

United nations of grindcore (2020)

United nations of grindcore (2020)

Compilado - United nations of grindcore (2020)

01 - Buköwski - Vagabundo (Agentina) 01:38
02 - Abu Ghraib - Hot box (Australia) 01:12
03 - Distaste - Patriarchetyp (Austria) 02:15
04 - Agathocles - Right up (Bélgica) 00:35
05 - Indignación - A los guerreros del ALF (Bolivia) 01:34
06 - Baga - Carcaça (Brasil) 01:28
07 - Corpse - Lesh (Bulgaria) 01:55
08 - Burdizzo - Dramautomaton (Canadá) 01:19
09 - Orden 66 - Cosmic torment (Chile) 02:26
10 - Struggle Session - Salvador (China) 00:27
11 - Líbranos del Mal - Toda (Colombia) 01:59
12 - Garbage Display - Bidet (Croacia) 00:36
13 - Insistent - Rust (República Checa) 00:57
14 - Fordærv - Tsunami (Dinamarca) 01:28
15 - Mentor Grind - Caos (ECU) 01:43
16 - Conflicto - Ttrickle down economics (Eslovenia) 00:38
17 - Nothing Clean - High on guilt (Inglaterra) 00:42
18 - Jörr - Kariibi mere persepiraadid (Estonia) 00:56
19 - Goatburner - Violent redeemer (Finlandia) 02:07
20 - Mutilation of Mind - Doomsday's coming (Francia) 01:52
21 - Xspig - Life/Time (Alemania) 00:48
22 - Vile Species - Σημαίες, λάβαρα (Grecia) 01:23
23 - Septic Agressor - Social war (Guatemala) 02:23
24 - Jack - Ludmila (Hungría) 00:54
25 - Manfilth - Glitch (India) 01:20
26 - Downgrade - Di tembaki di gebuki (Indonesia) 00:36
27 - Bloody Sadism - Pregnant cunt (Irán) 01:58
28 - Wardomized - Land of division (Irlanda) 01:43
29 - Xloreax - Circle pit (Israel) 01:36
30 - Subhuman Hordes - Spit on your face (Italia) 01:48
31 - Formless Master - Cut down at sunset (Japón) 00:48
32 - Disforija - Chirurgo nagai (Lituania 01:45
33 - Restu Ibu - The changing human brain (Marruecos) 00:58
34 - Zebú - Mesías de sangre (México) 01:49
35 - Diatribe Devourer - Gloomy ridden (Nepal) 00:28
36 - Collision - Frozen in terror (Países Bajos) 01:24
37 - Bulk Bogan - Existence is a fucking chore (Nueva Zelandia) 00:20
38 - Tottal Tømming - Vredens vondeste venn (Noruega) 02:12
39 - Disincarnated - Shut up! (Paraguay) 01:34
40 - Audiotrauma - Muerte al bastardo fascista (Perú) 00:57
41 - Ascariasis - Fuck you all (Filipinas) 00:53
42 - HIV - Same shit, different name (Polonia) 00:54
43 - Grog - Suck 4 a buck... don't be a slut (Portugal) 01:27
44 - Martyr's Tongue - Stricken wasteland (Puerto Rico) 00:48
45 - Treasondom - Everyone is dead or dying (Rumania) 01:52
46 - Tuunbaq - Souleaters (Rusia) 02:00
47 - Insufferable - Ignorance (Escocia) 01:05
48 - Analizator - Bacite me svinjama (Serbia) 01:26
49 - <<<30s - Toxic people...toxic minds (Singapur) 00:36
50 - Glista - Do it yourself (Eslovenia) 02:32
51 - Skinstripper - Virtual excess (Sudáfrica) 01:24
52 - Dissektist - Neglected holocAustraliat (Corea) 01:26
53 - Himura - Alerta biológica (España) 01:37
54 - Grid - I ruinerna av vår ensamhet (Suecia) 01:23
55 - Exorbitant Prices Must Diminish - Dimanche on vote (Suiza) 00:34
56 - Failure Trace - Bushmeat pleaze (Tailandia) 00:58
57 - Noise Nest - Skewed balance (Turquía) 01:25
58 - Statist - Pseudowarriors (Ucrania) 00:43
59 - Chittagong - Andar de cara (Uruguay) 00:23
60 - Berated - Failure (Estados Unidos) 00:39
61 - Rauma - Doble discurso (Venezuela) 01:41


2 comentarios:

  1. https://thehillsaredead.bandcamp.com/album/united-nations-of-grindcore-2020-2?fbclid=IwAR3wN9wN0MXZXwFadOwhFu8gI26EujDMdGzmkYoXUkZ64oD-EtlePBWL6yI

  2. https://thehillsaredead.bandcamp.com/album/united-nations-of-grindcore-2020-2
