
Mostrando las entradas con la etiqueta Almorrana DIY records. Mostrar todas las entradas
Mostrando las entradas con la etiqueta Almorrana DIY records. Mostrar todas las entradas

14 de junio de 2018

Nasty fecal aberration by a zombie alien with a big cock while other aliens start the abduction of dead fucking cows (2018)

Split - Fekal Propulsion, Human Aberration, Alien Cow Abduction , DxHxN, Big Cock Zombie, CxFxNxMx - Zombie alien with a big cock while other aliens start the abduction of dead fucking cows (2018)

Split - Nasty fecal aberration by a zombie alien with a big cock while other aliens start the abduction of dead fucking cows (2018)

Fekal Propulsion

01 - Orgasmo intergaláctico
02 - Inseminada artificialmente por un xenomorfo transexual
03 - Beware! Here comes the spacecock!
04 - Scatronaust
05 - Chupacabras is from uranus
06 - Abducido por un ano (invitado  Septicemia)

Human Aberration

07 - Alíen violador
08 - El marciano marrano
09 - Orgia enfermiza en la nave nodriza
10 - Alienigena viola perros
11 - Placer sexual intergaláctico

Alien Cow Abduction

12 - Huevos alienígenas de hitler (Nos destruirán a todos)
13 - Mamada siniestra
14 - Sopa de pus
15 - Ayy' te encargo
16 - Los marcianos asexuales acosadores de pobres vatos
17 - Llenando huequitos
18 - Manipulación masturbatoriamente sucia del bilbu (Pito)


19 - Erotic lesbian fantasy (Alien love futuristic dream)
20 - Abducido para extracción de esperma
21 - Los alienígenas me metieron la verga y me llenaron de su semilla (No homo)
22 - Lolita From interstellar space
23 - Alien porn abduction (invitado Alan de Alien Cow Abduction)
24 - After the squirt she want to scream
25 - The anal and vaginal explorer from asian teens

Big Cock Zombie

26 - 404 X files not found
27 - Abducting milk machine
28 - Surf drugaragua
29 - Guarumo grind party


30 - Upcoming from another world just to suck a human's cock
31 - How to cheat on your gf with an intergalactic tranny monster and don't die in the try (The alien raper)
32 - The japanese tentacles art (A tentacle it's better than a dick)
33 - Sodomy and family love (Incest is not wrong)
34 - The sexperiments of latexxx doktor (The sperm of the universe)
35 - Clean your fuckin' black hole, stupid cunt!!
36 - Intergalactic whore needs the pussy taster cum (Universal sperm)

Editado april 27, 2018
Cybergrind, goregrind, gorenoise, pornogrind
España, México 
Putrefacto records, Almorrana DIY records

6 de marzo de 2018

Accumulation of rotten fluids vol​ 1 (2018)

Compilado - Accumulation of rotten fluids vol​ ​1 (2018)

01 - Pneudomonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcaniconiosis - Kill Kill Kill Finish 01:01
02 - Sebum Excess Production - Sebaceous Gland Produces The Oil Called Sebum 00:49
03 - Sebum Excess Production - Possibly Cancerous Disease In The Face 01:03
04 - Guerrilla - Holocausto 00:49
05 - Guerrilla - HR 01:46
06 - Agonizing Vulva - Organs Stowed Away For The Feast 00:31
07 - Agonizing Vulva - Vomit The Noise 00:35
08 - Necrofibromatosis - Maldita Sea! El Travesti Raptó A El Paralitico Para Chuparle La Pija 00:50
09 - Incision - Cannibal Party 02:30
10 - Stilnox - Malattie Rare 04:37
11 - Fekal Propulsion - Disfrutando Los Pedos De Mi Amigo Perruno 02:15
12 - Blenncardichromodacryexgenitohaemgene - Rape Your Mind 00:40
13 - Blenncardichromodacryexgenitohaemgene - Proses Kehancuran Sel 00:12
14 - Äckel - Dying For Two 00:46
15 - Placentofilia - Fetiches, Aquello De Lo Que Nadie Habla 02:18
16 - Worms - Histeria Irracional Humana 01:45
17 - Inverted Scrotum - I Watch Straight Porn For The Dicks 00:49
19 - 53704 - I Never Can Say Goodbye 01:01
20 - DxHxN - World Annihilation 02:06
21 - FxOxSxA - Issei Sagawa 02:28
22 - FxOxSxA - Centiped Human 03:47
23 - Specimen - Au Seizème Coup De Couteau, Enfin Je Ne La Reconaissait Plus 06:46
24 - Rectal Cancer - Cephalic Purulence 00:16
25 - Rectal Cancer - Bowel Malformation And Suppuration 00:19
26 - Violent Encounter - Hymen Transplantation 01:51
27 - Toxocara Canis - Entrapped Larvae 00:50
28 - Toxocara Canis - Porcum Oculus Interficiam Dimidum 00:53
29 - Millions of dead parazites - Post Mortem Perversions 00:43
30 - Chikara - Nowhere 02:20
31 - Cult Of The True Light - Become A Christian Today Or Burn In Hell Tomorrow 02:58
32 - Encefalocele - Tema 2 01:00
33 - Grind Convulsion - Gen Maligno 03:37
34 - Genoxidio - vulvovaginitis candidiasica de enfermera adicta al crack y sexo anal 01:09
35 - Genoxidio - anorexica farmaco dependiente expuesta a felaciones con vomitos y coagulos de sangre 01:05
36 - 卐 - Hudud blasphemy party 00:41
37 - Parafilia Grotesca - Ano Nuevo 04:08
38 - Social Shit - Splattered Fucked Bitch 02:42
39 - Spirometra erinaceieuropaei - Infested Brain 02:26
40 - Malignus MorttvsS - The Worms Are In Your Mouth 02:48
41 - Coprophagia - Gore Induced Emission 01:19
42 - Carnosaurio - Ellos Nunca Van a Entender Nada 02:33
43 - Caro Data Vermibus - La Putrefacción Avanza 01:32
44 - BZRRO BassPunk feat -  slicendiced THE TOILET (Trokar) 03:38
45 - Oh God Oh Shit - Die In Reality Rot With Your Family 00:46
46 - Oh God Oh Shit - Head Pussy Tits And Hoes 00:13
47 - Paraphimosis - Pedagogic Reconciliation With a Circular Saw 07:34
48 - Mononuchleosis - Smells Like Fetid Corpse 01:02
49 - Acid Grind - Untitled 02:38
50 - Mutated Frog Pussy - Bloody Tadpole 05:36
51 - I, Eternal - Les Amants Terribles 01:01
52 - Autohemorrea - Secretando feromonas en una orgía acrídida 01:22
53 - Autohemorrea - Decapitado por una mantis orquídea (Hymenopus coronatus) 00:36
54 - Bilateral Cadaveric Nephrectomy - Obsessed With Dead People 01:32
55 - E13 - In The Bathub Upstairs 04:50
56 - Sticky's Piggies - Who Let The Hogs Out 03:35
57 - Johnny XfiveX - Visual Cancer (Damage Control Interview) 04:11
58 - Human Aberration - Drink Fart 01:10
59 - Punkdemonium - Verg-UE-nza 02:52
60 - Tanke - Imbecil Entretenimiento 01:24
61 - Equinococosis - Mental Degeneration 00:28
62 - PxDxMxTxRxRxMxRxGx - 8 04:59
63 - Puta Malaria - Fried 01:32
64 - Gorification 13 - Grow 00:58