

Hefeystos - Psycho café (1998)

Hefeystos - Psycho café (1998)

Hefeystos - Psycho café (1998)

01 - Love is the law
02 - Our lady of the whores
03 - Credo/3 is the key/
04 - Away
05 - U gonna bleed 4 me
06 - Everyone is a star  (Letra de Aleister Crowley)
07 - Rats
08 - Adoration of the earth
09 - Thursday evening
10 - The kingdom is mine
11 - Psycho café

1 comentario:

  1. https://mega.co.nz/#!69QkHJ6T!d_oHs5tVzMFEasSDaKG55qqLNRoPT7nUSn4jjVoO-z4
