
Mostrando las entradas con la etiqueta Misma tapa. Mostrar todas las entradas
Mostrando las entradas con la etiqueta Misma tapa. Mostrar todas las entradas


Tub Girl - Shock (2022)

Tub Girl - Shock (2022)

01 - The best of me 00:35
02 - Cannibal cafe 01:01
03 - Mr Hands 01:32
04 - Blowfly girl 01:11
05 - Feed me a stray cat 00:42
06 - Grave robbing for morons 02:10
07 - Headline news 02:24
08 - 1 lunatic 1 icepick 01:22
09 - Holes pt - 1 00:44
10 - Holes pt - 2 01:24
11 - You do not recognize the bodies in the water 02:27
12 - 1 Guy 1 jar 01:46
13 - Glutton for mayo 00:13
14 - Dwarf suicide forest 01:32
15 - Putrid sex object 00:54
16 - Pamperchu 01:13
17 - Victory position 03:25
18 - Closed casket 02:06
19 - I have the body of a pig 00:30
20 - I feel fantastic 01:02
21 - On the lam 02:12
22 - Oedipus saga 00:58
23 - Red room 02:13


Maggotphillia - The liveleak chroniclez (2025)

Maggotphillia - The liveleak chroniclez (2025)

Maggotphillia - The liveleak chroniclez (2025)

01 - Gorno movie 01:58
02 - Bucket of bile 01:10
03 - Erotic septic fumes 01:38
04 - Skinned and defiled 01:46
05 - Dildo smashed face 01:33
06 - Gin & juice (Pedestrianslamma) 01:23
07 - Huffing that mf jenkum 02:00
08 - Crackbaby BBQ 02:36



Nails - Unsilent death (2010)

 Nails - Unsilent death (2010)

Nails - Unsilent death (2010)

01 - Conform 00:31
02 - Scum Will Rise 01:03
03 - Your God 00:32
04 - Suffering Soul 01:30
05 - Unsilent Death 02:41
06 - Traitor 00:28
07 - I Will Not Follow 01:26
08 - No Servant 00:59
09 - Scapegoat 00:55
10 - Depths 03:47



Carillon - Carnal & espiritual (1991)

Carillon - Carnal & espiritual (1991)

01 - Caballo de plata 04:23
02 - Sin sentido 03:59
03 - Séptimo en la fila 05:43
04 - Traicionado por el mundo 03:20
05 - IntroCarillonDuccion 01:53
06 - Cuna de hipócritas 05:54
07 - En el silencio de la noche 04:46
08 - En memoria de un ángel 06:29


Sergio Colussi voz
Alcides Cabrera bajo
Fabio Reynoso batería
Armando De Angelis guitarra

Grabado en estudio Alfa Centauro, Rosario, Argentina

De estudio
Larga duración


Lanzamiento abril 1991


Agathocles & Agablastoma (2020)

Split - Agathocles & Agablastoma (2020)

Split - Agathocles & Agablastoma (2020)


01 - Ulcerated offal


02 - Intro
03 - Chop off their genitals
04 - Smash to nothingness
05 - Hunt hunters



Coprophagic Dysentery & Sepse (2020)

Split - Coprophagic Dysentery & Sepse (2020)

01 - Coprophagic Dysentery - Stimulating the coprosexual fetish 03:57
02 - Coprophagic Dysentery - Fecal ejaculation in the uncharacterized face of the putrid bitch 01:02
03 - Coprophagic Dysentery - Demented act of fucking severed heads 01:11
04 - Sepse - Euthanasya 05:54


Rohingya sources inside Arakan-Rakain

Siete Veces Siete

There are wildly divergent estimates of the death toll from ethnic and religious violence in the Burmese state of Arakan. Mainstream media reports and the Burmese government are claiming that fewer than 100 people have been killed in violence they describe as clashes between the Buddhist Rakhine majority and Muslim Rohingya minority communities.

However, Rohingya sources estimate thousands of deaths from a planned campaign of violent ethnic cleansing by Burmese government forces. Rohingya sources say the regime has been instigating Rakhine mob violence as part of their campaign. France 24 said on June 22: “More than 80 people have been killed and thousands displaced in a wave of violence between Muslims and Buddhists in west Burma.”

