
Mostrando las entradas con la etiqueta Anal Cunt. Mostrar todas las entradas
Mostrando las entradas con la etiqueta Anal Cunt. Mostrar todas las entradas


Anal Cunt - Live in person (1997)

Anal Cunt - Live in person (1997)

Anal Cunt - Live in person (1997)

The concert cafe

Green Bay, Wisconsin, Estados Unidos

Gira I like it when you die

Anal Cunt - Live in person (1997)

Anal Cunt - Live in person (1997)

I saw them in '97 for the I like it when you die tour. They played at a place called the concert cafe in Green Bay Wisconsin. Josh Martin the guitar player staggered in before the performance from the bar next door. Stumbled up the stairs and fell on his face. Took him about a minute to gather his head and get off the floor. Seth the singer was so fucked up on who knows what that he came across as slow and special when I talked to him. The drummer shockingly enough seemed just fine and was even quite flashy sounding for his sound check. I remember Seth screaming and they just kicked in from there. At that point it was the best fucking grind performance I had ever seen. I have a poster for that show in particular but I'm afraid to post it here. Screw it I'll post it underneath this pic. If it gets pulled this comment should stay at least.

Todd Kohler marzo 12, 2024

Los vi (a Anal Cunt en vivo) en el 97 para la gira "Me gusta cuando mueres". Tocaron en un lugar llamado Concert Café en Green Bay, Wisconsin. Josh Martin, el guitarrista, entró tambaleándose antes de la actuación desde el bar de al lado. Tropezó escaleras arriba y cayó de bruces. Le tomó alrededor de un minuto levantar la cabeza y levantarse del suelo. Seth, el cantante, estaba tan jodido con quién sabe qué que me pareció lento y especial cuando hablé con él. Sorprendentemente, el baterista parecía estar bien e incluso sonaba bastante llamativo para su prueba de sonido. Recuerdo a Seth gritando y ellos simplemente entraron en acción desde allí. En ese momento fue la mejor actuación de grind que jamás había visto. Tengo un cartel para ese programa en particular pero tengo miedo de publicarlo aquí. Al diablo, lo publicaré debajo de esta foto. Si se retira, este comentario debería permanecer al menos.


Bllleeeeaaauuurrrrgghhh! - The record (1991)

Compilado - Bllleeeeaaauuurrrrgghhh! - The record (1991)

Compilado - Bllleeeeaaauuurrrrgghhh! - The record (1991)


01 - G-Anx - Sally
02 - No Comment - A Mother's Crime
03 - Demise - Rum & Coke
04 - Neanderthal - Built For Brutality
05 - Hellnation - Suppression
06 - Nuclear Roach - Pessimism
07 - Chemical Dependency - Endless Death
08 - Chemical Dependency - Bad Acid
09 - Extreme Noise Terror - False Profit
10 - Boom & The Legion Of Doom - Ballad Of Alan
11 - Boneheads - Weltering In Blood
12 - Anal Cunt - Untitled
13 - Anal Cunt - Untitled
14 - Anal Cunt - Untitled
15 - Anal Cunt - Untitled
16 - Anal Cunt - Untitled
17 - Anal Cunt - Untitled
18 - Jesus Chrust - Resurrection Of The Dead
19 - Hellocaust - Direct Action
20 - Atrocity - Drug Slut
21 - Exit-13 - Shattner Spackel
22 - Go! - Pizza Boy
23 - Can't Deny - No Freedom
24 - Can't Deny - Life's Just A Joke
25 - Can't Deny - Handstand Plant
26 - Skeletal Earth - Intestinal Dry Heave
27 - Generica - Capitalism Sucks
28 - Agathocles - Lay Off Me


01 - Assück - Wall Of Shame
02 - Infest - Why Don't You?
03 - Born Against - Nail That Sticks Up
04 - Stikky - Song #39
05 - Impetigo - Jane Fonda Sucks (live)
06 - Psycho - Mooch
07 - Mouthfart - You Know I'm Gonna
08 - Citizen's Arrest - Extistence
09 - Cocofonia - Revolution
10 - Cocofonia - ...Stupid Competition
11 - Psycho Sin - You Suck - 
12 - Confrontation - Time Flies (live)
13 - Seven Minutes Of Nausea - SDI Theory
14 - Seven Minutes Of Nausea - Right Inherent
15 - Seven Minutes Of Nausea - Destruction Is On
16 - Seven Minutes Of Nausea - Fuck To No Justify
17 - Seven Minutes Of Nausea - Carcass Pulp
18 - Seven Minutes Of Nausea - Grind Infect
19 - Seven Minutes Of Nausea - Heavy Satan
20 - Seven Minutes Of Nausea - Lorro Morte
21 - Seven Minutes Of Nausea - Blood On The World
22 - Seven Minutes Of Nausea - What I Feel
23 - Seven Minutes Of Nausea - Stoked
24 - Piledriver - Hammerlock
25 - Bloody Mess & The Skabs - Work, Buy, Die
26 - Bulge - AIDS Hog
27 - Mindrot - Demoniac
28 - Mork Hotel - Chirp Bird
29 - Napalm Breath - Go Back To Seattle (& Get A Haircut)
30 - Nam Land - Ash Wednesday
31 - Meat Shits - S.E. Nightmare
32 - Meat Shits - Ice Is Nice
33 - Meat Shits - Caked Face
34 - Meat Shits - Clam Dip
35 - Meat Shits - Feast Of Flesh
36 - Splatterreah - Vomit Omlet


