

Coagvla - Gira transcordillera (2023)

Coagvla - Gira transcordillera (2023)

Coagvla - Gira transcordillera (2023)

Nos fuimoo   
~\( )/\(´O`)/L(‘▽‘)/

13/10 V. Langostura/Arg
16/10 Bariloche/Arg
19/10 Bariloche/Arg
20/10 Bariloche/Arg
21/10 Temuco/Chile
22/10 Concepción/Chile
26/10 Santiago/Chile
28/10 Santiago/Chile
29/10 Mendoza/Arg

Gracias a todxs lxs que nos están ayudando para que salgan esos tokes. Gracias @ciudad_del_vacio nos vemos pronto  

Vamos a ir subiendo más info detallada de cada fecha

No se olviden de ver el videooo ヽ(o´3`o)ノ

  volador x @dj.sbh

Menage à trois (2006)

Split - Bestial Vomit & Engulfed In Flies & Ultimo Mondo Cannibale - Menage à trois (2006)

Split - Bestial Vomit & Engulfed In Flies & Ultimo Mondo Cannibale - Menage à trois (2006)

01 - Engulfed In Flies - I am having ribs
02 - Engulfed In Flies - Impending autopsy
03 - Engulfed In Flies - sludge factory
04 - Engulfed In Flies - Fat bucket
05 - Engulfed In Flies - Hungry morticians
06 - Engulfed In Flies - Lawn furniture
07 - Engulfed In Flies - My pet octopus
08 - Engulfed In Flies - Island of cannibals
09 - Engulfed In Flies - Tied to the lightening rod
10 - Engulfed In Flies - The ventriloquist
11 - Engulfed In Flies - Run from the floodlights
12 - Engulfed In Flies - The wall of teeth
13 - Engulfed In Flies - Buon appetito

14 - Ultimo Mondo Cannibale - Assalto anale
15 - Ultimo Mondo Cannibale - Bananal
16 - Ultimo Mondo Cannibale - Froci
17 - Ultimo Mondo Cannibale - Preti pedofili
18 - Ultimo Mondo Cannibale - Sodoma
19 - Ultimo Mondo Cannibale - Mangia il mio cazzo
20 - Ultimo Mondo Cannibale - Il difensore vaginale
21 - Ultimo Mondo Cannibale - Bevi il mio piscio

22 - Bestial Vomit - Hyanea deficiens
23 - Bestial Vomit - Inconsable seeds of sorrow
24 - Bestial Vomit - No tom
25 - Bestial Vomit - Sexy bar
26 - Bestial Vomit - Shane Embury sucks
27 - Bestial Vomit - Solipsismo
28 - Bestial Vomit - The evocation of platinette
29 - Bestial Vomit - Thou shalt masticate other's scrotum
30 - Bestial Vomit - Vaticinia non exitum
31 - Bestial Vomit - Black Metal
32 - Bestial Vomit - Via/ rue/ STREET pestalooza
33 - Bestial Vomit - Our greatest joy is seeing the expression of studio's owner while bxvx are playing

Split - Engulfed InSplit - Bestial Vomit & Engulfed In Flies & Ultimo Mondo Cannibale - Menage à trois (2006)Split - Bestial Vomit & Engulfed In Flies & Ultimo Mondo Cannibale - Menage à trois (2006) Flies & Ultimo Mondo Cannibale - Menage à trois (2006)

Ruido de tarro - Catálogo (2023)

Ruido de tarro catálogo (2023)

Ruido de tarro catálogo (2023)

Ruido de tarro catálogo (2023)

Ruido de tarro
Diy grindcore label & distro

Catálogo de ediciones  &  &  Release catalog:

[RDT15] Bestial Vomit - S.S.S. (disquete)
[RDT14] Bestial Vomit - 不協和音 (b-card cdr)
[RDT13] Zylog - diskette-00001 (disquete)
[RDT12] Max Vadalá - Punk Rock, (A) y Tinta China vol II (libro)
[RDT11] Split - Herejía & EsE &  Hellga Pataki & Moria Casán & Molesto  & Ignored (caset)
[RDT10] Moria Casán - Ichi  &  Ni (b-card cdr x2) (próximamente)
[RDT09] Buköwski - Tiempo (disquete)
[RDT08] Six-Score - It Could be worse (lp)
[RDT07] Bestial Vomit & Social Chaos - In chaos we vomit (vinilo 10")
[RDT06] Grind Bastards - Discografía bastarda (caset & pro cdr digi)
[RDT05] Moria Casán - Diskette (disquete)
[RDT04] Kamüflasë & Buköwski & Aborto Podre & Escöria - 4 way split (caset & pro CDr)
[RDT03] Aso Naga  &  Buköwski - Split (vinilo 7")
[RDT02] Buköwski - grind on the rocks (caset)
[RDT01] Kubark - Desintegración interior (CD)

Gastrorrexis - Grotesque human disfigurement (2010)

Gastrorrexis - Grotesque human disfigurement (2010)

Gastrorrexis - Grotesque human disfigurement (2010)

01 - Brutality raped 03:50
02 - Thorax deformed 05:35
03 - Endocranial extirpation 03:50
04 - Carnival dismemberment 05:15
05 - Eaten by worms 03:45
06 - Rotten humanity 03:20
07 - Vaginal inhaled 02:50
08 - Broken face 04:27
09 - Anus vermin 03:25
10 - Strangulation 02:00
11 - Torture gore 03:30
12 - Severing stomach 03:50