On June 21, the Burmese government put the death toll at 62, Associated Press reported. But the National Democratic Party for Human Rights (NDPHR), a Rohingya political party that won four seats in the democratic 1990 Burmese elections, said on June 19: “The information from Arakan confirmed that the death toll of Rohingya has exceeded 10,000 from Sittwe city alone, and a few thousand from Maungdaw, Rathedaung and Kyauktaw townships.

 “Most of them were shot dead, brutally beaten to death, burnt alive and the rest were those taken away by security forces into hidden areas.” Reports on social media from Rohingya sources inside Arakan, such as the NDPHR, have been published in English on Malaysian-based website The Sail and the site of the Ethnic Rohingya Committee of Arakan in Malaysia. These reports make a grim catalogue: along with mass killings, alleged atrocities include burning of villages, mass rape, mass arrests, torture, looting and extortion.

Rakhine mobs and armed Rakhine elements have been responsible for much of the violence, but the main perpetrators have been the military and paramilitary forces of the Burmese government: the police, the army, the navy and in particular the Nasaka border security forces. There are also reports of clashes between Rohingya and Rakhine rioters and clashes between government forces and armed Rakhine groups.

The violence started on June 3 in Taungup township when 10 Rohingya bus passengers were beaten to death by a 300-strong lynch mob. For the preceding week, Buddhist extremist hate groups ― assisted by the local media in Arakan ― had been blaming Muslims for the May 28 rape and murder of a Rakhine woman in the village of Thabyaychaung. This was used as a pretext to whip up violent anti-Rohingya sentiment.

The NDPHR said activists from the Wanthanu Rakheta Association were distributing anti-Muslim leaflets in Taungup on the morning of June 3 immediately before the lynching. On June 18, three Rohingya men were sentenced to death for the May 28 rape and murder, Democratic Voice of Burma reported.

One of the three, “accused of masterminding” the crime, had already died in custody (officially suicide), but death sentences can be given retrospectively under Burmese law. Phil Robertson, head of the Asia division of Human Rights Watch (FRW), told DVB: “We condemn the imposition of the death penalty in all cases as cruel and inhumane treatment. But we’ve also had no access to information about this case, so there is no way to say whether the three men on trial are in fact guilty.”

Chris Lewa, Director of the Arakan Project, told DVB: “My concern would be whether there was any kind of proper judicial system. This was quite quick.” More than a third of Burma’s population belongs to oppressed nationalities and dozens of national liberation struggles have been ongoing since Burma won independence in 1948.

In the past, both Rakhine and Rohinhya armed groups have fought the Burmese government in Arakan, and sometimes each other. No Rohingya groups have been involved in armed struggle for 10 years. The main Rakhine rebel group, the Arakan Liberation Party, entered peace talks with the government this year.

Successive US governments have had a strained relationship with Burma’s military rulers. The US even provides not-so-covert support to some of the insurgent groups.

However, a confidential October 10, 2002, cable from the US embassy in Rangoon ― published by WikiLeaks on August 30 last year ― repeats in good faith spurious allegations by Burmese military intelligence linking the Rohingya national movement with Osama bin Laden.

 The same cable expresses scepticism at Burmese government charges of terrorism against other armed national movements. The Burmese government has used the anti-Islam bias in the “war on terror” narrative, which the West now uses to justify its wars, to delegitimise Rohingya self-determination to Western policy makers.

Reporting the current violence in Arakan, the Western media have generally repeated claims by the Burmese regime and Rakhine chauvinists that the Rohingya are not indigenous to Arakan, but are immigrants from Bangladesh or their descendants. In reality, the Rohingya can trace their existence in Arakan as far back as the Rakhine can.

There are records of Islamic political entities in Arakan more than a millennium ago.

 Antipathy between different ethnic and religious groups was fostered by the British during the colonial period.

In World War II, just before Burma won independence, Arakan was the site of some of the biggest clashes between the British and Japanese empires.

Intersecting with this conflict was Burma’s struggle for independence and many local conflicts. This resulted in large-scale violence between Japanese-armed Rakhine and British-armed Rohingya militias.

Both sides committed massacres of civilians, but the Rohingya bore the brunt of them. There was a large flow of Rohingya refugees to the nearest British territory: what is today Bangladesh.

