

Ecliptic Sunset - ...from these dried lands (2003)

Ecliptic Sunset - ...from these dried lands (2003)

Ecliptic Sunset - ...from these dried lands (2003)

01 - Sanre voukods lak act I 03:50
02 - Sanre voukods lak act II 04:27
03 - Gales of tragedy 05:15
04 - My place in the dark 04:04
05 - Tears far away 02:48
06 - Deprimenthia 10:37
07 - In nomine Nosferatu 04:34
08 - Demons 02:53
09 - I belong to my loneliness 03:20
10 - Reflection 00:38

Ecliptic Sunset - ...from these dried lands (2003)

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