Compilado An old fashioned grindcore assault vol 2 (2005)
01 - Dios Es Inocente
02 - Consumo Cruel
03 - Comunion
04 - Marea De Muerte
05 - Sonreir Al Excremento
06 - La Otra Isla
07 - C.N.P - (Cuerpo Nacional De Policia)
08 - Ignorante
09 - Atrapados En La Red
10 - Nenos Da Guerra
11 - Realidad Educativa
12 - Genocidio Multinacional
13 - Invasion
14 - Cinismo Colateral
15 - Santidade
16 - Somos Todos Humanos
17 - Autoritario
18 - Pessoas Paranoicas
19 - In The Name Of Allah
From The Ashes
20 - Create To Destroy
21 - Chop It Off
22 - Barcode
23 - Maligna
24 - War
25 - I Never Changed
26 - Sangue Nos Campos
27 - Guerra Civil
28 - Desilusao
29 - Atitudes Arbitrarias
Venereal Disease
30 - El Filo De La Cuchilla
31 - El Brillo De La Guadana
32 - Non Daude Zure Ametsak
33 - Ya No Importa Lo Que Vales
34 - Go Crazy And Untitled
35 - Untitled
36 - Irresolute
37 - Fun Scum
38 - Enganadomehas (versión de Denak)
Brutal Death
39 - Nail Gun Execution
40 - LV-426 Conspiracy
41 - Carrion
42 - Dissolving In Bile
43 - Executioner II
Brutal Death
44 - Stand Up
45 - New Fucking Generation
46 - Freedom
47 - Nearing The Final Stage
48 - Color Coded System
49 - Cost Of Our Greed
50 - Plight Of The Few
Japura Noise Project
51 - Japura Noise Project
52 - Morte Aos Vigias
53 - Dressmaker Punk
54 - Violence Therapy
55 - New Slaves Of Capitalism
56 - Abortion
57 - Money (Shit)
58 - Militarism
59 - Road Trip
Torture Incident
60 - Aggresive Dog Attack
61 - Slowly Rotting
62 - Bangsat!!
63 - Tools Of Fool
64 - Ethnocentric
65 - Bullshit Dictator Pt.2
Ladies & Gentlemen
66 - A Fly
67 - Selfdestruction