Since independence in 1948, there have been anti-Rohingya pogroms in 1949, 1967-8, 1978 and 1991, sending more refugees to Bangladesh. Encouraging Buddhist chauvinism and anti-Rohingya prejudice is the Burmese state’s political response to Rakhine nationalism. For its part, Bangladesh sees the Rohingya as illegal immigrants from Burma. By Tony Iltis


Annihilator - In command (Live 1989-1990) (1996)

Annihilator - In command (Live 1989-1990) (1996)

Annihilator - In command (Live 1989-1990) (1996)

01 - W.T.Y.D. 05:06
02 - Wicked mystic 03:43
03 - Ligeia 05:35
04 - Alison hell 05:15
05 - Word salad 06:03
06 - W.T.Y.D.  04:49
07 - The fun palace 05:12
08 - Never, neverland 05:19
09 - I am in command 03:40
10 - Stonewall 04:23
11 - Road to ruin 04:35
12 - Sixes and sevens 06:01
13 - Alison hell 04:56
14 - Live wire (versión de AC/DC) 05:28

Compilado - Wild dreams golden soft-rock ballads (1993)

Compilado - Wild dreams Golden soft-rock ballads (1993)

01 - Crimson Glory - Songs for angels 05:16
2 - Glenn Hughes - So much love to give 05:20
3 - Phantom Blue - My misery 3:43
4 - Annihilator - Phoenix rising 03:48
5 - Star Star - Cowboys in space 03:35
6 - Marty Friedman - Angel 03:42
7 - Pat Travers - Miss Glory 06:59
8 - Crimson Glory - Deep inside your heart 05:20
9 - Magellan - Virtual reality 05:52
10 - Phantom Blue - Why call it love? 04:11
11 - Craig Erickson - The storm 04:00
12 – Annihilator - Sounds good to me 04:18
13 - Heathen - Prisoners of fate 06:25
14 - Rick Derringer - Time to go 05:54



Vaginal Cadaver - Night of the giving head (2022)

Vaginal Cadaver - Night of the giving head (2022)

Vaginal Cadaver - Night of the giving head (2022)

01 - In Porn we trust
02 - Minister of porn
03 - Das auge fickt mit
04 - Weapons of ass destruction
05 - Boner petite
06 - Pussy for everybody
07 - Suck my cock, so i can enjoy some minutes of silence
08 - Liebestropfen zum dessert
09 - Bros before hoes
10 - I like to eat you out
11 - Ejacolada
12 - Eine frau macht die beine breit, wenn's geld und immobilien schneit
13 - It's not cheating if you wear a condom
14 - (She's Had) The fuck of her life
15 - Juckanfall im hosenstall
16 - I ain't like the other guys - I'm worse
17 - Sexy time
18 - Born for porn


Murdered - Murdered (2014)

Murdered - Murdered (2014)

Murdered - Murdered (2014)

01 - El sin nombre 01:31
02 - Conurbano 01:16
03 - Vida degradada 01:37
04 - Siete veces 01:17
05 - Muerte en el laberinto 01:38


Remite la tapa de este disco a la

Película El fantasma de la ópera (1925)

Película El fantasma de la ópera (1925)

Película El fantasma de la ópera (1925)


Headsplitters of goregrind (2020)

Headsplitters of goregrind 8 split ways (2020)

Headsplitters of goregrind 8 split ways (2020)

