

Acute Necrotizing Pancreatitis - Surgical debridement: Necrosectomy (2020)

Acute Necrotizing Pancreatitis - Surgical debridement: Necrosectomy (2020)

Acute Necrotizing Pancreatitis - Surgical debridement: Necrosectomy (2020)

01 - Intro #1 01:03
02 - The underlying pathogenetic mechanisms acting during The Course of the disease, leading to acinus cell necroses and propagation of necrotizing inflammation 02:26
03 - Primary therapy of severe necrotizing pancreatitis (SNP) consists of a conservative intensive care treatment, aiming at fluid replacement, sufficient analgesia, and prevention of organ failure 01:26
04 - Intro #2 01:25
05 - The operation should be undertaken as late as possible, when necroses have been ceased, viable and nonviable tissues are well demarcated, and infected necrotic tissues are “walled off” 02:31
06 - Surgical therapy was indicated as a desperate attempt to reverse the disease's lethal course and lower its dramatically high mortality rates 02:47
07 - Intro #3 00:59
08 - Full Name Trx click info! 01:51
09 - Full Name Trx clik info! 02:53


1 comentario:

  1. https://javertnihil.bandcamp.com/album/surgical-debridement-necrosectomy
