Compilado - Memorias de muerte II (2004)
01 - Bokrug – Intro
02 - Bokrug - A taste of morbidity
03 - Bokrug - Soulpuker
04 - Bokrug - Lust of the bitch witch
05 - Bokrug - Damned blood
06 - Bokrug - Rotten eyes of t´yog
07 - Angkor - Blasfemacion
08 - Angkor - Ultratumba
09 - Angkor - Oscuridad eterna
10 - Inhumation - War gases... chemical holocaust
11 - Inhumation - Neurotoxin across the cerebral endothellium
12 - Inhumation - Methyl mercury
13 - Inhumation - Dioxin engendration in p.c.b. pyrolisis
14 - Inhumation - Transcutaneous pharmacological compounds
15 - Inhumation - Chronic encelopathy and organic solvents
16 - Inhumation - Gamma-hexane
17 - 1917 - Piel de mártir, carne de asesino
18 - 1917 - Tierra de sueños muertos
19 - Oaken Throne - Winds of war
20 - Oaken Throne - Echo of a distant glory
21 - Raza Nativa - Estirpe aborigen
22 - Raza Nativa - Sangrando cultura
23 - Slaine - En el medio de la nada
24 - Slaine - Buenos rumbos
25 - Vision - Escaping from the reality
26 - Vision - From but there
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