01 - Anatomist - Norwalk age 01:05
02 - Anatomist - Shakma 01:23
03 - Anatomist - Neolitic gangbang infographic 01:35
04 - Anatomist - Troglodyte party 01:02
05 - Cuntspit - Ruined 00:58
06 - Cuntspit - Eight legged phobia 01:00
07 - Cuntspit - Drunk on cuntspit 01:05
08 - Cuntspit - Walls of her anus 00:51
09 - Intracrematory - Revenge lobotomy 01:31
10 - Intracrematory - Cardiac eruption 01:12
11 - Intracrematory - Afflictive Convulsion 01:36
12 - Intracrematory - Corrosive bile stew 01:38
13 - Angioplasty - Regurgitating molded ejaculate 01:10
14 - Angioplasty - Disemboweling obese beach waste 01:28
15 - Angioplasty - Whole body consumption 01:24
16 - Angioplasty - Eating cadaveric ass 01:13
17 - Ulcerated Cadaveric Decrepitation  - Eaten by cerebral maggots 01:24
18 - Ulcerated Cadaveric Decrepitation  - Necrobiological poliferation 01:36
19 - Ulcerated Cadaveric Decrepitation  - Abominable taxidermist 01:39
20 - Ulcerated Cadaveric Decrepitation  - Purulent secretion 01:04
21 - Larva - Pristidactylus achalensis 01:01
22 - Larva - Estomatitis 00:49
23 - Larva - Fiesta de gusanos en tu quloh 00:48
24 - Larva - Phymaturus roigorum 01:06
25 - Onistrige - Classical creampie 00:46
26 - Onistrige - Does my dick smell 01:19
27 - Onistrige - Toilet story4 arter story(doggrinder) 01:44
28 - Onistrige - Xvideo=oi-oi-ioi-io-io=oi 01:34
29 - Sangue Infetto - Bloody gore bag 01:36
30 - Sangue Infetto - Moist cunt of perversion 01:35
31 - Sangue Infetto - Gurgling decomposing ass 02:40
32 - Sangue Infetto - Body grinder 01:06


Rektal Fetus & Gonorrea - Spewed whore (2012)

Split - Rektal Fetus & Gonorrea - 2 way's split Spewed whore (2012)

Split - Rektal Fetus & Gonorrea - 2 way's split Spewed whore (2012)

01 - Rektal Fetus - Anal fistel 1:28
02 - Rektal Fetus - Choke 1:18
03 - Rektal Fetus - Eat her guts 0:58
04 - Rektal Fetus - Strangled by her tanga 0:52
05 - Rektal Fetus - The restroom raper 1:06
06 - Rektal Fetus - Torture the disco bitch before i dance on the bloody floor 1:09

07 - Gonorrea - Gonorrea 0:54
08 - Gonorrea - Biscoso orgasmo de una prostituta ladillenta 1:16
09 - Gonorrea - Wanga pussy 1:49
10 - Gonorrea - Fucking pig, pull her pigtails 1:27
11 - Gonorrea - Mounstrosa surrada musical 0:26
12 - Gonorrea - Popo con gonorrea 0:26

B.D.M.C. - Grindcore compilation vol 1 (2007)

Compilado BDMC - Grindcore Compilation Vol 1 (2007)

Compilado - B.D.M.C. - Grindcore compilation vol 1 (2007)

