

Mejores discos - Thrash y death metal vieja escuela

Seis discos de thrash y death metal vieja escuela

Seis discos de thrash y death metal vieja escuela

Seis discos de thrash y death metal vieja escuela

Sepultura - Beneath the remains (1989)

Sepultura - Beneath the remains (1989)

Ripping Corpse - Dreaming with the dead (1991)

Ripping Corpse - Dreaming with the dead (1991)

Possessed - Seven churches (1985)

Karma - Fear of destiny (1994)   No es vieja escuela XD!!!

No es vieja escuela XD!!!

Incubus / Opprobrium - Serpent temptation (1988)

Incubus / Opprobrium - Serpent temptation (1988)

Escabios - Necesidad extrema... despreciable realidad (1992)

Epidemic - Decameron (1992)

Cancer - Death shall rise (1991)

Cancer - Death shall rise (1991)

Seis discos de thrash y death metal vieja escuela

Seis discos de thrash y death metal vieja escuela

1 comentario:

  1. Sepultura - Beneath the remains (1989) https://metalbrazuca.blogspot.com/2020/04/sepultura-beneath-remains-1989.html

    Cancer - Death shall rise (1991) https://mega.nz/file/Hk8kRQYQ#jnUT8z4ZmTSPcleFfrph95YA4LDgaW3SQq4WggJOhKU

    Epidemic - Decameron (1992) https://mega.nz/file/rDBGTJgb#vNtKm-ieQyt0RhP7Fzg1Xipw8QWIjpRCqewvbAviJoY

    Escabios - Necesidad extrema (Despreciable realidad) (1992) https://www.mediafire.com/file/dfx5m1n6zmx9um5/1992_-_Necesidad_Extrema_%28Despreciable_Realidad%29.rar/file

    Incubus / Opprobrium - Serpent temptation (1988)

    Karma - Fear of destiny (1994) https://www.4shared.com/get/BsteKaPq/Karma_-_Fear_Of_Destiny__1994_.html

    Karma - Fear of destiny (1994) https://www.4shared.com/rar/BsteKaPq/Karma_-_Fear_Of_Destiny__1994_.html?fbclid=IwAR1ws3uU22WrDMKiNngiaPkI1wsZgFkTCl19hLMujl4cgdrHv_wURvbJoOs_aem_AQJX2_uiSKUkxAJuO-GY8xT4yb0oB0zTBDMYPpklll33D9TaSvqtNTQkE_JPdu_TMsOcKge-0Ul1_V5VU5UvbMAx

    Possessed - Seven churches (1985) https://mega.nz/file/VpJAlAhI#soGfIMFMKOqm3CttE-ynUSHkaQasQP2WOB2kY0pAN4Y

    Ripping Corpse - Dreaming with the dead (1991)

    Sepultura - Beneath the remains (1989) https://www.mediafire.com/?gtz3iz5yr5i
