
Mostrando las entradas con la etiqueta Sore Throat. Mostrar todas las entradas
Mostrando las entradas con la etiqueta Sore Throat. Mostrar todas las entradas

8 de septiembre de 2024

Mejores discos de grindcore

Siege - Drop dead (1984)

Siege - Drop dead (1984)

Lärm - Straight on view (1986)

Lärm - Straight on view (1986)

Napalm Death - Scum (1987)

Napalm Death - Scum (1987)

Sore Throat - Death to capitalist hardcore (1987)

Sore Throat - Death to capitalist hardcore (1987)

Carcass - Reek of putrefaction (1988)

Carcass - Reek of putrefaction (1988)

Carcass - Symphonies of sickness (1989)

Carcass - Symphonies of sickness (1989)

Napalm Death - From enslavement to obliteration (1988)

Napalm Death - From enslavement to obliteration (1988)

Napalm Death - Mentally murdered (1989)

Napalm Death - Mentally murdered (1989)

O.L.D - Old Lady Drivers (1988)

O.L.D. - Old Lady Drivers (1988)

Extreme Noise Terror - A holocaust in your head (1989)

Extreme Noise Terror - A holocaust in your head (1989)

Extreme Noise Terror - Peel sessions (1987)

Repulsion - Horrified (1989)

Repulsion - Horrified (1989)

Terrorizer - World downfall (1989)

Terrorizer - World downfall (1989)

26 de enero de 2024

Diez discos de grindcore

Repulsion - Horrified (1989)

Repulsion - Horrified (1989)

Siege - Drop dead (1984)

Siege - Drop dead (1984)

Carcass -  Reek of putrefaction (1988)

Carcass -  Reek of putrefaction (1988)

Extreme Noise Terror - A holocaust in your head (1989)

Extreme Noise Terror - A holocaust in your head (1989)

Lärm - Straight on view (1986)

Lärm - Straight on view (1986)

Napalm Death - From enslavement to obliteration (1988)

Napalm Death - From enslavement to obliteration (1988)

Napalm Death - Scum (1987)

Napalm Death - Scum (1987)

O.L.D - Old lady drivers (1988)

O.L.D - Old lady drivers (1988)

Sore Throat - Death to capitalist hardcore (1987)

Sore Throat - Death to capitalist hardcore (1987)

Terrorizer - World downfall (1989)

Diez mejores discos de grindcore

21 de mayo de 2023

Sore Throat - Death to capitalist hardcore (1987)

Sore Throat - Death to capitalist hardcore (1987)

Sore Throat - Death to capitalist hardcore (1987)

01 - Intro (rapists die) 00:15
02 - War system 00:52
03 - D.T.C.H.C. 00:21
04 - Sacrilege (to the scene) 00:15
05 - Vac head 00:08
06 - Pesticide death 00:12
07 - Process of elimination 00:17
08 - Trenchfoot 00:05
09 - S.S.A. part II 00:05
10 - Satan's radish 00:29
11 - Fungacidal tendencies 00:05
12 - R.O.T.  00:05
13 - Only the dead 00:12
14 - Bomb the whitehouse 00:28
15 - Environmental suicide 01:08
16 - Broken brains/D.Y.W.R  00:21
17 - Devoid of compassion 00:14
18 - Go home 00:08
19 - Attack of the english gumby punks 00:08
20 - D.F.W.H 00:05
21 - Wehr-crap 00:25
22 - Intestinal skipping rope 00:10
23 - Bloody hardcore 00:12
24 - Virus 00:06
25 - Disappearing Mark 00:11
26 - No room to talk 00:21
27 - Victim of a stage dive 00:35
28 - I.C.I: fuck off and die 01:51
29 - Thrash against fascism 00:15
30 - Backflip splat 00:25
31 - Yo barman 00:41
32 - Social genocide 00:05
33 - D.R.I. E.M.I. 00:10
34 - Born-again christian 00:13
35 - Utterly tuneless 00:56
36 - M.F.N. (Money for nobheads) 00:59
37 - Lynch the cops 00:21
38 - Scream bloody trout 00:05
39 - Life 00:15
40 - Join the army 00:08
41 - The ballad Billy Milano 01:03

Rich Militia Walker/Rawhead Rex voz, letra, arte
Brian Bri Talbot/Rancid Trout guitarra, letras
Jon Doom Pickering/Howard the Porpoise bajo, letras
Nick Royles/Bilbo Baggins batería, letras

25 de noviembre de 2021

Grindcrusher - The Earache sampler (1989)

Compilado - Grindcrusher - The Earache sampler (1989)

Compilado - Grindcrusher - The Earache sampler (1989)

01 - Morbid Angel - Chapel of ghouls 4:59
02 - Repulsion - Radiation sickness 2:07
03 - Carcass - Exhume to consume 4:22
04 - Godflesh - Streetcleaner 6:03
05 - Napalm Death - The missing link 2:18
06 - Terrorizer - Dead shall rise 3:03
07 - Bolt Thrower - Through the eyes of terror 4:23
08 - Intense Degree - Straight jacket / i've got a cure 2:08
09 - Filthy Christians - Party & fight for your right 3:19
10 - Old Lady Drivers - Colostomy grab-Bag 3:34
11 - Unseen Terror - Divisions 1:52
12 - Spazztic Blurr - He not-a-home 3:25
13 - Heresy - Dead 0:57
14 - Sore Throat - Horrendify and kill 0:24


6 de diciembre de 2017

Mejores discos de punk, hardcore, crust, grindcore, mincecore

Mejores discos de hardcore, d-beat, crust, grindcore, mincecore

Anti Cimex - Victims of a bomb raid (1984)

Agathocles - Theatric symbolisation of life (1992)

Doom -  Total doom (1989)

Extreme Noise Terror - A holocaust in your head  (1989)
Nausea - Extintion (1990)
Desobediencia Civil - No hay libertad sin desobediencia (2001)
Infest - No man`s slave (2002)
Hiatus - Old fashioned shit for consumers (1995)
Disrupt - Unrest (1994)
Warsore - Brutal reprisal (2003)
Discharge - Hear nothing see nothing say nothing (1982)
Sore Throat - Unhindered by talent (1988)
Destroy! - Burn this racist system down (1992)
Totalitär - Sin egen motståndare (1994)
Antisect ‎- In darkness, there is no choice (1985)