

Destroying the moshpit - Vol 1 (2015)

Compilado - All About the Rock presentes - Destroying the moshpit - Vol 1 (2015)

01 - Bro Jovi - The heist 01:58
02 - Arkiva - Final solace 03:54
03 - Nothgard - Age of pandora 04:58
04 - Arrival of Autumn - Shadows 04:10
05 - Black Tower - Death march 04:15
06 - Cyrence - The hospital 06:47
07 - OMV - As heavy as the sky 03:32
08 - Halo Creation - Through the looking glass 05:10
09 - MUTANK - Corporate child 02:35
10 - Pravitas - Queen nothing 04:04
11 - Premortal Breath - Fuck my brain 05:40
12 - Psychostick - So heavy 04:48
13 - Witch of the Waste - I bet you're wondering what I'm doing with this here gas can 03:52
14 - Vintage Warlords - The invisible foe 06:40
15 - Dead Earth Politics - Men become gods 05:15
16 - My Wooden Pillow - The line 04:10
17 - Cave Of Swimmers - The prince of the power of the air 06:36
18 - Moodhoover - Drop jesus 06:32
19 - The Kahless Clone - Everything you see Is gone 05:54

1 comentario:

  1. https://allabouttherock.bandcamp.com/album/destroying-the-moshpit-vol-1