Anal Cunt - 40 more reasons to hate us (1996)

Anal Cunt - 40 more reasons to hate us (1996)

Anal Cunt - 40 more reasons to hate us (1996)

01 -  Face it, you're a metal band 0:10
02 -  Punching joe bonni's face in 0:21
03 -  Kill women 0:19
04 -  Steroids guy 0:31
05 -  Everyone in Allston should be killed 0:35
06 -  I noticed that you're gay 0:50
07 -  Dead, gay, and dropped 0:54
08 -  You look divorced 0:42
09 -  I hope you get deported 0:57
10 -  Mike Mahan has gingivitis 0:23
11 -  Trapped 1:20
12 -  You're a fucking cunt 1:11
13 -  Phyllis is an old annoying cunt 0:19
14 -  Al Stankus is always on the phone with his bookie 0:46
15 -  Bill Scott's dumb 0:42
16 -  Harvey Korman is gay 0:10
17 -  You fucking freak 0:49
18 -  Theme from three's company 0:35
19 -  Jeanine Jizm is a freak 1:15
20 -  Everyone in Anal Cunt is dumb 0:27
21 -  I just saw the gayest guy on earth 1:31
22 -  Johnny Violent getting his ass kicked by Morrisey 0:30
23 -  Metamorphosis 0:11
24 -  I'm sick of you 1:03
25 -  Howard wulkan's bald 0:09
26 -  You're a trendy fucking pussy 0:38
27 -  Tom Arnold 0:09
28 -  I got athletes foot showering at Mike's 0:49
29 -  Big pants, bigger loser 1:07
30 -  Marc Payson is a drunk 0:45
31 -  Your family is dumb 0:28
32 -  Furnace 0:10
33 -  You're dumb 0:55
34 -  Van full of retards 0:25
35 -  Deche charge are a bunch of fucking losers 0:27
36 -  Everyone in the underground music scene is stupid 0:29
37 -  Dumb, fat, & gross 0:20
38 -  I'm not stubborn 1:25
39 -  Mike Mahan's sty 0:10
40 -  02657 0:32
41 -  GLOVES of metal 4:29
42 -  Bonus track 0:08



Earache: World's shortest album (2012)

Compilado - Earache: World's shortest album (2012)

01 - Napalm Death - You suffer (00:04)
02 - Napalm Death - Dead (00:05)
03 - Napalm Death - Your Achievement (00:06)
04 - Wormrot - False grind sodomy (00:04)
05 - Wormrot - You suffer but why is it my problem (00:04)
06 - Brutal Truth - Collateral damage (00:04)
07 - Anal Cunt - Howard wulkan's bald (00:09)
08 - Lawnmower Deth - Be scene not heard (00:07)
09 - Painkiller - Trailmarker (00:08)
10 - Brutal Truth - Blockhead (00:07)
11 - Morbid Angel - Bil ur-sag #2 Lava (00:06)
12 - Anal Cunt - Windchimes are gay (00:10)
13 - Insect Warfare - Street sweeper (00:13)

Tiempo total: 82.8 segundos



Defenders of the noise (2013)

Defenders of the noise - A tribute to Anal Cunt (2013)

01 - Pulmonary Fibrosis - Into the oven
02 - Mixomatosis - You look divorced
03 - PxMxSxZx - Music sucks
04 - Cannibe - Radio Hits
05 - Bloodcrap - I noticed that you're gay
06 - Necrocannibalistic Vomitorium - Branscombe richmond
07 - Rectal Smegma - MJC
08 - Bestial Devastation - You're a cop
09 - Bestial Devastation - You're gay
10 - Olocausto - Kill women
11 - Stillnox - Some songs
12 - Insomnia Isterica - Your kid is deformed
13 - Insomnia Isterica - You're gay
14 - Vomit Putridity - Radio hits
15 - Grumo - Lado A del 5643 songs EP
16 - Final Cunt - Sin título del 88 songs EP
17 - Fecalizer - Trapped
18 - Tuco - Shut up Mike
19 - Tuco - Newest HC song #1
20 - Oxidised Razor - Tema sin título del split con Psycho
21 - Sposa In Alto Mare - 311 sucks
22 - Sposa In Alto Mare - Escape (The piña colada song)
23 - Serrando Codos - You're a cop
24 - Turronizer - Radio hits
25 - Fuck Humanity - Blur - incluye New H.C. Song y Unbelievable
26 - Trabecular Hepatocellular Carcinoma - Old lady across the hall with no life
27 - Mr Plow - I respect your feelings as a woman


Mejores discos de grindcore

Napalm Death - Scum (1987)

Napalm Death - Scum (1987)

Repulsion - Horrified (1989)

Pig Destroyer - Prowler in the yard (2001)

Carcass - Reek of putrefaction (1988)

Fuck The Facts - Die miserable (2011)

Anal Cunt - I like it when you die (1997)

Terrorizer - World downfall (1989)

Cattle Decapitation - Monolith of inhumanity (2012)

Genghis Tron - Dead mountain mouth (2006)

Cock and Ball Torture - Egoleech (2004)

Napalm Death - From enslavement to obliteration (1988)

Brutal Truth - Sounds of the animal kingdom (1997)

Pig Destroyer - Book burner (2012)