

Obscene extreme (2019)

Obscene extreme (2019)

Obscene extreme (2019)

New poster!!! l Nový plakát!!!

Help us with promotion, invite your friends and share where you can!!! Thank you!!! l Pomozte nám s promotion, pozvěte kámoše/kámošky a šiřte kde se dá!!! Děkujeme!!!

July 3-7 Červenec, 2019
Trutnov - Battlefield
Czech republic


FB EVENT: www.facebook.com/events/423190458192305/

Repulsion + Cannibal Corpse + Siege + Municipal Waste + Dropdead + GBH + Lowlife + Misery Index + Dropdead + Psycroptic + Rot + Vomitory + Negative Approach + Schirenc Plays Pungent Stench + Oi Polloi + Vitamin X + Deranged + Forward + Fleas and Lice + Gorgasm + Milking the Goatmachine + Sublime Cadaveric Decomposition + Warhead + Disavowed + Fecal Addiction + Stillbirth + Purulent Spermcanal + Abnormality + Holy Co$t + Nerve Grind + Bradi Cerebri Ectomia + V.A.R. + Catastrofy + Suffering Quota + Brutal Sphincter + Bütcher + Insanity Alert + Indian Nightmare + N.V.U. + Darkhorse + Cenotaph + Mr Marcaille + Anti-System + Trituration + Invidiosus + The Public + Sobras del Descontento + Gutslit + Podrido + Cryptic Void + Paracoccidioidomicosisproctitissarcomucosis + Tantalum + Implore + Ugrakarma + Clitgore + Scandal + Mar de Rabia + Active Minds + Little Puppy Princess + Cruel Face + Final Flag + Noisem + Urtikaria Anal + Viscera Infest + How Long? + Cartilage + Suppression + Insistent + Adacta + Telex 2019 + Crippled Fox + Makkmat + Pulmonary Fibrosis + Accion Mutante + more bands from all over the world!!!

PUNK AS FUCK Fest on Wednesday night + FREAK fest + FREAK shows!!!

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