
Mostrando las entradas con la etiqueta Renania-Palatinado. Mostrar todas las entradas
Mostrando las entradas con la etiqueta Renania-Palatinado. Mostrar todas las entradas

23 de septiembre de 2018

Blood - Depraved Goddess (1996)

01 - Intro (zombie) 02:24 instrumental
02 - Roman whores 01:01
03 - Euthanastic inclination 01:45
04 - Blasphemy 01:42
05 - Die leiche 01:06
06 - Bloody season 00:59
07 - The god you save 02:35
08 - Unholy god 01:00
09 - Dark conscience 02:38
10 - Wage war 01:33
11 - Bastard son 01:04
12 - Maggotstorm 01:23
13 - Christian holocaust 00:52
14 - Wie krieger sterben 03:46
15 - Fuck religions 01:45
16 - Destroy command 02:06
17 - Fleshhunger (Cannibal Ritual II) 01:22
18 - Sinister knell 01:28
19 - Execution 00:58
20 - A burial place 02:49
21 - An orgy of blood at forest morgue 01:40


23 de febrero de 2018

Death feast open air 2018

Dying Fetus (Estados Unidos)
Misery Index (Estados Unidos)
Origin (Estados Unidos)
Broken Hope (Estados Unidos)
Disavowed (Países Bajos)
GUTALAX ( cz gore grind ) (Repúbica Checa)
XavlegbmaofffassssitimiwoamndutroabcwapwaeiippohfffX (Àfrica del Sur)
Hideous Divinity (Italia)
Soreption (Suecia)
AngelMaker (Canadá)
Nader Sadek : In the Flesh (Egipto)
Epicardiectomy (Repúbica Checa)
Teethgrinder (Países Bajos)
Cognitive (Estados Unidos)
Antropofagus (Official) (Italia)
Abhorrent Castigation (Alemania)
guineapig (Italia)
Cannibal Grandpa (Spain)
Xenomorphic Contamination (Italia)
PaRtY-CaNnOn (Inglaterra)
Gutrectomy (Alemania)
Asilent (Singapur)
Embrace Your Punishment (Francia)
Diaroe (Alemania)
Brutal Sphincter (Bélgica)
Kadaverficker (Alemania)
Sick of Stupidity (Países Bajos)

26 de julio de 2016

Kent Brockman - Discography ´99 -´03 (2003)

01 - An everyday occurence 01:29
02 - Mayhem 02 00:49
03 - Taste is the enemy of art 01:21
04 - Your politics 01:39
05 - No comprehansion 01:23
06 - University anecdotes 01:29
07 - Outro 01:45
08 - We can´t walk back 02:08
09 - Morning view 00:22
10 - Seek refuge in attack 01:42
11 - I´m sorry 01:15
12 - A different approach to life 02:00
13 - Chipscrackers 00:29
14 - Asshole 00:24
15 - Give me reasons 00:39
16 - Don´t consider yourself emo 01:17
17 - Guyver rock 00:51
18 - Live fast die slow 01:11
19 - Bountyhunter 01:35
20 - Pro-love-song 01:36
21 - Pseudo subs 01:28
22 - Uncrowned ruler of b40 00:49
23 - We´re nothing 01:11
24 - Lack of responsibility 01:31
25 - A fact you can´t ignore 01:17
26 - Not even better 00:25
27 - Smoothtalker 00:36
28 - Legal for yourself 00:57
29 - Choice 02:08
30 - Financial wealth 00:15
31 - Four 00:19
32 - Not my way 01:46
33 - Problems 01:25
34 - Righteous bastards 00:32
35 - Still not punk enough 00:45
36 - Verstand 01:19
37 - Zeichen der zeit 01:30
38 - Soziopath 00:27
39 - Crust 01:18
40 - Fascism is a fraud 01:43
41 - Compose the backbone of society 01:25
42 - Hell to you 02:44
43 - Le dduf 02:21
44 - Such lies 02:30
45 - Veins harder than concrete 01:30
46 - Where the stars come out at night 00:44