
Mejores discos internacionales de grindcore (2019)

 Mejores discos internacionales de grindcore (2019)

Mejores discos internacionales de grindcore 2019

Human Effluence - Promo 2019 (2019)

Human Effluence - Promo 2019 (2019)

Intensive Care & Incinerated - Split (2019)

Intensive Care & Incinerated - Split (2019)

Sulfuric Cautery - Chainsaws clogged with the underdeveloped brain matter of xenophobes (2019)

Sulfuric Cautery - Chainsaws clogged with the underdeveloped brain matter of xenophobes (2019) 

Split - Headless Death & Radiation Vomit (2019

Split - Headless Death & Radiation Vomit (2019)

Vomi Noir - Les myasmes de la deliquescence (2019)

Vomi Noir - Les myasmes de la deliquescence (2019)

Shrivel Up - Shrivel up (2019)

Shrivel Up - Shrivel up (2019)

Morgue Breath - Postrarse frente la flema (2019)

Morgue Breath - Postrarse frente la flema (2019)

Split - Heinous & SxOxTxEx - Apprehended dead & Information era paranoia (2019)

Split - Heinous & SxOxTxEx - Apprehended dead & Information era paranoia (2019)

Split - Heinous & SxOxTxEx - Apprehended dead & Information era paranoia (2019)

Gag Reflex - Psychosis (2019)

Gag Reflex - Psychosis (2019)

Colostomy Spacebag - Gore in space (2019)

Colostomy Spacebag - Gore in space (2019)

First Days Of Humanity - Remains (2019)

First Days Of Humanity - Remains (2019)

Blue Holocaust - Flesh for the cannibal god (2019)

Blue Holocaust - Flesh for the cannibal god (2019)

Fluids - Bagged & tagged (2019)

Fluids - Bagged & tagged (2019)

Savage - No escape (2019)

Savage - No escape (2019)

Internal Rot - Hack session (2019)

Internal Rot - Hack session (2019)

Necrotic Liquefaction - Necrotic liquefaction (2019)

Necrotic Liquefaction - Necrotic liquefaction (2019)

Burnt Decay - Demo 2019 (2019)

Burnt Decay - Demo 2019 (2019)

Inopexia - Амбиции Приматов (2019)

Inopexia - Амбиции Приматов (2019)

Needle - Needle (2019)

Needle - Needle (2019)

Girth - Scream bloody girth (2019)

Girth - Scream bloody girth (2019)

Mejores discos internacionales de grindcore (2019)

1 comentario:

  1. Mejores discos de grindcore 2019

    Human Effluence - Promo 2019 (2019) https://vk.com/doc-55227184_497858662

    Intensive Care & Incinerated - Split (2019) https://vk.com/doc-55227184_500668535

    Sulfuric Cautery - Chainsaws clogged with the underdeveloped brain matter of xenophobes (2019) https://www.mediafire.com/file/7ujw1rxsudamkvs/Sulfuric_Cautery_-_Chainsaws_Clogged_With_The_Underdeveloped_Brain_Matter_Of_Xenophobes.zip/file

    Headless Death & Radiation Vomit - Social capitalist grindcore & Flesh & fats (2019) https://www.mediafire.com/file/kiu83b98vpk84s2/HDRV-19-Split.rar/file

    Vomi Noir - Les myasmes de la deliquescence (2019) https://www.mediafire.com/file/rqf1eoviq7v7k9g/VN-19-LMdlD.rar/file

    Shrivel Up - Shrivel up (2019) https://shrivelup.bandcamp.com/album/s-t

    Morgue Breath - Postrarse frente la flema (2019) https://www.mediafire.com/file/n0s1kxf8i039005/Morgue_Breath-Postrarse_Frente_La_Flema_%28320%29.zip/file

    Heinous & SxOxTxEx - Apprehended dead & Information era paranoia (2019) https://acidreduxproductions.bandcamp.com/album/apprehended-dead-information-era-paranoia

    Gag Reflex - Psychosis (2019) https://gagfuckingreflex.bandcamp.com/album/psychosis

    Colostomy Spacebag - Gore in space (2019) https://www.mediafire.com/file/m4epii9rg6dv9u8/Colostomy_Spacebag_-_Gore_In_Space_EP.zip/file

    First Days Of Humanity - Remains (2019) https://firstdaysofhumanity.bandcamp.com/album/remains

    Blue Holocaust - Flesh for the cannibal god (2019) https://www.mediafire.com/file/gajcj774y9r2zma/2019_-_Flesh_For_The_Cannibal_God_DGC320.zip/file

    Fluids - Bagged & tagged (2019) https://www.mediafire.com/file/9hakaiiflo3664a/Bagged_%26_Tagged_Demo.rar/file

    Savage - No escape (2019) https://yadi.sk/d/jP_tQq4FYNbUcg

    Internal Rot - Hack session (2019) https://vk.com/doc-55227184_499037411

    Necrotic Liquefaction - Necrotic liquefaction (2019) https://vk.com/doc-55227184_499591752

    Burnt Decay - Demo 2019 (2019) https://burntdecay.bandcamp.com/album/demo-2019

    Inopexia - Амбиции Приматов (2019) https://inopexia.bandcamp.com/album/--6

    Needle - Needle (2019) https://ulozto.net/file/t9o5Yj9LXVd8/u2ndl19seitd-rar

    Girth - Scream bloody girth (2019) https://girthcore666.bandcamp.com/album/scream-bloody-girth
