:28
04 - Torment - State of war 03:25
05 - Paradox - Search for perfection  04:54
06 - Headhunter - Force of habit 03:40
07 - Violent Force - Soulbursting 03:49
08 - Sodom - Remember the fallen  04:18
09 - Despair - Slaves of power  04:47
10 - Rumble Militia - Waiting for death  04:24
11 - Witchburner - Blasphemic assault 03:46
12 - Vendetta - Brain damage  04:39
13 - Assassin - Assassin  05:56
14 - Rage - Don't fear the winter 03:29
15 - Torment - P.C. (Porn ccsting) 03:44
16 - Tankard - Death by whips 03:31
17 - Necronomicon - Stormbringer 03:41
18 - GumoManiacs - Poetry in black  04:07

13 de mayo de 2023

Torment - Bestial sex (1987)

Torment - Bestial sex (1987)

Torment - Bestial sex (1987)

01 - Intro 00:31
02 - State of war 02:57
03 - Bestial sex 03:21
04 - Deaf metal 03:45
05 - Chainsaw massacre 01:34
06 - What shall we do with the drunken torment 01:20


Degún algunas fuentes este disco es de 1988

16 de octubre de 2015

A thrash tribute to Motörhead (2011)

Tributo - A thrash tribute to Motörhead (2011)

Tributo - A thrash tribute to Motörhead (2011)

01 - Torment - Over the top
02 - Deceased - Stay clean
03 - Holy Moses - I'm the doctor
04 - Dublin Death Patrol - Iron fist
05 - Destruction - We are the road crew
06 - Metallica - Too late too late
07 - Onslaught - Bomber
08 - Torment - Stone dead forever
09 - Transmetal - orgasmatron
10 - At War - The hammer
11 - Beerhead - Killed by death
12 - Poison Idea - Motörhead
13 - Abattoir - Ace of spades
14 - Sodom - Iron fist
15 - Metallica - Damage case (con Lemmy)
16 - Sepultura - Orgasmatron
17 - Overkill - Overkill