

Social Shit - Sounds of destruction (2005)

Social Shit - Sounds of destruction (2003)

Social Shit - Sounds of destruction (2005)

01 - Shit noise 00:41
02 - Without pain 01:58
03 - Impossible mission 01:46
04 - Agony 01:42
05 - It forces supreme 01:58
06 - Wait 02:14
07 - Shorty 00:35
08 - I lost 01:37
09 - Track 01 01:26
10 - Expression 02:05
11 - L.A.R.K - 01:45
12 - Neither a memory 01:44
13 - I will kim them all 01:42
14 - Good night mr. death 02:45
15 - You're dreaming 02:04
16 - What 02:00
17 - The terror 01:55
18 - Suicidal rugbier 01:19
19 - Damned 01:20
20 - Get ready to die 01:30


Social Shit - Sounds of destruction (2005): Personalmente no me gusta el grindcore, ni el black y prácticamente muy poco del death metal, pero eso no quita que sepa reconocer la garra, pasión y buena calidad en cualquiera de estas vetas del metal. Lo de Social Shit es grindcore sin vueltas, con todo lo que ello implica, léase 100% de pudrición y brutalidad general, con absolutamente nada de melodía pero musicalmente hablando con toda la agresividad que el estilo requiere. No se lo recomiendo para los amantes del metal más radical, pero si tal vez a los catadores del viejo death thrash corte Possessed o Destruction.

Fabián de la Torre

Agorafobia - Agorafobia (2019)

Agorafobia -  Agorafobia (2019)

Agorafobia -  Agorafobia (2019)

01 - Silencio interrumpido 01:35
02 - Engendro agorafóbico 00:25
03 - Sombras del futuro 00:15
04 - Tienen miedo 00:27
05 - Cáncer informativo 00:57
06 - Cortina 00:08
07 - Megaminería 00:59
08 - Votar 00:25
09 - Intrascendencia 00:47
10 - Pasti 00:22
11 - Prison without walls (versión de Napalm Death) 00:36
12 - Víctima 00:39
13 - Formas de violencia 00:41
14 - Cortina II 00:12
15 - Podrido por dentro 00:56
16 - Prolapso 01:11
17 - Educación 02:25

Last Days Of Humanity - Putrefaction in progress (2006)

Last Days Of Humanity - Putrefaction in progress (2006)

Last Days Of Humanity - Putrefaction in progress (2006)

01 - Covered with faeces as decoration 00:42
02 - Visible stains slashes & marks of self-disgust 00:23
03 - Sewing up the abdominal rupture for the successive acts of degradation 00:28
04 - Sexually imminent perverted deviant 00:46
05 - Infinitive putrefaction in progress 00:46
06 - A manual of heinous ways in degeneration 00:31
07 - In the wards of large scaled decompositions 00:31
08 - A delightful scenario of depravity 00:39
09 - Equal pleasures in the realms of dehumanisation 00:20
10 - Intrigue redolence inside putridity 00:30
11 - Immersing the body in a cesspool of lye as a satisfying method 00:46
12 - Deliberate full corporal slicing with a cleaverv 00:41
13 - The general attributes for partial trunk separation 00:47
14 - Careless utterly dissected 00:43
15 - Irresistible fixation of the human disarray 00:39
16 - Corroded hookworm phenomenon 00:49
17 - A demonstration in disassembling the bodily numbless 00:39
18 - Fragrant facial purulence 00:37
19 - Carnivorous nausea 00:13
20 - Slithered limbs (Adorable congestion of body remnants) 00:40
21 - Gradually cut up under a series of light sedations 00:50
22 - Continual septic waste 00:45
23 - The beauty of perfection in sensible cruelty 00:40
24 - Allowing the carvings for mutual compassion 00:06
25 - Driven by motivations of gracious hatred 00:39
26 - Disconnected the cranium with a sense of peculiar interest 00:55
27 - Emerging fungus during gastric pressures 00:39
28 - Some edible innard fragments of digest 00:31
29 - Accepted foulness amongst the humane 00:09
30 - Proceed the mass lite disposal without compassion 00:26
31 - Saw down the remaining carbonised bit 00:30
32 - Precisely eviscerated and conserved in a formaldehyde-methanol solutionv0:27
33 - Exceeded in a frenzied mayhem 00:16
34 - Congenital interior defects 00:27
35 - Persuaded in legalized cannibalism 00:30
36 - Educative treatment in torture, abuse & finally beheading 00:16
37 - The hatched justifies the means 00:17
38 - Behold the freshness of tenderised human meat 00:31
39 - Prolapsed transpired bowel junk 00:17
40 - Preservation of headless carrion 00:19
41 - A divine proclamation of finishing the present existence 03:11


Speed & thrash Alcatraz (2022)

Festival Speed & thrash Alcatraz (2022)

Death Angel


Combat Noise - Anthems of carnage (2013)

Combat Noise - Anthems of carnage (2013)

Combat Noise - Anthems of carnage (2013)

01 - At dawn... before the clash of armies
02 - Slave's grinder
03 - Raped by the bayonets
04 - Butchering the spaniard infantry
05 - Death before dishonour
06 - Battle hymn (1868)
07 - Walking the war ways
08 - Forward to conquer
09 - The call of duty
10 - Leading the massacre



Los muertos no mueren (2019)

Película Los muertos no mueren (2019)

La metamorfosis (1915)

Libro Franz Kafka - La metamorfosis (1915)

Necrocannibalistic Vomitorium - Fiasko sexualnoy morali (2005)

Necrocannibalistic Vomitorium - Fiasko sexualnoy morali (2005)

01 - Marsh blohi 01:43
02 - Zhyzn govno 01:22
03 - Interesny sluchay 01:32
04 - Utehi Sad 01:21
05 - Buduarna filosofia 00:40
06 - Lyalkove porno 02:23
07 - Poyio, kama ta gimno 01:08
08 - Poliovulyatsiya 01:51
09 - Dolboyob ded moroz 00:56
10 - Chto za zhyzn? 01:01
11 - Velo-falo-imitator 01:29
12 - Psihopatichny chelovek 01:07
13 - Kishechnik izobiliy 01:01
14 - Malvina 02:20
15 - Besserdechnaya zhestokost 02:03
16 - Skrytye zhelaniya 01:58
17 - Nepristoyny protsess 01:45
18 - Dvoynoe naslazhdenie 01:20
19 - Kunnilingus 01:19
20 - Oplodotvoritel 02:21
21 - Muzhik ty lli gey? 00:55
22 - Ya yob tebya na sene 03:08
23 - Zverinye povadki 01:21
24 - Goluboe tango 01:21


Necrocannibalistic Vomitorium - Fiasko sexualnoy morali (2005)

Necrocannibalistic Vomitorium - Fiasko sexualnoy morali (2005)

Necrocannibalistic Vomitorium - Fiasko sexualnoy morali (2005)

Necrocannibalistic Vomitorium - Fiasko sexualnoy morali (2005)