01 - Whore - Im Irritated -2:37
02 - Namek - Celophane Wermacht -1:28
03 - Agathocles - Kurose -1:51
04 - Gut - The nympho is a gee -2:11
05 - Haemorrhage - Disgorging Innards -2:08
06 - Stoma - Kaviar Schlampe -1:49
07 - Phobia - Death to Pigs -0:30
08 - Carcass - Splattered Cavities -1:54
09 - Catheter - Conspiracy Control -0:53
10 - I Shit On Your Face - Beer, Pussy, And Weed 0:28
11 - Fuck I'm Dead - Barefoot and Shit Faced -0:44
12 - Last Days Of Humanity - In Extreme Haemorrhaging Condition -0:23
13 - Gruesome Stuff Relish -Stone Knifes -2:47
14 - Holy Shit B.S.E - Lesbian School Kombat -2:09
15 - Embalming Theatre - Living With The Mummy -1:44
16 - Lividity- Snack Size Tits -0:33
17 - General Surgery - Fulguration -1:32
18 - Regurgitate - (we are) Sadistic Hateful Scum -2:08
19 - Bile - Camp Blood -2:45
20 - Dead Infection - Crankshaft -1:38
21 - Neuropathia - Come Get Some -1:16
22 - Cock And Ball Torture - Where Girls Learn to Piss on Command -1:51
23 - Cliteater - Ejaculation Feast on a Baked Fetus -0:49
24 - Fornicator - Dumped on the Side of the Road -0:57
25 - Funeral Rape - Vaginal Cannibal -1:29
26 - Abortion - Everybody Gets What he Deserved - 1:30
27 - Splatter Whore - Foul Stench From The Vents -2:13
28 - Cerebral Turbulency - Ensystemed -0:34
29 - Birdflesh - Night of the Ultimate Mosh -1:30
30 - The County Medical Examiners - Expeditions Evisceratory Mishap -1:54
31 - Frightmare - Be my Bloody Valentine -2:43
32 - Mortuary Hacking Session - Tonight's Main Course -0:13
33 - Jig- Ai - Japanese Gut Cake -1:15
34 - Leng Tch'e - The Fist of Leng Tch'e -1:50
35 - Rotten Sound - Burden -1:45
36 - Neuro-Visceral Exhumation - From Eve Comes my Obsession -1:59
37 - Fucked up Beyond all Recognition - Like Thousands Before -1:09
38 - Machetazo - Enterradas En El Jardin -0:49
39 - Maruta - Ambrosia -1:34
40 - Stump - The Art Of Farting -1:29
41 - Raw Decimating Brutality - Fluido Vaginal -2:10
42 - Impetigo - Dis-organ-ized -1:48
43 - Aberrant -Old Fashioned Lovesong -2:44
44 - Rompeprop - Pussyjuice Chup a Chup -2:34
45 - Beautician -Bitches Coven -0:57
46 - Screaming Afterbirth - Completely Stuffed Bitch -1:05
47 - Amoebic Dysentery - Necrophilaxe -1:16
48 - Terrorizer - Injustice -1:28
49 - Bathtub shitter - Stand By Shit -1:03
50 - Bitch Infection - Tanga Mortale -0:47
51 - Blood Freak - Goretits -1:58
52 - Urinefestival - Endocrinial Pylorol Spasmorectagenitourinarial Ejaculatory -0:07
53 - 324 - Broken Clock -1:33
54 - Reek Of Shits - Crippled Abortions -2:57
55 - Watchmaker - Civic Bloodlust -1:23
56 - Skrupel - Raising War -0:29
57 - Napalm Death - Deceiver -0:29
58 - Carnal Diafragma - Malignant Defecation -2:06
59 - Nasum-No Paradise for the Damned -0:32
60 - Excrementory Grindfuckers - Final Grindown -1:01 

Compilado BDMC - Grindcore Compilation Vol 1 (2007)

Compilado BDMC - Grindcore Compilation Vol 1 (2007)

2 Ways split spewed whore (2012)

Split - Rektal Fetus, Gonorrea - 2 Ways split spewed whore (2012)

Split - Rektal Fetus & Gonorrea - 2 Ways split spewed whore (2012)

Rektal Fetus

01 - Anal fistel 01:28
02 - Choke 01:18

03 - Eat her guts 00:58
44 - Strangled by her tanga 00:52
05 - The Restroom raper 01:06
06 - Torture the disco bitch before I dance on the bloody floor 01:09


07 - Gonorrea 00:54
08 - Biscoso orgasmo de una prostituta ladillenta 01:16
09 - Wanga pussy 01:49
10 - Fucking pig, pull her pigtails (versión de Pigtails) 01:27
11 - Mounstrosa surrada musical 00:57
12 - Popo con gonorrea 00:26



Stoma ‎- Scat aficionados (2004)

 Stoma ‎- Scat aficionados (2004)

Stoma ‎- Scat aficionados (2004)

01 - In grind we crust 01:25
02 - Sodomized at the gay parade 02:17
03 - Drastic clit castration 01:40
04 - Scat aficionados 02:35
05 - Brutally raped / gently dissected 01:24
06 - Cum choked 01:59
07 - Kaviar schlampe 01:49
08 - Corn hole armageddon 02:29
09 - Stepfather's fate 01:48
10 - Climaxing the paedophile 02:23
11 - Violent as(s)fuck 01:14
12 - Work for never (versión de Extreme Noise Terror) 01:29
13 - Feasting on a vegan cadaver 01:59
14 - Old hags in body bags 01:23
15 - Oh my gush 01:52
16 - My kid sister 01:30



Distraught - Primer expulsión de excremento (2010)

Distraught - Primer expulsión de excremento (2010)

Distraught - Primer expulsión de excremento (2010)

01 - Destripación
02 - Violada y mutilada
03 - El perturbado
04 - Infección purulenta
05 - Agusanados
06 - Muerte diferente
07 - Sperminator

Fear brutal records edita FBR 003

Nasty Pig Dick - Intense enema scat shower (2009)

Nasty Pig Dick - Intense enema scat shower (2009)


Virosis & 665 & Tanke & Gangrena & DxHxNx (2021)

