
Mostrando las entradas con la etiqueta Violation Wound. Mostrar todas las entradas
Mostrando las entradas con la etiqueta Violation Wound. Mostrar todas las entradas

19 de febrero de 2024

Violation Wound - With man in charge (2018)

Violation Wound - With man in charge (2018)

Violation Wound - With man in charge (2018)

01 - Humanity burning 01:21
02 - Vortex 01:04
03 - Fearmonger 00:57
04 - Dangerous idiot 02:20
05 - Selling your soul for damage control 00:58
06 - State of alarm 01:03
07 - Ruining everything that's in the way 00:37
08 - God's plan 02:40
09 - Smoke and flames 01:56
10 - Stalemate suicide 03:08
11 - Unhinged world 02:51
12 - Destroy the factory 02:24
13 - Two middle fingers, whiskey and beer 01:24
14 - Don't believe It 02:02
15 - Stoking the fires of chaos 01:58
16 - Scratched out 00:50
17 - Fuck it up/Dumb it down 00:37
18 - Twisted up inside 00:58
19 - Kicked in tonight / VWiii 02:07
20 - With man in charge 02:48

Chris Reifert guitara, voz
Joe Orterry bajo
Matt O’Connell batería

Chris Reifert Autopsy, Burnt Offering, Death, Abscess, The Ravenous, Eat My Fuk, Doomed, Violation Wound 
Joe Orterry Zombie Holocaust
Matt O'Connell Orterry, Fog of War

1 de septiembre de 2017

Maryland deathfest XVI (2018)

Cripple Bastards (Italia)
Defeated Sanity (Alemania)
Gateway to Hell
Horrible Earth
Master's Hammer (República Checa)
Pure Hiss
Pig Destroyer
The Ruins of Beverast (Alemania)
Suffering Hour
Today is the Day (Temple of the Morning Star set)
Violation Wound

10 de diciembre de 2015

Violation Wound - Broken idol / Elimination time (2015)

Violation Wound - Broken idol / Elimination time (2015)

Violation Wound - Broken idol / Elimination time (2015)

Violation Wound - Broken idol (2015)

01 - Inner disease
02 - Brutality code
03 - After the riot
04 - Dead end gaze
05 - Some kind of dread
06 - Leave a scar
07 - You're a wreck
08 - Wired for hate
09 - Broken idol
10 - Out of my skin
11 - Whiskey brigade
12 - Watching it rot
13 - The damage done
14 - Trouble comin' my way
15 - This is ignition
16 - Violation wound II

Violation Wound - Elimination time (2015)

17 - What remains?
18 - Getting personal
19 - Abuse, abuse, abuse
20 - Quest for control
21 - Blackout train
22 - Anonymous creep
23 - Weapons
24 - Searching for zero
25 - Blowtorch
26 - Unfixed
27 - Roll over and die blues
28 - Elimination time
29 - Bleed me dry
30 - Built to spill
31 - First times never last
32 - Blistered pride
33 - I'm not the one
34 - Spiders and flies
35 - Blitzed out
36 - I'm the wolfman
Chris Reifert voz, guitarra / Autopsy, Burnt Offering, Death, Abscess, The Ravenous, Eat My Fuk, Doomed, Violation Wound 
Joe Orterry bajo / Zombie Holocaust
Matt O'Connell batería / Orterry, Fog of War

Ideal para fans de: GG Allin, Antiseen, The Dwarves

Violation Wound - Elimination time (2015)

Violation Wound - Broken idol / Elimination time (2015)

7 de diciembre de 2015

Violation Wound - Violation Wound (2014)

Violation Wound - Violation Wound (2014)

Violation Wound - Violation Wound (2014)

01 - Don't believe it 01:57
02 - Eyes red and wide 01:21
03 - Seeing scars 01:21
04 - Glue trap 01:17
05 - Everywhere Is nowhere 01:52
06 - Brain in a sling 01:10
07 - Cranial blur 01:23
08 - In my veins 02:30
09 - Medicine 00:42
10 - Disposable soul 01:31
11 - Disconnection 01:04
12 - Closed up 00:59
13 - Complaint box 00:53
14 - You can't have me 01:11
15 - Off the rails 03:11
16 - Circle of wounds 00:35
17 - Learn and burn 00:51
18 - Nothing to say 02:03

Chris Reifert - Voces, guitarra / Autopsy, Burnt Offering, Death, Abscess, The Ravenous, Eat My Fuk, Doomed, Violation Wound 
Joe Orterry - Bajo / Zombie Holocaust
Matt O'Connell - batería / Orterry, Fog of War

Chris Reifert, baterista/cantante de los gloriosos Autopsy y su amor por GG Allin y todo el punk mugriento, vicioso y decadente. Acá canta y toca la guitarra junto a 2 secuaces de su calaña. El resultado es: Punk inmundo, olor a whisky barato y perversiones a granel.
Ideal para fans de: GG Allin, Antiseen, The Dwarves.