Mostrando las entradas con la etiqueta Grandma. Mostrar todas las entradas
Mostrando las entradas con la etiqueta Grandma. Mostrar todas las entradas

29 de agosto de 2023

Grandma - Obscure grandma's necrocadaveric vomit (2004)

Grandma - Obscure grandma's necrocadaveric vomit (2004)

Grandma - Obscure grandma's necrocadaveric vomit (2004)

01 - Intro 02:13
02 - Orbital splatter 01:27
03 - Inverted turds cross (Fekal Freak I) 00:11
04 - Grandma's rectal prolapse 01:02
05 - Beaten in the cervical with a sack of cement 01:00
06 - Gas chamber 00:31
07 - Connected freaks 01:56
08 - Human steak 00:23
09 - Butcher 03:09
10 - Your soul is mine 01:25
11 - Ferkomon (fekal freak II) 00:11
12 - Anal taxes 00:53
13 - Da mog 02:30
14 - Disgorging foetus (versión de Regurgitate) 01:21
15 - Zombie apocalypse (versión de Mortician) 03:06


Grandma - Obscure grandma's necrocadaveric vomit (2004)

5 de abril de 2021

Tribute to Mortician (2007)

01 - XXX Maniak - Hacked Up For BBQ - 3:09
02 - Depression - Bloodcraving - 2:38
03 - Fleshbomb - Zombie Apocalypse - 2:43
04 - Carnavage - Slaughterhouse - 1:22
05 - Rigor Mortis (8) - Dead And Buried - 2:42
06 - Huevo Duro - Lord Of Dead Pt. 2 - 2:34
07 - Grandma - Stab - 3:49
08 - Venereal Disease - Cannibal Feast - 1:21
09 - Brutal Noise - Island Of The Death - 2:01
10 - Sewage Sammich - Fog Of Death - 2:49
11 - Screaming Afterbirth - Cremate - 1:29
12 - Cannibal Motivation - Aniquilacion - 1:10
13 - Sodomy Torture - Drilling For Brains - 1:00
14 - Serrando Codos - Massacred - 1:20
15 - Inbreeding Sick - Devoured Alive - 1:18
16 - Iron Buttler - Ripped In Half - 0:26
17 - Gangrena Febrosa - Barbaric Cruelties - 0:21
18 - Katalepsy - Rabit - 1:59
19 - Umblical Fetal Strangulation - Brutally Multilated - 0:49
20 - Moñigo - Zombie Apocalypse - 2:59
21 - Horrisono - Mangled (Destrozame - Morticina Mi Amor) - 1:40
22 - Axon - Hacked Up For BBQ - 2:04
23 - Necrocannibal - Driller Killer - 0:46
24 - 3:15 AM - Final Bloodbath - 1:44
25 - Klysmaphiliac - Cannibalized - 1:19
26 - Bloodthirst - Slaughterhouse - 1:40
27 - Methadone Abortion Clinic - Three On Meathook - 3:03
28 - Atavism - Silent Night, Bloody Night - 1:26
29 - Funeral Rape - Decapitated - 1:03
30 - Rot (3) - Silent Night, Bloody Night - 2:01
31 - Obscene (2) - Bone Crusher - 1:05
32 - Social Shit - Massacred - 1:09
33 - Bestial Devastation - Voodoo Curse - 2:46
34 - Carnivore Mind - Silent Night, Bloody Night - 1:43
35 - Ancient Necropsy - Apocalyptic Devastation - 2:29
36 - C.A.R.N.E. - Dr. Gore - 3:01
37 - Vomit Slit - Ripped In Half / Drowned In Blood Medley - 2:17
38 - Corpsefucking Art - Bloodcraving - 3:27
39 - Lymphatic Phlegm - Blown To Pieces - 1:24

16 de noviembre de 2013

Pushing the stone - A homage to Rot (2011)

Pushing The Stone - A homage to rOT (2011)

Pushing the stone - A homage to Rot (2011)

01 - Strange Feelings (Ânsia De Vômito - Brasil)
02 - No Will To Change (Autophagia - Grecia)
03 - Catch Us, Catch Can (Autophagia - Grecia)
04 - Destroy Everything (Bizarre X - Alemania)
05 - Cynical Excuse (Cad - Slovakia)
06 - Seeding The Absurd (Cativeiro - Brasil)
07 - Russian Roulette (C.H.C - Brasil)
08 - Technologic Error (Cruel Face - Brasil)
09 - No Longer A Threat (Death Slam - Brasil)
10 - Slave Of Majority (Demisor - Singapur)
11 - No Fear To Sin (Diagnose - Brasil)
12 - Removing The Mask (Die Human Race - Brasil)
13 - What I Feel Is What I Want (Dischord - Brasil)
14 - Subversive Not Alternative (Fear Of Myself - ?)
15 - Fashion Molded Brains (Feculent Goretomb - Brasil)
16 - What Joke (Flag Of Hate - Brasil)
17 - Cruel Face Of Life (Grandma - Argentina)
18 - It Isn't Your Problem (Jan AG - And The Cadja - Bélgica)
19 - Hail To Finland (Lymphatic Phlegm - Brasil)
20 - Social Gear (Lymphatic Phlegm - Brasil)
21 - My Enemy (Malignant Tumour - República Checa)
22 - Painful Existence / Uncertain Future (Masher - Brasil)
23 - Where's My Happiness (M.D.A - Perú)
24 - Laws And Crimes (M.D.K - Brasil)
25 - Restricted (Mesrine - Canadá)
26 - Nowhere To Go (Moléstia - Brasil)
27 - Elegance Of Life (Moléstia - Brasil)
28 - Little Rock Stars (Muscle Heads - ?)
29 - Downtrodden (Necrorising - ?)
30 - No Longer A Threat (Neoplasm Disseminator - Brasil)
31 - Uncertain Future (Neuro Visceral Exhumation - Brasil)
32 - Learn Some Respect (Neuro Visceral Exhumation - Brasil)
33 - Laws And Crimes/Dear Sorry/No More/For Musical Destruction (New York Against The Belzebu - Brasil)
34 - As A Whole (Plague Rages - Brasil)
35 - Fatality (Scatological Madness Possession - Brasil)
36 - Destrua Tudo (Sobreviventes Do Kaos - Brasil)
37 - Save The Scene (Sonoridade Caótica - Brasil)
38 - Dear Sorry (Sonoridade Caótica - Brasil)
39 - Cooperation Not Competition (Stomachal Corrosion - Brasil)
40 - Socially Conform (Syndrome Of Terror - Brasil)
41 - Nice Face (Shit Intelligence) [Tapasya - Brasil]
42 - Dream After Dream (Total Penúria - Brasil)
43 - No Will To Change (Tu Carne - España)
44 - Little Rock Stars (Ulcerrhoea - Alemania)
45 - Russian Roulette (Unholy Grave - Japón)
46 - It Isn't Your Problem (Vômito - Brasil)

16 de mayo de 2012

Mass mutilation 2 (2004)

Mass mutilation 2 (2004)
Metal death grind fest

Inhumation (Santa Fe)
Septicemia (Mendoza)
bRuTaL nOisE (Córdoba)
Social Shit
Anatemia (Córdoba)
Morbid Butchery
Grandma (Santa Fe)
Broken Soul (Córdoba)
Sadistic Kill (Córdoba)