
Mostrando las entradas con la etiqueta ACxDC. Mostrar todas las entradas
Mostrando las entradas con la etiqueta ACxDC. Mostrar todas las entradas

20 de marzo de 2019

Zesta grande (2019)

Zesta grande (2019)

Zesta grande (2019)

Zesta grande - Day 1 (2019)
Viernes, 31 de mayo de 2019 de 17:00 a 00:00 PDT
924 Gilman St, Berkeley 94710

((Presale ticket link-13$))

Yacopsae (Legendary thrashcore from Hamburg Germany only northern California date)
Cave State (LA PV)
Violencia (Tijuana Mexico HC/PV)
HKFY (Tijuana Mexico PV)
Stimulant (New York grindviolence featuring members of Water Torture)
Depraved (SFV PV/HC)
Healer (West Bay PV)
Concussive (Pittsburg PV)
Corporal (North Bay fastcore)
Rapid Decline (Oakland PV)
Glenxcoco (San Jose grindviolence)

---Start your Zesta Grande weekend off with a friday night banger. Bands from Germany, Mexico, New York LA, and some of yalls favorite bay area PV/fastcore/hardcore projects at legendary//historic 924 

Gilman St in Berkeley.--

15$  (plus 2 dollar Gilman membership)
Only 100 presale tickets will be made available at 13$ each 
All ages
Always diy
No fights 
No bullshit
Respect the space
(Set times posted soon)
(The bill is closed)
---Invite your friends and fam---share it around--- 
 (Facebook is wack for limiting invites)

 ( (Zest bay))

Zesta grande - Day 2 (2019)
Sábado, 1 de junio de 2019 de 19:00 a 23:30 PDT

North Bay Area
Novato (California) 94949

Godstomper (South bay OG PV)
Shitstormtrooper (Houston Texas PV)
Defend (Oakland anti racist HC)
Heavy Stench (San Jose HC)
World Peace (SF HC/PV)
Scully (Santa Cruz Orchid worship)
Gardens (Salinas HC/PV)
Dingus (Santa Cruz PV/HC)
Paperxcut (North bay grindviolence)

@ Mullet death headquarters((north bay area dm for address))
(Set times up soon)
((Invite your friends and fam))

All ages
No fights
No bullshit 
No drama
Always diy

((Dm for shuttle service information/scheduling))

(((Zest bay)))

Zesta grande Day 3 (2019)
Domingo, 2 de junio de 2019 de 17:00 a 22:45 PDT
Cafe Colonial
3520 Stockton Blvd, Sacramento (California) 95820

Fiend (Fresno grindcore)
Sulfuric Cautery (Ohio grindcore)
H.A.R.M. (LA grindcore)
Disease (Seattle grindcore)
Bob Plant (Northbay mincecore)
Syntax (OG LA grindcore)
Invertebrate (Sacramento/Oakland grindcore)
Voyeur (Chico Grindcore)
Human Obliteration (Sacramento grindcore/death metal)
Violent Opposition (North bay HC/PV)
Dysphoric (San Jose Grindcore)
Hugoxsánchez (Sacramento PV) 
Splitjaw (Paradise grindviolence)

-Grind your sunday away to a night of relentless blast beats and vs sets as we bring Zesta grande to a close in Sacramento in our 3rd and final installment--
10$ @ Cafe Colonial and Colony  (Sacramento, California)
 (DM about shuttle info/scheduling)
All ages (alcohol with id)
No fights 
No drama
No bullshit 
Always diy
 (Invite your friends and fam/share the event pages please)

 ( (Zest bay x ECC))

30 de agosto de 2017

ACxDC - Jack Trippin demo 04 (2004)

01 - Jack Trippin 1:28
02 - Sexual fantasies of biblical figures 1:23
03 - Wookies have feelings too 1:24
04 - We kill christians 1:00
05 - Dumb n dumbshit 1:12
06 - Death spare not the tiger 1:20
07 - Turtle power 1:20