

Chochos y Moscas - Early years vol. II (2015)

01 - i love the impact of variable and low load operation on wet gas desulfurization and waste water, including trace metal specification and flow rates with suggested hadouken strategies 00:02

02 - Mari Carmen, you stole my multiphase porous medium transport model with distributed sublimation front to simulate vacuum freeze drying 00:02

03 - enhanced biodegradation of groundwater recirculation in a aquifer with dramatic seasonal groundwater elevation fluctuations for christmas 00:03

04 - with your big ears you are extending the angular coverage of near-field mearsurements by combining patterns from two or more antenna orientations 00:02

05 - real-time control of active power filter under distorted grid voltage and unbalanced load condition using self-tuning filter are more beautiful than a bird of dazzling feathers 00:03

06 - acoustic leak detection inspection tools have become a common technique to identify pipeline leakage before the leak can become a larger problem to our love 00:05

07 - my grandfather is always finding a probabilistic approach of space objects detection from non-resolved optical observation 00:03

08 - when i told you the directions for soldering copper beryllium and copper nickel for electronic applications you never listen to me 00:03

09 - in my dreams i always see a generalized approach for harmonics and unbalanced current compensation through inverter interfaced nocilla generator 00:03

2 comentarios:

  1. http://chochosymoscas.bandcamp.com/album/early-years-vol-ii

  2. http://www.4shared.com/zip/oE901u47ba/Chochos_y_Moscas_-_early_years.html?