Split - Virosis & 665 & Tanke & Gangrena & DxHxNx (2017)

Split - Virosis & 665 & Tanke & Gangrena & DxHxNx (2017)


01 - El odio jarocho 01:42
02 - Corrosivo 02:39
03 - Final fatal (invitado Alex Abomination) 02:41


04 - Violando a tu dios de la depravación 00:52
05 - Comienzo restos de carne putrefacta de niña violada 00:48
06 - El Silencio de la depuración 00:42
07 - XXX 01:19
08 - Mi primera mutilación 00:44
09 - No está muerto lo que puede yacer eternamente, y con el paso de los extraños eones incluso la muerte puede morir 01:14


10 - Que viva el atascadero 00:28
11 - Harto mierda 00:53
12 - Imbécil entretenimiento 01:25
13 - Born to live 01:31


14 - Prostitutas infectadas de sida y un virus extraño que afecta la zona rectal ocasionando un ataque de diarrea brutalmente explosiva, nociva y corrosiva 00:56
15 - El ataque de los vagabundos gonorrientos (Marcha feminazi interceptada por los violadores infectados a favor de mandarla a chingar a su puta pinche madre a la verga) 01:00
16 - Zombies hermafroditas vs gangrenosos necrocopropedófilos (La batalla más homo que podrán ver en su putas vidas) 01:27
17 - ratas infectadas de sífilis atacan los pueblos violando a todo ser vivo que se les cruzeiro por el camino hacia el puticlub cercano a la planta de tratamiento de aguas negras 00:46
18 - Pánico en las cárceles por la infiltración de consoladores infectados del virus gangrenoso ha ocasionado un caos entre los reos que están empezando a convertirse en gangrenosos necrocopropedófilos dispuestos a penetrar a todos lo que se mueva y tenga un orificio que rellenar  (El fin) 00:53


19 - Gothic anal angels 00:39
20 - Miasmas humana (Muerto en vida/Agonía incontrolable) 00:10
21 - Gusanos en los genitales (Uretra llena de larvas) 00:35
22 - Poseído (versión de Brujería) 00:33
23 - Fluctuant nodule with the overlying mucosa 00:07
24 - Traumatismo anal y vaginal (Apuñalada 6 veces en la vagina y penetrada analmente con un taladro) 00:45
25 - Alterando escenas de crímenes no resueltos 00:16
26 - 62 cuerpos encontrados sin cabeza y con señales de tortura 01:17
27 - Incontrolable proliferación de pus/Small cut...in your flesh (versión de Tu Carne) 00:24
28 - Fascitis necrotizante por trombosis venida profunda 00:26



Death metal (1984)

Compilado - Death metal (1984)

Compilado - Death metal (1984)

01 - Running Wild - Iron heads 03:38
02 - Running Wild - Bones to ashes 05:07
03 - Hellhammer - Revelations of doom 02:46
04 - Hellhammer - Messiah 04:30
05 - Dark Avenger (Alemania) - Black fairies 03:33
06 - Dark Avenger (Alemania) - Lords of the night 03:47
07 - Helloween - Oernst of life 04:41
08 - Helloween - Metal invaders 04:27


Nasty Pig Dick - Intense enema scat shower (2009)

Nasty Pig Dick - Intense enema scat shower (2009)

Nasty Pig Dick - Intense enema scat shower (2009)

01 - Scat domination 04:01
02 - Intense diarrheic shower 04:36
03 - Sexual enema pasion 03:56
04 - Shit abscess 03:35




Mass of Shit - Fragmentos da decomposição (2008)

Mass of Shit - Fragmentos  da decomposição (2008)

Mass of Shit - Fragmentos  da decomposição (2008)

01 - Intro / Pathological thoughts 01:47
02 - Rotten deformity 01:05
03 - Anal sores 01:58
04 - Beyond the carcass 02:19
05 - Fragmentos da decomposição 01:07
06 - Frutos do incesto 01:37
07 - Mass of shit 01:27
08 - Necrotherapy 01:46
09 - Vagabunda 01:06
10 - Degolado com folha de cana 01:33


Excrementory Eater bajo, voz
Vômito Fecalóide batería, voz  / Endoscopyc Hemorrhage
Pussy Killer guitarra, voz