Mostrando las entradas con la etiqueta Total Fucking Destruction. Mostrar todas las entradas
Mostrando las entradas con la etiqueta Total Fucking Destruction. Mostrar todas las entradas

14 de marzo de 2024

This comp kills fascists, vol 1 (2008)

Compilado - This comp kills fascists, vol 1 (2008)

Compilado - This comp kills fascists, vol 1 (2008)

01 - Agents Of Satan - Joe ryder (Doomryder) 01:48
02 - Agents Of Satan - Rape 'em all and let god sort 'em out 00:26
03 - Agents Of Satan - Skrote skin mask 01:04
04 - Agents Of Satan - Kill for Baloff 01:20
05 - Weekend Nachos - Prioritize 01:23
06 - Weekend Nachos - If you come near 01:20
07 - Weekend Nachos - Scars 00:39
08 - Weekend Nachos - Worthless Words 00:41
09 - Kill the Client - False Flag Attack 01:18
10 - Kill the Client - Triple six bastard 00:58

11 - Kill the Client - Shithouse lawyer 01:37
12 - Spoonful Of Vicodin - Totally brutal news exposure 00:38
13 - Spoonful Of Vicodin - Designer track marks 00:20
14 - Spoonful Of Vicodin - I don't lift weights or drive an suv (Because i'm comfy with my genitalia) 00:19
15 - Spoonful Of Vicodin - Put that in your pipe and smoke it 00:34
16 - Spoonful Of Vicodin - Our explanations are longer than our songs 00:17
17 - Spoonful Of Vicodin - Confession booth gloryhole 00:19
18 - Maruta - Behind the steel curtain 02:13
19 - Maruta - Chemical tomb 02:47
20 - Insect Warfare - Information economy 01:24

21 - Insect Warfare - Cellgraft 00:25
22 - Insect Warfare - Disassembler 01:48
23 - Insect Warfare - Cancer of oppression 01:31
24 - Shitstorm - Paranoid existence 00:21
25 - Shitstorm - Burning alive 00:30
26 - Shitstorm - Brainwashed 00:23
27 - Shitstorm - Victim 00:21
28 - Shitstorm - Controlling 00:27
29 - Shitstorm - Mince meat human 00:58
30 - Man Will Destroy Himself - Fuse 01:35

31 - Man Will Destroy Himself - Empty 03:18
32 - Total Fucking Destruction - Human is the bastard 00:52
33 - Total Fucking Destruction - in the process of correcting thinking errors 01:35
34 - Total Fucking Destruction - Welcome to the fascist corporate wastelands of america, pt -  1 01:58
35 - Chainsaw To The Face - Hating life 00:39
36 - Chainsaw To The Face - Skewered 00:53
37 - Chainsaw To The Face - Burnt to death 00:26
38 - Chainsaw To The Face - Ripped in half 00:48
39 - Magrudergrind - Inevitable progression 01:10
40 - Magrudergrind - Heavy bombing 01:26

41 - Magrudergrind - Burden 01:54
42 - Brutal Truth - Forever in a daze 00:37
43 - Brutal Truth - You should know better 01:45
44 - Brutal Truth - Dogs of war 00:42
45 - Brutal Truth - Turmoil 01:08
46 - A.S.R.A. - Chytridomycosis 00:46
47 - A.S.R.A. - Cancer 01:35
48 - A.S.R.A. - Pig squealer 01:25
49 - Wasteoid - Drink in hand 01:56
50 - Wasteoid - Bangover 00:18

51 - Wasteoid - Handcuffed and fucked 01:43

5 de agosto de 2020

Total Fucking Destruction ‎- Compact disc version 1.0 (2004)

Total Fucking Destruction ‎- Compact disc version 1.0 (2004)

Total Fucking Destruction ‎- Compact disc version 1.0 (2004)

01 - Kill the jocks and eat their brains 00:54
02 - Fuckwound 01:34
03 - Necro-anarchist 00:37
04 - TFD=THC(666) 02:00  
05 - Corpse position 01:02
06 - Bio-satanic terroristic attack 00:54
07 - Metal emergency 00:52
08 - Pig's head 01:22
09 - Yes Ma'am (versión de DRI) 01:21
10 - Goatlord 2001 05:10
11 - Grind freak railroad 01:15
12 - Mothernaturefucker 00:42
13 - Single bullet theory 01:26
14 - Down the fucking hole 02:53
15 - Chromatic blackness (invitado Balth) 01:03
16 - Armed response 01:57
17 - Attack of the super virus v4.0 00:21
18 - Attack of the super virus v5.0 00:25
19 - Internal negative vibration 01:34
20 - Kill the jocks and eat their brains 03:13
21 - 6.5 Billion (Pieces of Shit) 02:16
22 - Madeleine Albright is sexy 01:48
23 - Pig's head 00:58
24 - Metal emergency 00:21
25 - Attack of the super virus v1.0 00:22
26 - Attack of the super virus v2.0 00:22
27 - Attack of the super virus v3.0 00:33
28 - Fear of a black metal planet 00:12
29 - Boxcutter 00:51
30 - Bio-satanic terroristic attack 01:27
31 - Jesus! (versión de Feederz) 04:24
32 - Goatloard 00:45  
33 - Necro-anarchist / Bio-satanic terroristic attack  (en vivo) 01:23
34 - Corpse position  (en vivo) 02:06  
35 - Corpse position / 6.5 Billions (Pieces of shit) / Pig's head  (en vivo) 00:15
36 - Down the fucking hole  (en vivo) 00:16
37 - Boxcutter  (en vivo) 05:53
38 - Fuckwound  (en vivo) 01:36  
39 - Metal emergency  (en vivo) 01:01  
40 - TFD=THC(666)  (en vivo) 01:19  


25 de enero de 2013