
Mostrando las entradas con la etiqueta Moonblood. Mostrar todas las entradas
Mostrando las entradas con la etiqueta Moonblood. Mostrar todas las entradas

17 de junio de 2012

Moonblood - LP a la venta


Most of you You already bought something from me on Ebay and others only make some questions on my itens for seIlling on Ebay last 4 years…    

Well, I got 07 copies of the MOONBLOOD – Siegfried LP on black vinyl and 05 copies of the Red vinyl.   
The black vinyl (according to flyer and cover LP)  is limited from 67 to 189.  My numbered Black LPs are  69, 75, 97, 102, 112, 117 and 126.  My Red (limited from 190 – 314) is 195, 207, 215, 256, 260.

So, I´m offering this for the people who already dealed with me in the past.  If I can´t sell it to you, I will put on Ebay.  

My price for LP is 55,00 USD plus 22,00 for postage + paypal fees = Total of 82,00 USD.   Firsts who reply me and pay me will be the first served with the LPs. 

If you want to get it between Ebay, I will add the Ebay fees, but it´s more expensive. (Ebay fees is about 16,00 more). 

I can send you an invoice by Paypal and we deal directly.   You already dealed with me, we will get no problems.  I´m 481 + feedback on Ebay.)

I attached 02 pictures of the LP… 

If you have any question, just ask me.. 

Hope to hear from you soon. 
